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2023-08-03 15:36:46

$0.003 “PER CLICK” Not ClickBait 🤑I Made $965.36🤑 - How To Make Money Online 2023

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So you can see on my screen , it says ending from clicks .

You can see for the last 30 days .

It actually says it's $965 just from clicks alone .

And this thing here means that you are actually getting people to click on your stuff or you can even click them by yourself if you can click as much time as possible and you're gonna be getting the money rolling in right here .

So I'm gonna walk you guys through step by step how this money was made here .

But first of all , if you know me here on my channel , I like to reload my screen .

So I'll go ahead and click on the top here where it says load and when I click on reload , it's going to bring me back here .

And I'm gonna come down here , you can see it's still and then from clicks over $695 right here .

So you can click on go to wallets to withdraw your money .

But before I show you guys how to do all those things right here , I'm just gonna go ahead and show you guys how to make even more money .

Because if you come here right now , you can see that for just two clicks right here .

You can see what we're getting paid right here .

And normally you're supposed to be making $0.003 per click that you make or per click that anybody else makes on your link .

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And if you're gonna stay with me here on this video , I'm gonna go ahead and show you guys how you can make double the money , which is $0.006 for the same amount of clicks .

That means you can actually be making double what other people are making right here .

So for 69 clicks , you guys , we're getting paid this amount of money right here and I'm gonna show you guys how to make even double the money right here .

If you're going to stick with me on this video and now that I've shown you guys all that , I would also like to mention here that what I'm going to show you here is gonna work worldwide .

No matter where you are in the world , doesn't matter if you're in the United States or in South Africa or in or in New Zealand .

This is going to work for you from wherever you are on the world and this can work from your phone and it can also work from your laptop as long as you have access to the internet , which I believe you have because you are watching this video and I am sure that you can do this no matter your age , even if you're 14 , 12 , 18 , 2065 no matter your age , you're gonna be able to get this thing done .

And I'm going to show you guys how to set everything up so that you can start receiving your money from wherever you are in the world .

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But before all those things make sure you leave me like on this video and comments down below saying that if you actually did this method , I'm gonna teach you right now and actually made your 1st $1000 from this .

What would you do with the money ?

Would you invest the money or would you go out there and spend the money on what you need ?

Just let me know down below in the comments , what you would do with this money if you finally get this money the way I'm gonna show you right here right now .

And also before I get into the video , I want you to stay away from scammers that are going to be down below in the comments section because there are gonna be people down below in the comments who are gonna be comments and stuff like this .

You see on the screen right now telling you to give them money , they're gonna message you either on Telegram or whatsapp or in the comments down below , please .

If anyone is messaging you on whatsapp or Telegram .

Please delete their number , block them , report them to you to those people who are not me .

They are simply scammers that are trying to get your money from you and I don't want anyone getting scammed here .

So what you should actually do next is to go down below in the description after watching this video and follow me on Twitter .

Also follow me on Instagram links are going to be down below in the description and why you should follow me there is because I do give your way on here .

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What I do is that whenever I need to post a video on my youtube channel for every 48 hours , the first person who tags me on either Twitter or Instagram is gonna be getting $100 from me .

So if you want to be one of the people who will stand the chance of winning that money , go ahead and follow your boy on Twitter , follow your boy on Instagram and please make sure you are following the real accounts .

Like I said after watching this video , you can go down below in the description , the links are going to be down below in the description .

And also before we get into the video , if it's your first time seeing me here on the internet , my name is Daniel .

Um and you can see my channel here .

What I do is that I make most of my money on the internet .

And I teach the methods that I do here on my channel .

So you can see a couple of videos here from the past few days .

So if you're new here , go ahead and hit the red subscribe button , turn on notifications be black .

So that whenever I drop a new video here , talking about new methods that's working right now , you're gonna get notified by youtube saying that , hey , Daniel just dropped the video .

You're gonna be first to watch , first to learn and first to start doing what I'm teaching .

