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2023-07-08 09:07:31

5-Minute Vs. 50-Minute Vs. 5-Hour Steak • Tasty

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Hi , my name is Alvin .

I'm a tasty producer and I love steak .

Steak is by far my most favorite thing to eat and cook in the entire world .

It's indulgent .

It's beautiful .

It's juicy and when it's done right , it is impressively delicious .

And I just want to share my love of steak with you guys .

So I'll be cooking you guys three steak dishes for you to make at home , whether you have five minutes , 50 minutes or even five hours to make something special .

So let's get cooking , whether you're super busy or really lazy , you got five minutes to cook for this scenario .

We'll be cooking , hang your steak .

So hanger steak is a really nice cut of steak .

It's super , super tender .

Has nice marbling cooks really quickly .

If you want .

You could also swap this out for a skit steak first things first .

You always have to prep , put your pan on , start heating it right away .

Make sure you use a vegetable oil , measure out your soy sauce and your honey in the same bowl .

This will eventually be the finishing glaze for the steak season .

Your steak liberally with salt .

We're gonna do pepper .

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Later season both sides , grab your cutting board and your knife .

Take the plate that you'll be eating off of and throw some greens on it .

I like arugula .

You can use whatever greens you want .

This pan is , you know , super hot , but I'm not a wrapper .

All right .

Time to cook .

I'm gonna lay in this beautiful steak .

Cool .

The steak is gonna cook for about 1.5 minutes per side .

I'm gonna be cooking the steak to medium rare .

All right , let's give it another chick .

Oh , look at that crust .

If there's any gray area on a steak that's just untapped potential right there .

I think it's time to flip .

Oh man , to finish .

We're gonna add in the soy honey glaze that we made .

It's gonna reduce and get all nice and beautiful .

Look at that .

This is where it gets sexy shakes that around a bit with glazes and bubbles like that .

Yo , that's nice I think is pretty much done .

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So we're gonna take it out to rest , rest it for about 1 to 1.5 minutes .

It's like the toughest minute of this entire process .

I promise .

But it'll all be worth it .

See where we're at .

Looking nice .

Just look at that piece for me .

It was nice and pink .

All right .

Time to play .

So you might have some extra sauce in this pan from that glaze .

We're not gonna let that go to waste bread it in a nice little pool for the steak to sit on .

Then we're going to get it all under the knife and go over here .

You also wanna make sure you fend out a bit too .

Some pepper , all these steak juices .

A little bit of salad dressing and there you have it .

This is a five minute soy honey hanger steak with some a on the side .

Maybe you have a bit longer to cook like 50 minutes to an hour .

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So for the second time scenario , we will be cooking a bone in rib eye .

Probably one of the most popular cuts of steak .

Look for really , really nice marbling , which is fat in between the muscle rib eye is comprised of the eye area as well as the cap area .

That's the best part of the rib eye .

We're gonna be doing what's called a reverse sear .

First cook it in an oven at a very low temperature and then you sear in the pan .

First thing always gotta season your steak .

So a nice amount of salt that'd be pretty generous .

It because I wanna have enough seasoning for everything .

We're gonna put it on a baking sheet with a rack because the rack will allow air to circulate underneath .

This goes in the oven for about 40 minutes until internal temperature will read 125 degrees and then we'll cook the rest of it .

I love garlic bread .

I love steak .

Why not have them together ?

You got some time to make a meal .

Might as well do it .

First thing we're gonna do , we're gonna let our butter hang over here to get really soft mince some garlic .

We're gonna actually do this trick .

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Coarse salt press crush it .

Use the salt is like an abrasive so it gets even finer and more like a paste .

Alright .

I'm gonna chop up some parsley for some green , gonna grate some cheese .

It's worth having two cheeses because in your garlic bread it's gonna taste a lot better and we're gonna cut our bread in half .

Let's make this thing the same bowl .

I shredded the cheese in .

I throw in the butter , put in all this nice parsley garlic and we're just gonna give it a really nice mix .

