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2023-07-09 14:05:37

How to Make PASTA ALLA NORMA like a Sicilian

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It's pasta time .

One of the most beautiful Mediterranean dishes from Sicily , classic Sicilian pasta from Catania egg plain pasta made with love .

Are you ready ?

Hi , welcome to today .

We do pasta .

I love Sicily .

I love Sicilian food and this is one of the best pasta dishes from Sicily .

Very easy to make in less than 15 minutes .

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We make a fantastic Mediterranean Sicilian pasta .

Let's do it to make pasta .

We need beautiful pasta and I'm using , I really love my pasta with shape .

You can also use , you can use , use , use anything that you like short .

I recommend a short pasta , a nice basil .

We need garlic .

I'm using two cloves , one per person .

I'm making this pasta for two ricotta salta .

It's a salted ricotta .

It's very hard .

You can grate it on top right at the end .

Very important ingredients .

If you can't find ricotta salta , you can use a normal ricotta , let it dry a little bit and then you just kind of try and grate it on top of the pasta .

It won't be the same thing , but it would be as close as possible to this .

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And then I'm using one can of peel tomatoes , a small one , you can also use passata , a beautiful home made pasta , which is um tomato puree .

And the most important ingredients .

The egg plant , the egg plant is everything for this dish .

So the first thing we need to do is to cut the egg plant into stripes .

I like to cut them into strips because we're going to fry them .

So what I like to do , I cut it like that .

So do little you around .

So I kind of around a plant like that .

And what I do here , I cut it into strips .

So do that to that thing .

Got these little stripes here .

This is what we want to get because they will shrink .

Ok ?

So don't worry if you make them , uh , if you look , if they look too big and I do like to use the entire egg plants .

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But if you don't like the skin of the egg plant , remove it to fry the egg plants .

I am using vegetable oil .

You can use olive oil , you can use canola oil , anything you want .

Now , this is at the right temperature and I know that I'm gonna put one inside to test , it's frying , that's what we want .

We're looking at 180 Celsius , ok ?

And I'm going to put a little bit of the time .

Just be careful because the oil can burn .

Ok ?

And it should take a few minutes .

You will see , when are they ready ?

Well , they are ready when the come brown .

Ok .

See in less than two minutes you have beautiful brown egg plants .

Look at that .

These are ready .

We just do 30 more seconds just to be 100% sure they are cooked inside .

So this is full of flavors .

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You know anything that you fry , it's full , full , full of flavors and then we take them out beautiful , super golden brown .

Let him rest on kitchen paper and these are the most important ingredients .

Guys imagine having fried food in a pasta .

This is the best thing you can fry for a pasta .

This is a 15 minutes pasta that you guys are going to love it .

And I'm pretty sure you know this pasta .

If you never heard of this pasta , you have to be worried about yourself .

My friend , the egg plants are beautiful and ready .

Look at that beautiful color , beautiful brown just the way it should be .

This is what you want to achieve with your egg plants .

OK ?

Now , before we start boiling the pasta , we need to make the sauce for the sauce .

This is what we do .

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We get peeled tomatoes or passata and what we do , we wanna crush it .

You can crush it by hand , you can crush it with a fork .

You can use just a crusher like this .

Now this is like like I said , it's for two people .

So I'm using one can of peeled tomatoes .

Then we're going to add some salt .

OK ?

Just put as much as you want .

OK ?

I like to be generous with my salt .

I'm going to add a nice amount of pepper and then we mix it well , mix , mix , mix , mix , mix in a nice pan .

I like to add extra virgin olive oil on a medium low heat and then we are going to crush our garlic .

If you wanna use slices of garlic , go for it .

Now , this is a very important , important tip for you .

I've got the garlic in there , OK ?

And I don't like to burn my garlic .

OK ?

When I enjoy my garlic , I don't want that to be burned .

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So what I do , you put a splash like two tablespoons of water in there ?

Not too much .

OK ?

And that will avoid the garlic to be burned just a little bit more .

That will do such a great job for you .

Don't put too much .

Otherwise you , the reaction of the oil won't be good .

What we're going to do right now , we're going to add the sauce , the beautiful smell of tomatoes , you know , beautiful fresh peeled tomatoes .

I just love to use the peeled tomatoes .

So what we do is we just put it inside .

OK .

Good .

At this point .

We wanna cook it at a very , very low heat , very low , very low .

We don't wanna stress a tomato .

My pasta takes nine minutes to cook .

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OK ?

So we have nine minutes to cook the sauce at a low , medium , low heat and then we're gonna add the pasta in it .

OK ?

It's time to boil the pasta .