So now I believe you must have liked the video , comment it down below telling me what you would do with the $1000 .

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And I also believe you must have followed me on Twitter , follow me on Instagram , subscribe to my channel , turn on notifications .

And I also believe that you now know that you should stay away from anyone that's down below in the comments using my profile picture to reply you trying to get money from you or trying to tell you to message them on whatsapp .

And now that I know that you know all these things I will now get right into the video , which is where I'm gonna walk you guys through everything , step by step .

And just to mention here , there are gonna be four steps in the video video .

And like I said earlier , if you're gonna stick with me here at a particular point in the video , I'm gonna show you what you can do to make even double the amount of money you're supposed to be making cause no more people who are just gonna watch the video are gonna be making 0.003 per click .

But you , if you can stick with me here at some point in the video , I'm gonna show you how to make 0.006 .

Meaning that you're gonna be making double what other people are supposed to be making .

So please pay close attention to everything .

I'm gonna teach you guys here .

Ok , guys .

So we're gonna get right into step one and step one is where we're gonna go ahead and create an account on a site called stripe dot com .

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So we have to set up the payment method first because Stripe is how they're gonna pay your money right here .

After doing the method , I'm going to show you in this video .

So when you go over to stripe dot com on your browser , it's gonna look like what you see on your screen here .

I'm just gonna walk you guys through a quick overview on how you can actually set up an account on Stripe .

So that withdrawing your money once you start getting paid here isn't gonna be an issue for you .

So what you have to do is to come here where it says sign in when you go over to Stripe and when you click on where it says sign in , it is gonna bring you here where it's gonna say you should put in your email and your password , but most of you guys won't already have an account .

So what you do is you scroll down here and actually go to where it says don't have an account sign up .

So when you go to the click on the part where it says sign up and when you click on the page where it says sign up , what's gonna happen is that it's gonna bring us into this place right here .

So looking at here , it's gonna ask you for your email .

So what you do is you put in your email address , right ?

It's just gonna ask you for your full name .

So for me , I'm gonna put in my full name right here and after putting in your name , it's gonna ask you for your country .

So click on here , you're gonna see the available countries , right ?

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And if your country is not on the list here , what you do is you go over to Google search for Dink to and when you search for Di Tone on Google , come to the first one that says Dink to dot me .

And when you click on there , what's gonna happen is that it's gonna take you into Dink to which is a site where you can actually complete offers and actually get phone numbers that you can use .

So you can get a phone number from any of these countries right here .

Be Australia , Austria , Belgium , Brazil , Bulgaria , any of them right here and actually use the phone number to sign up .

So for me right now I'm gonna pretend that I'm in the United Kingdom .

So I'm gonna select the United Kingdom and I'm going to select a password right here .

So go ahead and choose a password .

Make sure you choose something you're gonna remember .

And once you're done , click on here and when you click on here , you're gonna go ahead and click on where it says create account .

And when you click on create account , they're gonna like take you through a verification process which is a path where they send you an email and you click on the email and after clicking on the email , you're gonna have to like put in your phone number at some point inside the stripe dashboard .

And that is pretty much simple .

You can get a phone number from Dink to here .

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I don't want this video to get very long , which is why I'm not gonna like show you guys how to do this one here .

There are tutorials on youtube about di Tone right here .

So now that I'll show you guys how to sign up on Stripe , we're gonna move on to step two of this tutorial .

Ok , guys .

So always too much time we're gonna get right into step two and this is the site right here .

So you can see it's easy to use story creation tools , it says , and money from your reads , tips and challenges .

Now , what we're gonna be doing here is we're gonna just be ending from the reads .

That , that means whenever people click on our links , no matter who we're gonna be getting paid by click right here .

So it's not a site where you click on ads .

It's a site where you just get money for people clicking your links on your stories .

But I'm gonna show you guys how to set everything up right here .

