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2023-08-03 15:20:49

5 FREE Ways To Make Money Online If You're BROKE 💰 (NO Credit Card Required)

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So you may have heard the saying that money makes money .

Well , today , I'm gonna show you that actually you don't need money to make money by showing you five free ways to earn money online even if you are broke .

Yes , I wanted to show you that even if you don't have any money with time dedication , you can build a money making business because these five free methods can make tens of thousands of dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars every single year .

And best of all , none of them require a credit card which I know can be a real problem for some people .

So let's move on to the first free method to make money online .

One copy the $300,000 T Spring Facebook mean page method .

Alright .

So let me show you two very different t-shirts that each made hundreds of thousands of dollars .

This year is the first t-shirt .

This t-shirt has made its creator over $300,000 .

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And this here is the second t-shirt , which as you can see is aimed at the opposite niche and this made over $200,000 .

Both of these creators opted to sell their products on free print on demand marketplace platforms .

The Science Shirt chose viral style and the Gun t-shirt chose Te Spring .

Both of these websites work very similar .

However , and that they very easily let you create , can sell custom products like t-shirts online when you sign up a T Spring and it literally takes minutes to do so .

By the way , you can choose a t-shirt or whatever product you want to sell .

You don't just have to choose t-shirts .

You can then upload a piece of artwork .

You create T spring will then let you list that product you create for sale on this site .

And it means then that you can sell custom products like t-shirts online without needing to set up your own online store or a payment gateway and you don't need to produce them yourself .

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Then each time a customer comes and buys one of the t-shirts you've listed for sale tees spring will then print your piece of artwork onto one of their t-shirts and then ship it out to the customer for you automatically without you having to do anything in the industry .

We call this print on demand and with services like tees spring , it means that you can sell and make money online for free and you don't need a credit card .

Nope .

See , this t-shirt that made $200,000 .

The creator is selling this for $24.95 US D Well , what happens is each time the creator sells one of these t-shirts te Spring will collect their money as in $24.95 and then deduct the cost of the shirt from that , which in this case is $10.57 and will pay out the creator their profit , which is more than $14 .

It's paid out to you like a commission .

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So unlike some other methods out , you to make money such as setting up your own store and then combining it with a service like print , you never have to buy the shirts in advance .

So you never need a credit card to start .

Now , I can imagine that some of you are saying , ok , Sarah , that's great .

Just one problem I'm broke .

I can't afford to hire a designer to make these t-shirts for me .

What should I do ?

Well , I'll be honest with you , this t-shirt here that made $200,000 .

Yeah , that's pretty have to make yourself .

Unless you are a graphic designer , you would probably need to hire one that you can hire on fiver for $25 .

And I know that's not much , but hey , we don't have $25 .

We're broke here .

So , what about this t-shirt that sold $300,000 ?

Plus , well , you know , this is way easier to make and in fact , just to show you , I came to the free web design at Can and I made my own version of this shirt design using only free images and icons .

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And I'm not even a graphic artist , I'm not a graphic designer at all , but you know , with the birth of apps , like can you know , you can create great looking t-shirt designs yourself for free ?

Alright .

So we've set up our free store with something like tea spray and we've created our own free designs .

Now we've just got the question of how these Tea Spring creators made their sales in the first place .

And you know what they used free Facebook meme pages .

So here is the meme page for that Science t-shirt .

As you can see over time , they've consistently uploaded images and videos related to left wing USA politics and atheism that their niche really enjoys .

And that's not all in addition to that , they also periodically create t-shirts and mugs that they will create with free print on demand services like Te Spring and post them on your page .

The fans love these products and they go and buy them and uh Eagle Eye subscribers might recognize this model from that other than place it and the same goes for that .

Guns , right t-shirt .

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Guess what ?

They created a Facebook meme page that focuses on posting images and videos related to right wing usa politics and of course gun rights , the ETS fans really like the images and videos they post and you know what else they like ?

They really like the t-shirts that they create and sell , using free print on demand services .

They'll post these onto your page , your fans love it and then they go and buy them and you know what the wonderful thing is about creating a Facebook meme page .

It is absolutely 100% free .

There are lots of free videos out there on youtube about building a Facebook fan page from scratch .

And once you've built it , you can use it to make money again and again and again , two create an Instagram meme page and sell tea spring products for free .

While Facebook fan pages are indeed a pretty good source of traffic .

In my opinion , it's even easier to build an Instagram meme page from scratch .

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Thanks to hashtags and you know what that same method before works great with Instagram meme pages as well .

For example , here is a free Instagram page set up that group .

