So , wouldn't we talk about essential fatty acids ?
Primarily , we're talking about two different kinds .
We have Omega six and Omega three .
I want to focus on both of them today because we have a big problem .
The ratios at which people are consuming the Omega six to Omega three are way , way , way , way off on an average American .
They're at 20 to 1 to sometimes 70 to 1 or more .
And this introduction of the seed oils are a relatively new thing for humans and I know people call them vegetable oils , but there's no vegetables in these oils .
They're , they're seed oils .
So this whole seed oil thing started in 1866 with cotton seed oil .
I mean , before this , we use cotton seed oil in lamps as a fuel .
We used it as a lubricant in machinery .
And then someone had a great idea to put it in the food supply and turn it into edible oil .
In fact , all the information I'm sharing with you is out of this book right here .
The Ancestral Diet Revolution by Doctor Chris Kenobi MD , an incredible textbook on everything you'd ever want to know uh about the seed oils and the uh effects that it can create for our health .
But I want to read you um a quote on page 30 on the topic of cotton seed oil use .
An issue of popular science from the turn of the 20th century era , summed up cotton seed in cotton seed oil with a single phrase .
What was garbage in 1860 was fertilizer .
In 1870 cattle feed in 1880 table food in 1890 .
There's so many things we have in our environments that are considered waste that we somehow turn it into food .
I mean even toxic sewage sludge is uh recycled into biosolids and used as fertilizer .
You have a restaurant grease is recycled and put in the food supply .
But let me not divert from this topic .
Let's get back to this uh Omega six Omega three fatty acid uh ratio .
We need both of these essential fatty acids , but we definitely don't need it in the imbalanced amounts .
Not to mention the source of the seed oils , right ?
You're talking about using petroleum derived hexane , which is a solvent uh in this process , chemical alkala bleaching , deodorizing and you're heating these very unstable oils many different times .
And what's really wild about is roughly about 1/4 to a third of all your calories .
It's not just in cooking oil , it's in a lot of different things .
We already have a problem with information .
The number one selling drug on the planet is an anti inflammatory .
And when your fat cell becomes inflamed , that can produce insulin resistance .
And then also at the heart of this inflammation , we have a lot of associated mitochondrial dysfunction .
The majority of illnesses and disease are in mitochondrial origin .
Now , I'll just show you two graphs right here .
The top graph is the omega six fatty acids .
OK .
The bottom graph is the omega three fatty acids .
As you can see the trend for omega three is not nearly as high as Omega six .
I'm gonna show you this graph right here .
If you look at heart disease going up and look at saturated fat right in the center there , that is not spiking parallel with seed oils .
So in other words , we've replaced our saturated fats with seed oils with this false idea that the saturated fats are the problem and the unsaturated fats are the solution .
Unsaturated fats do have the capacity to lower cholesterol , but they're not heart protective .
There's a lot of data that indicates that these highly processed industrial seed oils create a lot of damage at the cellular level .
You can see total um meat , OK ?
And you can also see uh over time red meat is not really uh a big spike but poultry is interesting .
So the big spike in meat is really chicken , which is very high in omega six fatty acids .
If you're doing grass fed meats , it's gonna be very low in this Omega six fatty acid in this graph .
Right here , we have cardiovascular deaths , correlate more with vegetable oils than it does with sugar .
Seed oils are in so many different foods .
And it's definitely part of pretty much every single ter process food A K A junk foods .
You know , a lot of times people think that , um , ultra processed foods are just , you know , saturated fats .
Well , the really , the only saturated fats in these ultra processed foods is palm oil in very small amounts .
I mean , really no one's talking about the seed oils in this ultra processed foods .
The unsaturated fatty acids which are very unstable , that's enough for omega six fatty acids .
Now , what about omega three fatty acids ?
Where do we get that ?
We get it from fish cod , liver oil , cod liver has probably the most omega three fatty acids , sardines and wild caught uh shellfish .
But the animals that consume these grains like pigs and chickens and even the grain fed beef are much higher in omega six fatty acids .
So this is one reason why a lot of people are turning to grass fed grass , finished beef , ok ?
Because it's going to contribute to the omega three fatty acids .
People are doing more and more fish which is also going to contribute .
Now , when we have this omega six fatty acid and omega three fatty acid , they go through a series of pathways to be able to turn into certain compounds that benefit our bodies and the enzymes that allow this biochemical conversions are shared by both the omega six and mega three .
In other words , both of these oils compete with each other .
And so if there's any problem in this biochemical pathway , because maybe we are missing cofactors , then you're going to get dysfunctional fats , you're not going to get the benefit of the omega three and we're not going to be able to use some of these oils .
Now don't get me wrong .
We do need Omega six as well , but we don't need it in such high quantities and we also need it from a much higher quality source .
So the co factors that allow this to happen include like magnesium B two B three B six , vitamin C and , and this is interesting insulin .
Now , you have to realize that the great majority of people are insulin resistant , which means they're deficient in insulin .
So therefore , they're not going to have the cofactor to allow this to happen .
So I really think based on that data that if you're doing a lot of seed oils and you're insulin resistant , there's gonna be a lot more compounded damage .
Versus if you were to correct insulin resistance through uh a diet that's low on carb and doing intermittent fasting for a period of time , you're gonna be able to utilize uh more of the benefits of these essential fatty acids and not have uh dysfunctional problems with them primarily we have like EPA in DH A EPA is more for inflammation .
DH A is really important in cognitive function , attention , focus learning and that's going to come from fatty fish and fish oil .
Now , there's also a precursor um that turns into EPA , that's called A L A .
Sometimes you'll see in the various articles that um you know , consume more flax and chia seed and walnuts if you want to get more , got three fatty acids .
But they're not talking about epa they're talking about the precursor .
There's a really um important test that measures your omega six to your omega three fatty acid ratio .
And so that way you can actually know if you're OK or not .
They'll tell you based on a simple blood spot test where you take a drop of blood , put it on this little card , send it in , it'll give you more information uh into what's happening internally in your body .
And I highly recommend that test uh done over time to be able to correct these ratios if they're off .
So in summary , start to consume wild caught fish on a regular basis like salmon and sardines , things like that .
And at the same time , start limiting the amount of omega six body acids because never in history have we consumed the quantities in the out of balance ratios of omega six to omega three .
And I'm going to put a link down below for uh Doctor Kenobi's book as well .
As a link , if you wanted to get that test um to evaluate and instead of me taking an affiliate commission , I'm gonna share that commission with you as a discount .
So you pay the least amount possible .
So I'll put that link down below .
You can get that test and see where you're at .
So thanks for watching .
And if you have not seen my video on cod liver oil , uh that's a good one to watch too .
I put it up right here .