But basically on , on to the site , you go ahead and click on where it says join at the top right here at the top right hand corner , you're gonna see where it's gonna say join .

So when you click on join right there , it's gonna ask you for your name .

It's gonna ask you for your email and the password and it's already put in my email and my password here because I already have an account here .

I've had an account here for a long time , but I'm gonna go ahead and show you guys how to set up an account step by step .

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So here right now , you go ahead and put in your name .

So I'm gonna put in Danielle right here .

So here you're gonna have to put in our email address .

So I'm gonna go ahead and put in my email address right there and now you put in your email address , just go ahead and select a password , please make sure you select something you're gonna remember always .

So I'm gonna put in my password right here and once I put a password in , go ahead and click on where it says sign up .

So when you click on where it says sign up , what they're gonna do is they're gonna take us into our account , right ?

So when you bring us into our account , you're gonna see where it's gonna say top stories .

That's what it's gonna say right here .

But basically now that we're inside here , you're gonna go ahead and check your email .

When you check your email address , you're gonna see where it's gonna say confirm your email address .

So what you do is you go ahead and click on where it says confirm your email address here .

It's gonna say confirm your account link , not walk in past the following link .

So if this link doesn't work , you paste this one that's down below here .

But for now , we'll go ahead and click on where it says confirm your account .

And when you click on where it says confirm your account , you're gonna be taken into the platform again .

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You can see it still says top stories right here and it says your email has been confirmed .

It's gonna say green at the top right here .

And once you've done that right there , that is the end of step two we actually have created an account on the main site right now .

And Step one also created an account on Stripe , which is the payment method we're going to use to receive money from this site right here .

And now in step two , we've created an account on the site itself and now that we're done with step two .

Now , in step three , what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna go ahead and actually post stories on the site because when you post those stories , you get the link and when people are clicking on those links , either people or you yourself , you're gonna , you getting paid , right ?

So I'm gonna show you guys how to create a story for yourself on the site .

So what we do is we go over to Google and we simply just think of a random topic and just uh uh um find a story about it right there .

So you can go ahead and be like um tricks to make your dog smarter , right ?

Just find anything at all and uh post it on Google .

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So you can see that there are people here writing articles on 12 ways to make your dogs smarter .

People are writing seven simple ways to make your dogs smarter .

This one says this proven methods to make your dog smarter .

So what we do is we go ahead and open up one of these articles right here .

So for example , this one here called 12 way to make your dog smarter and happier .

You can go ahead and click on the article and when you click on the article right there , we're gonna go ahead and open up something else .

So just go on to Google and simply search for spin bot .

When you search for spin bot , you're gonna see spin bot dot com .

This one right here at the top .

So we go ahead and click on that one right there and spin bot is a tool that's gonna help us write these people's doc page into our own page .

So what we do is we go ahead and save this image first of all , because we're gonna be using the image to set up our own story .

So just click on save , save the image to your computer .

And when you save the image , just come here right now and actually copy the contents that these guys have here .

So just copy the content uh paste here , paste , give us space .

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Come back to this particular article , scroll down here , copy the number one tip right here .

So when you copy that go into spin bots and paste , now you Croll down here as well .

Go back into the article .

We're trying to copy , copy the number two tip right there .

When you copy that go into spin board and actually paste right there , then scroll down again and come back here and actually um come here right now and copy these things right here and uh paste right here and actually come here right now .

Go back here and copy these tips and paste .

So you guys get the point , just copy someone's article and paste it into spin board .

And when you're done , go ahead and click on what it says .

Basic spin .

When you click on what it says , basic spin , what's gonna happen is that it's gonna rewrite this thing for us right here .

So if you look here , it says worried your dog may be bored and not learning enough .

You can see that this new one is saying first year can I might be exhausted and not learning enough ?

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So it's basically them just using different languages to actually write the same article for us .

So what we do is we go ahead and copy this article right now , click on copy the one that we have spawned with spin board and go back into the site that we're gonna be making the money from .

