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2023-07-11 07:06:48

I Just Lost To A Cat In Chess

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हाँ ॅ मैं हूँ दीपाली ॅ आज मैं आपके लिए एक बहुत ही फेमस ऍम डिश लजानिया की रेसिपी लेकर आयी हूँ जिसको हम सिंपल में पॅन में बनाएंगे की बस ऍन चढाया और लसानिया हमारा रेडी और बेकिंग के लिए ना ही हम अवन का यूस करेंगे और ना ही नमक वगैरह का पार्टी रेसिपी तो है ही पर आपके घर के मॅन न्यू में भी ये परमन इटली फिक्स होने वाली रेसिपी है क्योंकि घर के सिंपल सम्मान के साथ में आप प्रिपेयर कर सकते हैं ।

ये ऍम स्टाइल मुँह की डिश में डिफ्रेंट मुँह होते है और इसमें मैदे की बनी हुई यू अली शीट यूस होती है तो या तो हमें बनाना पडता है या फिर बहुत बार उँगली अवेलेबल नहीं होती है ।

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इसलिए आज हम इसको ब्रेड से बनाएँगे और सबसे खास बात है कि हमने यहाँ पर व्हाइट सॉस में मैदे का बिल्कुल भी यूस नहीं किया है ।

पूरी रेसिपी हम बिना मैदे के बनाएंगे ।

इन अलग अलग मुँह को मैंने बहुत ही सिंपल वे में स्टाॅप आपके साथ में शेर किया है ।

इस विडियो में तो फिर चलिए छोटी मोटी टिप्स के साथ में बनाना शुरू करते हैं ।

स्टेप वन में प्रिपेयर करते हैं फॅस की ले इस तरह से निशान लगाकर तीन बडे साइंस के टमाटर हम एक पॅन में डालेंगे ।

इसमें एक ग्लास पानी किया हुआ है ।

पॅन में देखिए टमाटर में अच्छे से बॉइल आना शुरू हो गया है तो टमाटर को हम थोडा सा टर्न कर देंगे ताकि सब तरफ से ईवन ली कुक हो जाएंगे ।

टमाटर अच्छे से कुक हो गए हैं ।

गैस को करते हैं बंद और टमाटर को हम निकाल कर ठंडा कर लेंगे ।

टमाटो का ये जो पानी है इसको हम ऍप्स बनाने में यूस करेंगे ।

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हाँ तो का जो पानी था ऍफ कब के करीब इसमें ॅ कर देंगे और इस को अच्छे से चलाते हुए हम हाई फ्लेम पर पकाएंगे ।

ये अच्छे से बॉयल होना शुरू होगा ।

हम इसमें वन टी स्पून आॅड करेंगे ।

ऍफ टी स्पून लाल मिर्च का पाउडर ॅ करेंगे , वन टी स्पून फॅमिली फ्लेक्स ऍम करेंगे , वन टी स्पून चीनी ॅ करेंगे और नमक ॅ करेंगे ।

यहाँ पर मैंने ऍफ टी स्पून नमक यूस किया है ।

आप अपने टेस्ट के अकॉर्डिंग इसमें नमक डाले और सब चीज को अच्छे से कुक करेंगे ।

जब तक सॉस की कन्सिस्टेन्सी थोडी सी तिक नहीं हो जाती ।

सॉस में बहुत ज्यादा टिक भी नहीं करना है ।

ये देखिये ये एकदम राइट कन्सिस्टेन्सी है ।

यहाँ पे पॅन छोड रहा है तो सॉस हमारी रेडी है ना तो चलिए स्टेप टू में बिना मैदे की व्हाइट सॉस बनाते हैं ।

यहाँ पर एक कढाई में वन टी स्पून तेल डालेंगे तेल डाला है ताकि मक्खन जले नहीं और इसमें वन टी स्पून मक्खन ऍफ करेंगे ।

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वन टी स्पून शॉप के भी लहसुन डालेंगे ।

गैस की आंच थोडी बढा देते हैं क्योंकि मक्खन डालने के वक्त मैंने गैस की आंच धीमी कर दी थी ।

बस एक मिनिट लहसुन को हमें थोडा सा स्वाती करना है ताकि इसकी जोरो स्माॅल है वो चली जाए और इसमें हम तीन कप दूध ॅ करेंगे से मिला देंगे और जैसे ही बॉयल आना शुरू होगा वैसे ही इसमें मैकरोनी डालेंगे ।

ये सूजी की बनी हुई है ।

यहाँ पर हमने मैदे का यूज नहीं किया है ।

मैक्रोनी का जो स्टार्च निकलेगा उससे ही हमारी जो दूध है वो ठीक हो जाएगा और हमारी हाइट सॉस के जैसी कन्सिस्टेन्सी रेडी हो जाएगी ।

जब मैकरोनी हमारी फिफ्टी परसेंट से ज्यादा कुक हो जाएगी तो उसके अंदर में हम सारे अपने मसाले ऐड करेंगे ।

टी स्पून पेपर पाउडर डालेंगे ?