It's following by posting memes that are specifically aimed at nurses periodically from time to time , they will mix it up and post a picture of one of their t-shirts that they created and sell such as this one here .

They will then encourage people to click on the link and the buyer which takes them to their print on demand store where they selling t-shirts aimed specifically for nurses .

Now they chose to set up their own store on their own domain name .

But if they wanted to , they could have set up a free tea spring store .

Uh and that would have worked great too .

And by the way , if you are watching this video and you've learnt something and you would like to learn even more about real ways to make money online .

And you should be sure to subscribe to our channel and be sure to click that little notification bell next to it so that you don't miss out on any of our videos .

Three copy the six figure Pinterest affiliate marketing method .

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I have friends that literally make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year by using the method of combining free Pinterest traffic with affiliate marketing .

If you don't know what Pinterest is , it's basically a huge database of images that people upload .

It's an interesting demographic .

It's over 80% female , which is nice because uh usually females spend more money online .

It's very easy to save photos by pinning them onto something called boards such as this one here .

It's basically an easy way to share and save them in a fun your way .

But really at its heart , it's a big database of images that people upload .

And it's also a search algorithm that people can use to find images .

They like as a marketer , you can have these images linked to an external website which can be a great way to generate traffic .

So with Pinterest , your goal , then when you upload an image is to try and have it rank highly for keywords when people search for them and to be near the top .

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So here's how my friends will use this method to make free money .

They will create lots of blog posts like this .

This is a blog post about different gadgets for camping .

They'll make a list of products that you can buy .

And of course , each product will have a link to it where you can go to purchase it for this one .

When you click the link , you'll be taken to the store that's selling it .

Amazon , this is however , actually an affiliate link .

If we look at the URR , we can see that it contains the tracking code .

This affiliate link tracks customers that click on it for the next 24 hours each time that customer buys something from Amazon the site here .

Skinny ninja will get up to 10% commission on the sale .

The Amazon affiliate program is called the Amazon Associates program and it's free to sign up and to start promoting products on there and making money .

And you know what for simple blogs like this , you don't need to have a fancy website or domain name .

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Nope , you can open a free weebly blog when starting out with a free blog like this , you should really try and put more effort into your posts so that people will keep reading even if it does use a weebly branded domain name .

But how do you get people who are interested in camping gadgets to find your blog post .

Well , of course , that's where Pinterest comes in and this is their secret Pinterest weapon , the keyword research tool , very few Pinterest users actually know about this tool or how to access it .

But it's extremely powerful .

It will let you search for keywords that people use to find images that they like on Pinterest using this tool , you can find the best keywords to optimize your pins around .

And so what they do is they find the keyword with the most search volume that's related to their affiliate blog post .

So in this case here , we can see that camping gadgets gets a lot of searches each month between 10,000 to 100,000 .

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We'll check this out if you go to Pinterest and do a search for that keyword camping gadgets , guess which picture we'll find sitting at the top of the search results .

We'll find this picture here if we click on it to see what site that it's linking out to check this out .

Does this look familiar to you ?

This user skinny ninja has a lot of these different affiliate blog posts .

And what they'll do is they'll upload a picture of Pinterest and they'll optimize it around related keywords .

For example , she's used these words camping and gadgets in her title .

And unlike many Pinterest users who don't include any description , her one does and includes the words camping and the word gadgets in it .

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She's also taken the time to create a big bright colorful picture in high definition that importantly is in a rectangle shape , which performs the best on Pinterest for attracting clicks and shears , which will further your image rankings , learning the Pinterest algorithm and using it to rank your pictures so that you can link out to your external blog post is extremely lucrative .

Once again , youtube is very much your friend here as there is a lot of free information out there on the Pinterest search algorithm teaching you how to use free tactics to get your pins ranking highly in searches .

Of course , the secret source here is knowing how to get access to that Pinterest keyword research tool and to access it come and click on the ads button in the top menu on this page , you'll be able to turn your free Pinterest account into a free Pinterest account that has access to advertisements .

Let me show you how just come and click the button , get a business account and then just come and click the big continue button and let it load .

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And now we'll quickly fill out the forms it gives us to enter in the name of your site and then just click next here , just click later and click later again , select any check box and then click next .

And with that , you've created an add account .

Super simple to access the keyword research tool .

Click adds on the top menu and then click create add and once the page loads up , you can ignore all the stuff that you see here and just click the continue button at the bottom of the page and then just scroll down into the targeting section and it's here that boom , you , we will find the keyword research tool which is absolutely free to use .

And here is one final quick tip .

I've got a lot to say on this method .

So if you guys like this video , maybe I'll make a whole video on this subject one day .