When you go to the site at the top left corner right here , you're gonna see where it's gonna say create story .

So go ahead and click on where it says create story .

When you click on where it says create story , you can see the submission guidelines right here .

So it's gonna say submit good quality content that is engaging to read , only submit contents you own .

That is why we had to spin these people's content to be new content so that we make sure we own the contents .

Then here it says we should use high quality photos , which is why I told you guys to save the images from these particular articles right here and use them in your own .

And then back here , it says that we should actually respect intellectual property of others .

And now that you guys know all those things , go ahead and click on .

I understand and I agree , then click on what you say , start creating stories right there .

So he is gonna ask you for a title .

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So what you do is you go into this guys' content right now , copy the title , which is 12 ways to make your dog smarter and happier when you click on copy , you can go into the article paste the title here .

You can see what it looks like .

We now have our title here .

And once we've done that these guys are gonna have a subtitle here which says to boost your dog's moods , change your mind .

So copy that one right there , come here where it says subtitle paste .

And once you've done all those things , simply scroll down here and click on where it says select the file .

Now when you click on where it says select the file , you're gonna have to find the particular image that we saved .

That's time .

And this is the image right here .

This dog image .

So go ahead and put in the image , you can see what it looks like right now .

So now that we've done that , we're gonna stroll down here and we're gonna go into pin board , basically copy this article again and we're gonna go into the site and we're gonna post the article here so you can see what it looks like .

We now have our page built .

So whenever people click on this page , we're gonna be making money and it can be you , it can be your friends , it can be anybody else all .

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But I'm gonna show you guys how to get thousands of clicks for yourself for cheaper and actually get to make it perfect .

And don't forget that if you keep watching here , I'm gonna show you guys how you can make double the amount of money because normally you're supposed to be getting paid 0.003 .

But if you do this thing , the way I'm gonna show you you're gonna be making 0.006 .

So I'm gonna show you guys how this thing works , right ?

So this is not a complete article , but for the sake of these videos lens , I'm just gonna go ahead and click what you say , save changes .

So when you click on save changes right here , what's gonna happen is that it's gonna say save successfully .

And when you say save successfully , what you do is you go ahead and click on what you say , it says submit for review .

Now when you submit for review , you're gonna have to select a community .

So this is about pets .

So I'm just gonna scroll through here and we're gonna see if we have anything about pets right here .

So they have poets , pet life .

Now , this pet life right there .

When you select pet life right there you go ahead and um you go ahead and add , so you can add tags like things like dog right there .

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You can add things like pets right there and like you can just bring some different tags and put it in right there .

And once you're done with these things right here , you have to make sure your article is up to 600 words because I was rushing the video in order to make it not too long .

I forgot that I had to make it up to 600 words .

But when you are doing your own , please make sure it's up to 600 words and I'm gonna have to go back and actually make it up to 600 words .

So right here , we have 580 so far .

So what we have to do is to just copy a little bit more stuff from this page right here .

So we go ahead and copy this one here .

When we copy that , we go back into spin boards right here , delete what we have here , paste the new stuff here , then go back into this guys' site again and actually copy from here down .

And when we copy from here down , we actually go back into spin board and actually paste can actually delete what we have here and click on basic spin again .

When we click on basic spin , what's gonna happen mean that it's gonna spin everything for us .

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So we'll go ahead and click on here to copy what we have here on spin board .

And we go back into the site and actually add more content here to get it to up to 600 words .

And now that we've done that , we can see that we have 726 words .

So we'll go ahead and click on save changes again .

And when we click on save changes again , it's gonna say save successfully .

And when it says that we go ahead and and click on submit for review again and then we'll go ahead and select pets right here .

So when it says for pet life , then come here and tag it dog when you talk dog , talk pets right there .

So like pets again .

So like this is just different types to help uh know what the article is about .

And once you're done , just go ahead and click on where it says submit for review .

And when you click on it , say submit for review , it says thanks for submission .