Nice and generous .

Ever get garlic bread with too much bread .

Not enough garlic .

Well , I'm here to tell you that you can do what you want .

So we're gonna wrap this in foil is a way for the steak to be done and we'll keep cooking .

All right , let's do temperature like around 1 20 or so .

So we're gonna pull it .

Garlic bread goes in crank the temperature up to like 350 degrees .

So I wanna get the pan heated with a little bit of oil .

This is the steak after it's been cooked in the oven doesn't look too great .

Right .

The surface is kind of gray .

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The inside , I promise you was pink all the way through .

Only thing that it's missing is a nice , beautiful crust jacket .

I'm gonna stop talking so we can cook the steak because this pan is really hot .

Look at that .

We're going to do a flip .

Look at that .

So we gotta go in with everything , the butter , the rosemary , the garlic .

This honestly smells ridiculous right up in here .

So what we're gonna do is we're gonna move this to the top .

So it doesn't overcook .

This is the best part .

You take all these little good bits .

You put it on top of the steak and you base .

Look at that .

What this does is that infuses the surface of the steak with all these great flavors .

That's just , that's just so awesome .

All right .

So we don't want to overcook it .

So we're gonna take this , gonna render the fat on the side .

We wanna get as much out of it as we can .

All right , let's stop cooking it and let's take it out .

Don't forget about the stuff in the pan as the steak rests .

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I like to actually fry this garlic .

Everything is just gonna come together pretty awesome .

First , you gotta slice along the curvature of this bone as close to the bone as possible .

So we don't lose any of that delicious meat .

All right .

So here we go .

Look at this .

Oh man .

Look at this , y'all missing out .

Uh go in with all the pieces .

Transfer that fan it out for presentation .

Follow the way the bone is going around it .

It smells amazing .

It looks amazing .

Garnish a little bit of rosemary .

This is amazing .

Garlic butter that's still left in here .

We're gonna take a little bit and our garlic bread .

Let's cut this up there .

You have it 50 minute reverse seared bone in rib eye with garlic butter and cheesy garlic bread .

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I'm gonna need a few moments if you have five hours and really wanna make something special .

This is in my personal opinion , the best cut of steak .

It is called the rib eye cap .

It's like if filet mignon and rib eye had like a baby , it's super , super tender , but actually has a lot of fat and a lot of flavor .

If you have a lot of time and you wanna make something really special .

This is the perfect steak for that .

I'm gonna season this with some salt and pepper both sides .

This is like usually a pretty thick steak .

It's got like three season it .

So you gotta season a lot to make sure you don't miss any of the sides .

We're gonna be cooking the steak .

So and so is basically a term that describes cooking food at a very low temperature in a circulating water bath because the temperature is so low , it's gonna take a long time .

This is a machine that will essentially circulate the water as well as maintain temperature at whatever you want it to be .

I'm gonna set this machine to 100 and 26 F and it's gonna cook for four hours because we have a lot of time to give the steak a lot of love and attention .

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We're gonna go and make some other stuff to go with it .

We're gonna make a red wine sauce to go with the steak .

You don't need the most expensive wine ever .

Just make sure that it is a wine that you like to drink .

First thing you gotta do , you gotta pour yourself a glass of wine .

This will be your cooking companion .

Cheers to steak .

One and a half cups of wine .

Save the rest for yourself .

And you're also gonna do equal parts beef stock .

So another 1.5 cups , nice white sauce pan over medium , medium high heat until it starts to bubble and it's going to reduce by half while we wait for the wine sauce to cook .

We're just gonna drink some more wine .

This is how it to enjoy my weekends .

A couple of tablespoons of flour , I'm gonna throw in some softened butter , mash it together and kind of get it evenly incorporated until it becomes a paste .

Get your whisk ready and because your sauce is almost , there could take a big spoonful of this and you're gonna want a whisk like immediately .

So we're gonna go in and we're just gonna get in there .

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You wanna make sure there are no lumps because it ain't that kind of sauce .

