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In this video , I'm showing how to create a rule in outlook to move emails from inbox to some other folders .
So I just opened my outlook application , and you can see the inbox here .
I'm already in the inbox , and I just want to create for for test stream purpose .
I just want to create a rule to move all Facebook emails to a particular folder .
So just do one thing .
We can create a folder on an inbox directly or we can while creating the rule so you can do it .
So I'm not creating a folder under the inbox right now .
I'll just create a rule .
Uh , Then I will add the folder on the inbox .
So right , click on the email that you wish , for example .
I'm going to move .
As I told you , I'm going to move all emails from Facebook .
I need a rule to move facebook emails to that particular folder .
So right , click on this one .
And , uh , when you after you right click , you can see options of options here .
So there is a rule section here , so you can always move message from Facebook directly .
We will create it manually to have what we need to create for the as well .
So we will go with a creal option under the , um , under the rule section .
So I'm going to click on Create rule , and here I have a window like this .
So I need to check this one from Facebook and subject contain .
I just want to remove all this stuff , because whatever subject , I don't care .
I just need to move all from Facebook sent to I can , uh , choose me only Or Shamir .
Mohammed .
Whatever .
Because it doesn't change anything .
Me only means it's , uh , my account only .
So if you have multiple accounts , it will consider I have only one account , So I'm gonna keep as it is and display in the new alert items Alert window .
You can choose this option if you want to get an alert window for the new items .
I need this one .
Uh , if I if I want to really want to see that particular message and if you want to play selected sound , you can do it .
I don't want it on this one .
Move items to this folder inbox so right now , everything is coming in the inbox , so I don't want this to come in the inbox .
So I need to select a folder , click on select folder and under the inbox .
As I told you , I have an option to create a new folder here , so I'll give a name here .
FA CE BOOK Facebook .
So it will create a folder under the inbox .
And also , you can see here .
Uh , because maybe this one is blocking .
There is a folder created already under the inbox .
You can see here , I'll show you that one .
Anyway , So Facebook is chosen and click on OK .
And let's if I want to move all the existing emails from , uh , Facebook into the inbox right now , I'll just , uh , go to the advanced option and click on next .
OK , so just we are verifying this one .
Display a specific message in the new items or windows , stop processing models to the specified folder and click on next here .
Also , I don't want to change anything .
I will keep it as it is .
We have a lot of customising options here .
We will give it as it is , click on next and here .
We have run this rule now on messages already in the inbox .
So the messages or emails in the inbox right now will also be moved to the new folder that we have created .
Um , specify the name of this word Facebook crawl , suppose Facebook rule and turn on this rule .
You need to make sure these two options are there .
If you don't want to move the existing emails , you can uncheck this one .
But I know I need this rule to move everything to that particular folder .
After I have done this one , I just click on finish option so you can see here It's moving one by one , all the Facebook emails that I have received to that particular folder I have created .
Great .
Uh , not only the existing emails , the future emails will also be moved to the Facebook folder .
So you can see here everything from Facebook is moved to the particular form .
So tomorrow , if I'm getting a new email , it will also be moved to this particular folder .
After processing the or initially , it will come to the inbox , of course .
So the outlook is performing the action to move the move the items to the particular folder based on the rules .
But if you're using , if you're not opening the outlook and if you're just using the normal Gmail Web log in , then the process the rules will not be there unless you have created a role in your , um , Gmail settings .
Global settings .
So great , uh , I can see here the status of synchronisation .
It's already synchronising everything .
So maybe depending on your , uh , inbox size and number of emails from particular centre , it will take some time to send all the emails to move all the emails to that particular folder .
That's fine .
You just need to wait .
Uh , you just need to wait for it to finish .
Uh , finally at the end , after the synchronisation , everything will be moved to that particular I believe this video was helpful to you guys .
Thank you for watching .
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