Our team of moderators will review your work and once it's shortly approved , it will be published right here .

So now , now we've done this thing right here .

That is how to create your story right here .

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So instead of waiting for this to get approved , I'm gonna log into my main account and I'm gonna use one of my stories there to show you guys how to get the clicks right there .

So guys , this is it right here .

This is the end of step three .

Step three is the part where we simply created story links and these story links are the things that when people are clicking on them , we're gonna be getting paid .

So now that we're done with step three , so now in step four , I'm inside my own account , I'm gonna use this story here as an example .

So you can see this is a story that I titled How To Make Money Off Instagram $400 .

So I'm gonna go ahead and click on this story and when I click on this story right there , it's gonna open up the story and you can see what it looks like .

I have a picture here just like I showed you guys and I have a couple of things written right here .

So I'm gonna go ahead and copy the link to my article from the top of the screen right here .

When I copy the link to my article , what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and visit this link right now .

So when I visit the link right now that is gonna count as a click and I'm actually getting paid right now .

So they're gonna pay me for this click right now .

So in a few hours , it's gonna show up on my dashboard and it's gonna pay me $0.003 for what I just did now .

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And I'm gonna show you guys how to even get thousands of clicks .

And at the same time , I'm gonna show you guys how you can actually make .

Instead of the normal 0.003 you're gonna be getting paid 0.006 .

So what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna go ahead and show you guys how to get traffic the slow way and then I'm gonna show you guys the fast way , right ?

So the slow way is to either do it yourself , which is very , very slow .

You can just keep reloading this page or you can open up another tab paste and you can go ahead and play your browsing history and keep on pasting the article .

You're gonna keep on getting paid as you click on this link and visit this link .

But if you want other people to do it for you , the slow way , what you do is you go into Facebook right now .

I always like using Facebook because Facebook is very , very responsive and it has a lot of people on there , right ?

And if you don't like the slow way , don't worry I'm gonna show you guys the fast way that we can use to get a lot of clicks right here .

So , so since this story I'm trying to promote is about making money online .

What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and search for Make Money online right here .

So when I say I make money online , it's gonna pull up results .

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I scroll down to the bottom here , click on groups and I'm gonna see groups right here uh that I can actually join and join .

But I'm already a member of these make money online groups because I'm pretty much active in the make money online space .

But in your own case , you're gonna have to click on join , join , join to join all these groups right here and make sure you join the ones that have at least 10 plus posts a day .

Now , this one has at least 10 plus posts a day .

This is gonna show you how much engagement the Facebook group is getting .

That way you will be sure you can get traffic and get people to click on your links from there .

So you can go ahead and click on join right here .

When you click on join right there , you can actually click on visit and when you click on visits right now that they've actually approved us , we're gonna go ahead and look at what other people are doing here right now .

So what I normally do every day .

Like if I want to do this slow method is I would go to where it says members , it's gonna have a path where you're gonna be able to see the members of the group , which is like somewhere around here .

So if you click on the members right here right now , Facebook is gonna give you a list of who the members of this group are right there .

So you can see the members here .

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And what you do is you go ahead and add them as your friends , send them ad m for example , right now , I can go ahead and message this guy called , I can go ahead and be like , hey , bro , hey , bro .

Uh can you check this link out something like that right there ?

So the guys actually gonna um um click on your link right here or he's gonna ask you what's the link about ?

You're gonna go back and forth .

That's why I said this is a slow method of doing this thing right here .

And don't worry , I'm gonna show you guys the fast method , but like that's basically it .

You can literally message 100 people here every single day and get 100 clicks and you can either do it yourself or you can message people .

And like I said , this is a slow method right here .

And now that I've shown you guys the slow method , I'm gonna go ahead and show you guys the fast method right here .

So that one is using something called simple traffic dot co .

So what these guys sell is something called redirect traffic .

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So these guys literally like they buy domains are receiving traffic and you can buy traffic from there and then they redirect the traffic to your own domain right there .