हाँ टी स्पून ऑॅटो डालेंगे और यहाँ पर मैंने ऍफ टी स्पून सॉल्ट ॅ क्या है ?

आप अपने टेस्ट के अकॉर्डिंग सॉल्ट ॅ करिए ।

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Hm .

It's super close .

I could also just take this and then play there .

Yeah , that's checkmate .

There we go .

So I take this guy queen over here should be checkmate .

All right .

So scaredy cats uh tried their best .

Let's move on to angry cat .

OK .

Here we go .

Scandinavian .

I'm gonna take it .

All right .

Let's play night C three .

We'll see if we can play a trap .

If the oh Queenie five , everybody's playing this move these days .

I don't feel like it's very good for black , but we'll play Bishop E two .

OK .

Let's play 92 F three .

So I'm gaining some tempo on the queen and I'm just gonna keep developing .

So we'll go ahead and castle Bishop E six .

I don't like that move from black perspective because it blocks in this bishop .

So this bishop's not getting out any time soon .

Uh Let's go ahead and play D four .

You wanna get this bit out .

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हमारी थर्ड ले जो है फॅस पून ऑयल डाला है और वन टेबल स्पून बटर डालेंगे ।

आप इसको सिर्फ तेल में भी बना सकते हैं और इसमें वन टेबल स्पून भरकर बारीक कटी हुई लहसुन डालेंगे ।

लहसुन का कच्चापन होने तक करीबन एक मिनट इसको अच्छे से सोते करेंगे और फिर इसमें हाँ ऍफ का चोप किया हुआ प्याज डालेंगे ।

बस एक दो मिनट के बाद में जैसे ही हल्का गुलाबी होने लगे इसमें हम अपनी सब्जियाँ ऐड कर देंगे ।

सब्जी आप अपनी इच्छा अनुसार इसमें डाल सकते हैं जो आपको पसंद है तो यहाँ पर ॅ करते हैं ।

हाँ ऍफ का प्लान शिमला मिर्च , हाॅफ का हरी शिमला मिर्च और हाँ ऍफ का बॉइल किए हुए भुट्टे हाँ ऍम भी इसमें हम ब्रोकली डालेंगे और सब चीज को अच्छे से मिला देंगे ।

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साथ में लिया है फोर क्यूब ग्रेट करके चीज चीज आप कम या ज्यादा कर सकते हैं अब करते हैं लसानिया को अस ऍम पल तो यहाँ पर मैंने जिसमे सब्जी बनाया था सेम पॅन यूस किया है उसको हल्का सा बटर से ग्रीस कर लिया है और सबसे पहली ले अगर हम डालेंगे राॅड सॉस की उसको पॅन में फैला देंगे ।

इस तरह से फॅार में पाँच डालेंगे देखिये कितना गाढा हो गया है ना और दोनों लेअर को इस तरह से मिलाते हुए स्प्रेड कर देंगे ।

बस बहुत ही ईजी है एक के ऊपर एक खाली ले रिंग करना है अब अब इस पर ये ब्रेड स्लाइस इस डालेंगे तो यहाँ पर चॅू डाल रही हूँ ।

मैं वापस इसमें राॅड करेंगे ।

अब इसमें पाँच तक की ले डालेंगे और अच्छे से मिक्स करते हुए इसको स्प्रिट कर देंगे ।

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अब इसमें वॅार डालेंगे ।

जो ऍम हमने कुक किए थे वो यहाँ पर डाल देंगे ।

अच्छे से ईवन लाॅकर देंगे ।

ऍम क्विजीन में बॅाल यानी कि तुलसी पत्ता का काफी यूज होता है ।

अगर आप चाहे तो इसमें डाल सकते हैं तो अब इसमें ॅ करते हैं ग्रेट इस चीज यहाँ पर मैंने फॅस किया है ।

चाहे तो यहाँ पर माॅ चीज भी यूस कर सकते हैं या दोनों मिक्स करके भी यूस कर सकते हैं ।

अब इसमें डालेंगे थोडी हम व्हाइट सॉस जो हमने ऍर इटली रखी थी उसी को इसमें ॅ करेंगे और फिर वापस से इसमें ब्रेड की स्लाइस लगाकर एक और लेयर देंगे ।

फिर वापस इसमें आएगी फॅस की ले जिसको हम स्प्रेड कर देंगे और फिर पाँच तक के लिए स्प्रेड करेंगे ।

