Hello , everyone .
Look at this beautiful hanging lotus flowers .
Let's make it take a pipe cleaner .
We are using pink color here and tie a knot at the center like this .
Here we are making the petals .
So roll all of them together , give it a shape of petal , bend it and look at the ST cut the excess part .
Now we are going to make three such petals and then we are going to take another white cleaner are folding this blue color pipe cleaner , make a petal like this .
Now keep it aside , take another pipe cleaner , fold it and make a star shape and start weaving it using another pipe cleaner like this .
Here we are making a holder for the petal .
So cut the extra part and bend it like this .
Now we are also tying a hanging at the bottom then take all the blue color of petals and paste it on the top of it .
Then we are going to paste these pink petals like this and look your lotus flower is ready after this .
We are going to roll yellow pipe cleaner like this and paste it at the center of the lotus flower .
Now , we are combining all these beaded strings on the top of the lotus flower using hot Logan and look your hanging is ready .
We're going to make this beautiful lavender color flower .
So take a pipe cleaner and tie a knot like we are doing here .
We are making a petal here .
So we are going to open it like this .
It will get a shape like this .
Now we are going to bend it downwards and add more details to the petals and look you'll get a mini flower .
Then we are going to roll it using flora tape , make more such flowers and combine all of them together and combine them using flora tape like we are doing here after this , we are going to make more bunch of flowers and tie all of them together using flora tape and look your flower is ready .
You can use it as decorate piece at your home .
In this video , we are going to make cactus using pipe cleaners .
So let's get started take many green pipe cleaners and tie them at the center .
Now we are going to bend all of them like this , bend them in half position like this and pull it downwards .
It will get a dome like shape .
Then we are going to cut the excess part using scissors like we are doing here .
After that , we are going to make more such cactus specs .
Look , we are showing here in the video like this .
We are going to later combine all of them together .
You can increase and decrease the size according to the cactus plant .
Now we are going to put all of them inside this flower pot .
We are adding more details for the realistic feeling .
We are making the yellow flowers using the pipe cleaners .
We are also making these green flowers using the pipe cleaner and put all of them on the top of cactus and look it is ready .
Let's make these beautiful flowers using pipe cleaners .
Look , we are going to make the petal .
You can combine all the white pipe cleaners together , bend them and give it a shape of petal like this .
After this , we are going to make six such petals and combine all of them together like this one .
After another .
Look how we are doing here .
Then we are going to make a mini flower for the center .
So take a two centimeter yellow pipe cleaner .
Now we are going to fold all of them one after another like this .
Look how we are doing here and then we are going to start folding it again .
You will get a zig zag shape like this .
Now we are going to cut the excess part .
Now roll all of them together like this and we are going to open it and put it at the center of the flower .
We are going to join all the petals using hot glue gun like we are doing here and look your flower is ready .
You can add more shimmers and paint at the center for more realistic flowers and look your pretty flower is ready .
Thank you so much for watching this video .