But it's not really , really effective for things like sales and all .

But it's gonna work for something like what we're doing right now .

If we just want to get the traffic right there , right ?

It , it , it's not gonna work for things like affiliates magazine and CPA marketing because the traffic is not very , very effective because it's people that are trying to go to a site and are landing on another site right there .

So you can basically turn these people right here onto your own page and I'm gonna show you guys how , so what we do is we go ahead and come here just to show you guys those of you guys who are gonna want to do this thing who are taking this thing serious .

Go down below in the description .

I'm gonna leave a link to simple traffic right there .

It's actually my referral link and you're gonna get to save a little bit of money if you do that right there .

So basically come to where it says price and let me show you guys something right here .

You can see that they're gonna be able to give you 500 visitors every single day .

And in a month , you're gonna be getting 15,000 visitors for $15 right here .

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So you're gonna be getting 15,000 visitors , like I said , for $15 a month .

So if you go ahead and pick up a calculator right now and you do the maths right now and say , um , these 15,000 visitors right now that are gonna be visiting my link are gonna be making me 0.003 for every visitor .

And that's gonna equals how much $45 .

So we're basically spending $15 .

We're making $45 back guys .

How , how , how mind blowing is that if this is blowing your mind right now , leave me a like and don't worry , by the time I show you guys how to make 0.06 you're gonna realize that if you are spending uh $15 on buying these 15,000 visitors right now you're gonna be making instead of the normal 0.03 you're gonna be making $0.006 and that's gonna equal $90 when you are spending $15 .

This is the fast way of doing things if you have a little bit of money to spare .

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And like I said , link to simple traffic is going to be down below in the description and please don't go and use simple traffic for things like affiliate marketing or CPA marketing .

Like I said the traffic is traffic coming from packed domains , meaning that uh these are sites people are trying to visit maybe um daniel dot com and they are gonna be redirected to your page .

That's what this type of traffic is all about , right ?

So it's not very , very effective for sales and stuff .

But basically , I'm gonna go ahead and show you guys how to get traffic from here .

So go ahead and uh um click on the link in the description when you come here , click on where it says tax free .

Try out you can put the link to your to one of your articles here .

Put in your email address , right ?

I'm gonna put in my own email address , gonna ask you your first name .

So your last name right here , put in your last name and then he is gonna ask you where you want to target , target the whole world because it doesn't matter where the traffic is coming from , targets all devices .

And he is gonna ask you how much you want .

Let's start with the 500 vistas per day .

He is gonna ask you um um the the the goal right here , just select page views right here .

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And when you do that right there , click on where it says agree right there , then click on where it says create subscription right here .

So when you do that right there , it's gonna ask you to put your payment details .

And when you put in your payment details through paypal right here .

What's gonna happen is that uh it's gonna actually take into your paypal account like it's doing me right now and when it takes me into my paypal account , I'm gonna be able to set up the payment right there .

So you can see it's charging me $0 right here .

So I'm just gonna go ahead and click on where it says agree and subscribe .

And when I do that right there with my paypal account , what's gonna happen is that um it's gonna actually take me into where it's gonna say you set up a subscription for as send group ou .

And when it's done doing this right here , it's gonna like give you a chance to click on what it says , return to merchant right here .

So when I click on where it says return to merchant , it says your trial is about to start .

You can either go to your dashboard here or you can create another subscription right here .

But when you go there , you can go ahead and log into your account with the details you created earlier , right ?

So click on login right here right now to take us into our account .

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And when it takes us into our account right here , when it brings me into my account , you can see what it looks like on the inside , right ?

When you're inside of here , you're gonna have the options to either cancel your subscription , change your targeting or change the link you want the traffic to go to .

So if you click on there , it's gonna bring you to a page where you can actually um see how to change your link right there .

But if you go back into here , if you wanna change your targeting , you can click on here to see how you can change your target right there .

So like this is how the whole thing works right here .