As you can see a pot is boiling .

Look at the steam that we have from here .

Look at the steam .

Look at the water .

He's so angry .

He wants to cook the pasta so badly before we cook the pasta , we always add a nice generous amount of rock salt .

I like to use rock salt .

I need to give the flavor to this water .

OK ?

We are not eating the salt , OK ?

We are giving the flavor to this water .

OK ?

And now is the time where we're going to add the pasta .

And I'm like , I'm going to use about 300 g .

OK ?

Just for the two of us using 300 g .

And I keep the rest for the next time I make pasta .

OK ?

Quickly , quickly stir .

I like that and then we're going to cover , but we live a little bit open .

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Otherwise the water will , you know , will create lots of farm , you know , be exact , you know , always follow the instruction on the pocket .

Now one minute more .

No , one minute less for this pasta .

Let's go and check out the sauce .

Beautiful sauce .

So at this point , I like to use three quarter of the eggplant that we cooked .

So we put them in there .

We keep a little bit on the side which we are going to use to decorate a pasta because some beautiful basil from the garden .

It smells so beautiful .

We're going to put it in the sauce .

OK ?

Make sure you cook at a low , low temperature .

I'm gonna put it down a little bit and we don't wanna burn the tomato .

We want the tomato to , to taste as good as possible .

A little little stir and now we just wait for the pasta a few more minutes and we will be ready to mix it with the pasta .

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Now our pasta is nice and ready .

It's been nine minutes .

It's been cooked to perfection .

So what we wanna do is we wanna get a mug and get the pasta water .

This is very , very , very important for us .

OK ?

Get the pasta water and put it on the side .

Pasta water .

It's full of starch , which is very important for our sauce .

And what I'm going to do on a low heat .

I've got my beautiful sauce here cooking .

I'm going to add the pasta in there .

It might look a little bit dry to you .

OK ?

You probably think , oh , that's not enough sauce .

But once we're gonna add the pasta water , you will see how much it is gonna change the pasta water .

I put off the mug .

We keep cooking in here on a low heat , medium low heat for another minute .

OK ?

Because I want the pasta , water to combine with the sauce and look , and I look , and I look at nice as smooth .

This pasta is .

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Look at the water , it disappeared .

Look at the sauce .

How beautiful it is .

Look at that .

This is the moment now where we're going to add the ricotta salad , just a little bit of ricotta salad .

So I get the ricotta salad here and I just wanna put a little bit in there .

I just wanna mix it with the pasta .

I want , I want this ricotta to melt in the pasta .

Ok , before we decorate it .

And what I wanna do right now is here .

I want that ricotta to kind of melt to give the extra flavor to the tomato and to your pasta and into the egg plant .

Of course .

Now the egg plant , remember we didn't put salt in the egg plant .

There is no need for salt because we have a lot of flavors in this and the ricotta is a lot .

The salted ricotta is salty and it will give the flavor that you want .

Now the most important part , we need to plate a beautiful dish .

We made it .

We love , we need to plate that we love .

So I get a nice amount here in my .

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So this is for two people guys as Italians , we like to eat pasta .

This is showing you how simple Italian food is , how simple Italian cuisine is .

Not too much stress simple ingredients but tasty .

You just need to use the right ingredients , guys .

What we do right now is we're going to decorate it with our egg plants .

OK ?

So we put it on top , beautifully , put it on top and the final touch will be the ricotta salta , the salty ricotta just a little bit there .

Just a snowing ricotta .

That's what you wanna do .

A snowing ricotta .

Beautiful last but not least a nice leaf of basil right there .

Fresh basil .

And here is how we make a beautiful easy egg , plain pasta , Cian style pasta made with love with simple ingredients .

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And this is something that you're going to love guys .

Now , the best time of the video is be time to eat the eating time .

Oh , this is Susanne's plate .

Let me get my plate .

Here is my plate .

Let's try .

I've got plenty of cheese .

I've got plenty of eggplants .

Nice pasta .

Let's see if it's good .

Hm .

By the way before I try .

Follow us on Instagram .

Ok .

Hm .

The pasta water made the sauce creamier beautiful .

Combined with the pasta .

Every single pasta has the beautiful sauce on top .

The egg plan .

Make sure you get a slice of egg plant .

The delicate kick of ricotta .

It's beautiful .

So thank you so much for watching this episode .

We will see you in the next Vincenzo played video recipe .

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Vincenzo played .

Oh yes .

Come on guys make this and share it on Insta story .

Tag Vincenzo play on Instagram .

Come on .

Mm hm .

The arms .

Hm .

Yeah .


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