But yes , a big part of how my friends make so much money is they also find digital products on places like click bank with much higher commissions as in 50 to 75% commissions .

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So that's definitely something to keep in mind or sell trending t-shirts for free with Merch by Amazon .

A lot of people aren't aware of this , but just like t Spring Amazon have their own method for selling print on demand products online for free without needing a credit card .

And that service is merch by Amazon .

No fees just like with tees Spring Amazon lets you set the price of your products .

And after removing the cost of the t-shirt pays you the rest out as profit once accepted into the program , creating and uploading a custom t-shirt hoodie or sweatshirt or whatever of their products that you want to sell is easy .

All you need to do is upload your artwork and your app will place it onto the product for you .

You can then come in and choose further details about the product that you want to sell .

Merged by Amazon by default has the black shirt selected because the black actually have the highest conversion rates and sales on their site .

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You also have the freedom to set the price to whatever you want and you can edit the product listing details and customize the sales page for your t-shirt and you get to take advantage of the millions of people who come to Amazon every day to buy products .

And here is a fun question .

How much do you think that this merch by Amazon t-shirt has made in the past month ?

I'll tell you this t-shirt has made over $4500 .

Yep .

If we come to the Amazon listing , we can spy on its monthly sales using the Jungle Scout Pro extension app when we do that , check it out while the sales have fluctuated over the past year , each month .

This t-shirt consistently makes its creator thousands of dollars .

And so you decide , hey , that's awesome .

I want to make money online for free by taking advantage of the free merch by Amazon program and the free customers that come to Amazon each and every day to buy products that just leaves one question .

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So Sarah , you're asking , I open up the free app can to create a t-shirt image .

But what sort of design should I make ?

Well , I'll be honest with you , for most merch by Amazon sellers , the majority of their money is made from just a few of your designs .

So most of them will not be ones that make you money every month like this one .

However , there are some things that you can do to greatly increase your success rate and that is by taking two types of customers and crossing them together .

I eu cross .

So this here that is making 4.5 $1000 is a great example of that .

It crosses two types of customers together .

Mothers that are looking for a t-shirt to wear during their daughter's birthday party and customers that love unicorns or importantly , whose daughter loves unicorns .

And you might be thinking why on earth does that work so well ?

Unicorns have nothing to do with their daughter's birthday .

And so why should I cross them together ?

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Well , the answer of course is that unicorns are very popular , especially with young girls and so sure they could go and buy this t-shirt .

But what's even better is buying a shirt like this that also evokes happiness from their daughter .

That's the power of cross niche .

And this t-shirt here is another good example of a cross niche .

Obviously , this is not a design that most of you will want to make because it requires actual drawing skills since it isn't just a text plus image design with a glitter filter applied like this one is here .

But this t-shirt is selling well for a similar reason .

It's crossing together two things , Halloween and dinosaurs .

And so when grandparents who have a grandson that likes dinosaurs see this , they'll go oh What a perfect t-shirt for him for Halloween .

And if we check out with the Jungle Scout chrome extension again to see what the sales are for this t-shirt , we'll see that it's making essentially $3000 .

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Now I'm filming this mid September , but I don't think I'm gonna be able to upload this video until mid October because I'm a bit behind with my video schedule .

Uh So you can only imagine that this will get even bigger in terms of sales , the closer we get to Halloween .

Um Yeah , these sales , they're only gonna get better and better .

Five combine the Palace of Merch by Amazon , their affiliate program and Pinterest .

Let me ask you a question .

Do you think that you're allowed to sign up for the Amazon affiliate program and to then use it to create an affiliate link for shirt that you create with Merch by Amazon .

And to then advertise that t-shirt on Pinterest by creating an awesome keyword optimized pen for it .

The answer is yes , by combining all three things together .

Not only are you making money by selling your t-shirts on Amazon , but you're making additional money from the commissions on the sale .

It's essentially like you were double dipping .

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And what if we go and take this a step further ?

Why not go and find a key would like this bestie presence with up to 100,000 searchers that has very poorly made optimized pins for it currently on Pinterest and then go and create a series of products from these free print on demand sites around this niche of best friends and then create an affiliate list blog post , recommending the products that you are selling and create an optimized Pinterest picture that promotes your blog post .

See , here's the thing .

It doesn't matter if you're broke or you don't have credit card , you have no excuse for not being creative , not taking action and not taking control of your financial life .

Thanks for watching this video .

And if you would like to learn even more about sitting up and creating your own online business , then you should be sure to download our free e-book .

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The six steps that six figure online stores follow to make over $10,000 a month and you will find a link to download that e-book in the video description below .


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