So when the subscription actually starts after the try out , you're gonna see your subscriptions here and it's gonna be like a full list right here .

So at this point right now that I've shown you guys how to get traffic , the slow way and the fast way , what I recommend you do actually is you use the slow way to make money first , you make about $15 .

You can do that by yourself , hole up the money and then withdraw that money through Stripe and use it to reinvest into buying more traffic to make more money and reinvest the money .

That is how you get to the point where you're basically processing thousands of dollars using this click method right here .

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And for those of you guys who have watched still , now , I'm gonna go ahead and show you guys how to make 0.006 .

So when you start making the money here , when the money starts coming in , you can go into the site right here into the site right here .

When you go to the site right there and actually click on where it says Plus at the top right here , you're gonna be able to like um upgrade to Cal Plus right here .

So you can see that when you upgrade to Vocal Plus it's gonna cost you $4 a month right there .

And the benefit is that you're gonna be getting $10 for welcome bonus .

You're gonna be accessing exclusive challenges .

You're gonna be making way more money and you can see where it says increased earnings on , on , on read .

So when people visit your , your stories here , you get to make instead of 0.003 you get to make 0.006 meaning that you're gonna be making double the money that normal people are actually making on here and you can do that by clicking on here with $4 .

And like I said , please do the free method and make money from here , then reinvest the money back into the business so that you don't risk your own personal money on this method right here .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

So now that I've walked you guys through everything , the name of this site is vocal dot media link to simple traffic is going to be down below in the description for those of you guys who are gonna want to do this on skill .

And yes , like I said , you're gonna be getting benefits using those links here , you're gonna get a discount .

And now that I've worked guys show how to make 0.003 or 0.006 per click .

Please leave me a like here because I've actually done a good job here .

And now that I've shown you guys all these things , finally , I'm gonna go ahead and show you guys how to set up payment .

So when you go to where it says wallet right here , you're gonna actually see the amount of money you have .

So this way you're gonna see your , your , your , your earnings , the amount of earnings you've actually have .

So you can see that from the reads .

That's the clicks that I get on my articles .

You can see I I've gotten over 100 and 60 1000 reasons right here and that's it .

Calls over 962 because I'm actually getting paid 0.006 .

So here you can see my current balance is 9 90 .

Why it's higher is because when you sign up and when you agree , you get money from some of these things .

So I'm waiting to when it gets to $1000 and I actually withdraw money right here .

So you can see where it says connect stripes .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

So when you click where it says connect right here , it's gonna say that you should actually connect your vocal media account to stripe right here and it says AAA Stripe Express account right here and it says a Stripe Standard account right here .

So you can actually use any of these right here .

So you can choose type of one you have for me .

I have this one right here .

So click on here , click on set up payments on Stripe .

So it's going to redirect you to Stripe and you just follow the on screen steps and you're gonna have it set up .

But if you have any issues at all , there's gonna be a link right there where it's gonna say how to withdraw , you're gonna be able to like um click on there and learn how to connect this to there if you ever run into any issues right here .

But basically this is where you put in your stripe , login details and login and guys , that's basically how simple this thing is .

That's how to withdraw your money right there .

And guys , please , if you've made it to the end and if you enjoyed the tutorial , leave me a like here .

Subscribe to my channel , ask me questions down below and don't forget to tell me what you will do with the $1000 .

Also , don't forget to stay away from these comments that are gonna be down below in the comments .

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And also remember to follow me on Twitter , follow me on Instagram to join my giveaways whenever I miss to post every 48 hours .

And yes , now that I've said all that .

I hope you guys enjoyed this one .

You can either go and start setting these things up , click on vocal media , create your account , click on simple traffic , get the traffic and start stacking up the money or you can go ahead and check out the two videos that are gonna be up on the screen right now and yes that what you wanna do , that's your choice .

I'm gonna see you guys around .

Stay safe out there .

I love every single one of you .

Bye .


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