I think we're tuned to another video .
This video is gonna be a tutorial .
Video on how to create your , um , channel out for your YouTube home page .
Um , so , yeah , so the first thing you have to So let's just get started .
So the first thing you have to do , let's say , pick a background and then back And , like , I'm just gonna go with a simple , simple background and just choose a green background and then find which background you like .
You can be any background , but I'm gonna choose that one and then basically save it as a desktop and save it somewhere that you remember .
So that's done .
Next thing you have to do is , um , So you got your background .
Next thing you have to do is basically go on like a text maker thing .
Um , so , yeah , I'm just gonna go in cortex .
There's other , um um text style things generator things that you can go , but I'm just gonna go and go For now , I know a good one called , which is a really good stylish , um , font .
Choose so you can go for that .
So you choose which one which font ?
Um design you like .
So I'm just gonna pick on a random one like this , and then put your YouTube channel name .
So I'm gonna put my my YouTube , um , channel name like that , and it should appear like this .
But you If you're using a different different text generator thing , then that's fine .
And make sure in any generators or curators text curators , it should be on a transparent .
So yeah , you could .
So if you're using this , you could click correct logo .
But I'm just gonna go straight to save image and then call it .
Just call it text for now .
OK , there we go .
Um , so that's done .
So you got your text and you got your background .
Next thing you have to do is go on pink pick monkey .
It will be a link in the description if you want to check it if you want to .
If you're following me , there'll be a link to order just , um , to order links that I'm doing in this tutorial .
So yeah , so first thing .
So you click .
So let me just show you you click .
Edit .
Once you click edit , you scroll down and find your background side green .
So you click that one , and then it should come as this .
But if you start anything , you must click this crop , sign there and then click that scroll all the way to the bottom and click the second to last one , which is 202,560 times 1600 H DH , D TV .
So you click on that one and then click apply , and that's basically the size of the channel or whatever you want to call it .
So basically , that's the size of the channel .
The next thing you do is go on a text and actually not to take the butterfly sign .
There we go .
You click the butterfly sign and then click your own , and then it should open it and then find your text that you did and make sure it's in transparent , as I said before .
So there's no white , um , um , backgrounds .
So make as big as you want or whatever you want to do and then place it around it about in the middle .
You could .
You can add other pictures around it if you want , but I'm just going to leave a simple for now .
simple quick tutorial on how to do this .
So simple idea .
So when you're done doing order designs , you click the save button here and then it should let this and it should look like this and then click save to my computer and then save it .
Like , Is that is that that is saving , So that saved that saved .
Now , now I'm gonna show you .
I'm gonna put that as my channel .
So if you go on your YouTube home page , click my channel , click your channel , and then click the pencil mark over here and then click Edit channel .
Click that and you click the If it Comes , you click the select photo from your computer and then scroll down to the one you've you saved and done .
So that's that .
And then wait for it to upload .
And then once that's uploaded you , you can click adjuster crop if you want to see where you want to place it .
I think that's all right like that .
So I'm gonna leave it like that .
Click select , And then it should say saving .
And then comes your channel up .
So yeah , so that's basically it for this video .
If you did like it .
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And Yeah , and hope you enjoyed it .
Thanks for watching .
And I'll see you in another video .