It's getting really nice and bright and thick in color .

Now , I think it's time to season .

So we're gonna first add a couple of tablespoons of brown break this down too .

No lumps again .

Kind of wanna season salt and you wanna season it taste really important to keep tasting as you're going .

Oh , it's good .

This is pretty much there .

I'm gonna take this off the heat .

Final thing that we're gonna do is add more butter because more butter is more better .

And the butter also helps pull the sauce down and if you're on a diet , you probably should .

I'm watching this video like three minutes ago .

Silky smooth red wine sauce .

I'm gonna set this aside and we're gonna work on some potatoes while the steak cooks we're gonna make some creamy mashed potatoes .

Got about a pound of really nice golden potatoes first .

We're just gonna cook them until they're super tender .

10 , 15 minutes .

See you guys when you're soft .

Right .

Bye bye .

So the potatoes are ready gonna scoop .

I'm gonna scoop them out into a bowl to mash .

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So you just really gotta get in there .

Keep going ham until we know that there's no lumps left .

Mashing these potatoes in itself is already a great workout .

So now this may seem like a lot of butter and the reason for that is because it is if you're making this for a special , someone just do not tell them how much butter you put in it and do not let them see this video .

My favorite part .

Yeah .

Make it rain butter and look just like magic .

The butter is seemingly disappearing into the potatoes .

Gotta go pretty ham .

We're also gonna add some milk to give it really creamy .

It's gonna season to taste .

So we're gonna pass it through a sieve to make sure this is ultra creamy .

Get all this to here , pass this through pretty much all of it has come out .

Look at that .

Look how silky that is .

So these are done and the steak is pretty much ready .

This steak has now been in the water for about four hours .

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Internal temperature is around 125 1 26 .

So we're just gonna take this on some paper towels .

It doesn't look very appetizing , right .

It's kind of brown , it's kind of gray .

This is not how it's gonna look in the final form .

So we're just gonna pat this dry moisture .

Is your enemies dry the surface as much as possible to get that really hard sear , then heat our oil .

This pan is smoking .

It's ready for the meat .

I'm gonna go ahead and do my favorite part , which is sear .

The steak close down .

Yeah , this is already cooked all the way through .

So the only thing that we're trying to do now is get a really nice , super golden brown crust .

This will need us here for only like 20 seconds per side and that's gonna be it for the steak .

The look .

Oh , let's go .

All right .

Flip .

Look at that crust .

Gotta make sure we get the size as well .

So we're gonna take this guy out , let him rest .

You know , we've got a lot of nice beef fat just gonna throw in some asparagus little Boj vegetable .

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I'm gonna toss that in the beef fat .

Can't let all that flavor go to waste some salt , some pepper .

I'm gonna take that out , hang out over here and we're getting close .

So we have our wonderful potatoes .

Our red wine sauce , make sure you have like everything ready because time to cut the steak .

So there's actually a string , use clean kitchen scissors to cut the string off .

Take it out .

All right .

That's the string .

Let's cut this steak .

Hm .

Hear that ?

This is the best day ever .

It's the last piece .

Oh my God .

Look at this steak and I think it's time to plate .

If you need to , you can rewarm the potatoes or the sauce in the microwave or in the pan .

And if you're spending five hours on a steak , you might as well go all out and every one of these sides really does help take that steak to the next level .

The red wine sauce just brings that nice acidity and sweetness .

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You got the creaminess from the mashed potatoes , nice snap and crunch from the asparagus .

Of course , the star of the show , the steak , all that rich beefiness and juiciness just really goes together with everything that's on the plate .

Yes , there it is .

This is our five hour prime rib eye cap with creamy mashed potatoes , grilled asparagus and a red wine sauce .

So , ok , I'll see you guys later .

Whether you have five minutes , 50 minutes or even five hours to cook .

Steak is something I think that you can enjoy at home no matter what .

So hopefully the three dishes that we made today show you that no matter how busy or till your day might be , there is always time to cook and until next time , peace .


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