If you wanna learn how to make delicious Spanish rice , please keep watching .
OK ?
So a good way to tell if your oil is hot enough is by taking a grain of rice and just putting in the oil and if it moves around like that , then it's ready .
OK ?
When it's almost brown , we're gonna go ahead and add our garlic .
I've turned off my rice and now I'm gonna go ahead and add an eight ounce can of tomato sauce and give that a religious space .
You kind of want your rice to um fry in the tomato sauce a little bit because that's what's gonna give it its color and it's gonna give it a good flavor .
Now , let's go ahead and add our water mixture and we're gonna go ahead and turn that back on to a high setting and bring it up to a boil .
Now , I'm gonna add some chopped onion , a little bit of pepper .
Now , our water and spice mixture has been added and we have our rice on a high setting and we want it to come up to boil through the entire pan .
So my camera stopped recording , but my rice came up to a full boil .
I added my lid and now I turn my rice all the way to low .
You want your rice on the lowest setting possible and do not open the lid at all or your rice will be ruined .
And you're gonna wanna cook your rice for about 20 minutes .
The reason why you don't want to open your lid because the steam needs to cook all of your rice .
If you open the lid , your rice is going to be mushy and watery .
OK ?
So it's been about 20 minutes and our rice is done .
So now we're gonna go ahead and turn the rice completely off and let it sit , still , do not open the rice or it will be ruined .
You need to let it sit for about 10 minutes .
A good way to tell if your rice is ready is if you have um a glass top , you can see if your rice is still boiling or not .
You don't want your rice to be boiling at all .
You want it to look a little bit dry .
If it's dry , you know it's ready .
Um If you still see it boiling a little bit , just let it keep going for about five more minutes and then it should be all the way cooked .
So now we're just gonna let our rice um sit and steam with the power off for about 10 minutes .
OK ?
So it's been about 10 minutes .
And our rice is ready .
Whenever you lift your lid , be careful not to get the excess moisture into your rice .
So go ahead and lift it and set it aside .
Now you can go ahead and give your rice a quick stir .
And once your rice is done , this is how it should look and this is how your rice should come out nice and sticky .
If it comes out mushy , then that means that you either stirred the rice before it was time or you open the rice too early .