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2023-08-03 15:52:29

How To Create A Personal Facebook Account

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Hi guys , my name is Freddy .

And in this video , I will show you how to create a personal Facebook account .

So let's dive right into it .

So I go to facebook dot com and over here I can create a new account .

So my first name is David because that's my pseudo name Corp .

My email address is Freddie Corp at gmail dot com .

Erie Corp at gmail dot com and my new password .

My birthday 28 in June 1986 .

I am a male and I click on sign up .

So now I need to go to my gmo account gmail and here's my confirmation code .

I copy it and I paste it and I click on continue .

You have successfully confirmed your account with the email for the corporate gmail .

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You will use this email address to log in .

Ok .

So what I can do now I can add a picture of myself .

So I click on add picture .

I go to downloads David Corp open , I can find other people and I can take a look at the privacy settings .

So over here settings , if you want to change your user name , so over here , you will see facebook dot com forward slash David Corp .

You can edit it over here , but then you need to verified through a mobile phone .

So let's do that Netherlands sending me texts .

Continue .

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So here I see the code , confirm and I want to change this to only me .

I don't want people to see my phone number and now I can change it to David Corp and it's not available unfortunately .

So I say D David Corp like I am the one , save the changes .

I need to reenter my password .

I can save my password .

So that's facebook dot com forward slash D David Corp contact for the corporate gmail temperature Celsius .

So that's all fine with me .

I go to home so now I can place updates over here .

What's on your mind ?

I am excited about my Facebook profile .

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Let's do awesome things through Facebook .

And I can say I feel like I'm celebrating , what am I celebrating your special day ?

And I can share this to my news feed and then all my friends will see it or I can put it in my story and then it will be shown for around 24 hours .

Seymour , it's all ok .

I click on share and this is my first boast .

How great is that ?

So I can find friends .

If I would search for my wife , I can as a friend and our friend request is sent so you can search for all your friends , Facebook will help you to see if you know certain people .

So if you have a lot of mutual friends , uh people will be suggested to you and then that way you can grow the amount of friends you have on Facebook .

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So let's add a cover right now .

We have nothing .

I can select a photo or I can select artwork .

I click on artwork and then I can select something .

Let's start with this one and I can drag it to see how I like it .

I think they can save the changes .

Awesome .

Over here , we can fill in more information .

So I come from Rotterdam .

Save it .

I can skip things .

Ok ?

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And what I also can do if I like a group , for instance , the Kevin David group , I can like him .

And then in my overview here at the home , I can see posts from him .

So that's nice .

And I can also be added to a group .

So if I go to digital course secrets public , I can join , drop your email , Freddie Corp at gmail dot com .

Yes .

No , submit .

OK .

So that's how it works .

Now we have a channel , we have our first post , we have some channel art .

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So over here when you click on your name , you go to your own profile page and here you go at home to your overview .

So here if you have a lot of friends , you'll see what they are saying and that way you can keep track of what everybody is doing .

And when you like a certain page or you join a group , you will also see information over here .

So that's how it works .

I want to thank you for watching this video .

I hope you learned a ton of stuff .

Feel free to like this video and subscribe for more upcoming videos .

Hit the bell icon and you get a notification when I upload a new video having said that have a great day .

You will see me in the next time .

Bye bye .


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