ऍफ ग्रेट इस चीज ऍफ करेंगे ।

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अब इसके ऊपर अच्छे से जो व्हाइट सॉस थी हमारी उसको हम स्प्रेड करेंगे ।

इसमें ये बटर के हम कुछ बॉल डालेंगे ।

छोटे छोटे चारों तरफ पांच छह बॉल हम इसमें डाल देंगे ।

ऐसा करने से जो चीज है वो बहुत अच्छे से मॅन होगी ।

बटर के साथ में मिलकर और बहुत अच्छे से स्प्रेड भी होगी ।

टेस्ट भी बहुत ही अच्छा आएगा ।

कुछ फॅस टॉपिंग इसके ऊपर हम स्प्रेड कर देंगे ।

इस तरह से क्या बढिया और कलर फल लग रहा है ।

देखने में तो जबरदस्त है ही पर खाने में सूपर जबरदस्त है ।

लाॅट में सब्जी के ऊपर हम थोडी राॅड सॉस बचा के रखेंगे और उसको हम स्प्रेड करेंगे ।

इस तरह से चार पांच जगह में थोडी थोडी रेड सॉस डाल देंगे ।

अब एक पॅन को हम ॅ पे रखेंगे ।

ॅ सभी ऑफ है और उसके ऊपर हम लसानिया का पॅन रख देंगे ।

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पॅन को एक लिफ्ट से हम कवर कर देंगे और ग्राॅस को हम कर देंगे ।

शुरू में फ्लेम हम मीडियम तो हाइ रखेंगे तीन मिनिट उसके बाद में फ्लेम को हम लोटो मीडियम में कर देंगे ।

हाँ सात मिनट के बाद में आप देखेंगे कि देखिये इस तरह से चीज डबल हो रही है तो यहाँ पर हम जो ऊपर में जो रेड सॉस है उसको एक चम्मच की सहायता से इस तरह से ये मिला देंगे ।

देखिये इस तरह से स्प्रेड कर देंगे ताकि इसमें एक बेक लुक देगा क्योंकि हम इसको अवन में नहीं बेक कर रहे हैं तो ये ऐसे ईवन ली इसको जब स्प्रेड कर देंगे तो यह देखने में बहुत ही अच्छा लगेगा ।

मैक्सिमम बारह से पंद्रह मिनट में बन के रेडी हो जाता है तो वापस लिड लगाकर इसको हम बेक होने देंगे ।

तो चलिए शेर करती हूँ वो जरूरी बातें ताकि आपका लसानिया भी एकदम पाॅड बने तो फॅस को पतला ना रखें और उसकी जब प्लेइंग करे तो बहुत ज्यादा नहीं डाले नहीं तो ब्लॅक भी हो जाएगी ।

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तो टोपले अगर आप की बहुत ही सुंदर और बहुत ही चीजी और यमी बनेगी लगेगा कि जैसे आपने अवन में बेक किया हो तो रेसिपी अच्छी लगी हो तो जरूर से लाइक करें शेर करे अपने फॅमिली फ्रेंड्स के साथ में और एक क्विक फिक्स टिप शेर करती हूँ यहाँ पर फॅस को जो क्वॉन्टिटी आपको री क्वाइट है डबल ट्रिपल ।

वैसे बनाकर आप उसको फ्रीजर में फॅर ।

ईक्वाडोर मिंट के हिसाब से आप इसको अलग अलग कंटेनर या फिर फॅमिली स्टोर करके फ्रीज कर ले ।

और जब मन चाहे फटाफट लसानिया बनाए वो आप कहेंगे कि इसके टिप्स तो खत्म ही नहीं होते ।

तो फिर मिलते हैं जल्दी एक और अच्छी रेसिपी के साथ तब तक के लिए स्टाॅल थी ।

अगर आप को रेसिपी पसंद आए तो उसे शेर करे ।

लाइक करे चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें ।

ब्लॅक को क्लिक करें ।

सबसे पहले ऍम

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My pawns are gonna be really messed up , really messed up if I do that .

So I think I will just retreat .

OK .

H five .

Very weird position .

Um Maybe rugby won to attack this .

I'd like to play F four F five and try to create some counter play here .

So I think I might just move my night .

I have to go back because I can't go here because the bishop , but I really want to do this and get to the king if black is not gonna castle and just do stuff like this .

It seems like the best thing to do is to try to attack the king .

So let's see if we can do that .

Yeah .

They're stopping me unless I'm wanting to sacrifice that pawn , which is not out of the question .

It's not out of the question .

Let's bring the night back .

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Now that we've had the pawn up there , we want the night to get off the back rank .

Let's go to G five .

I'm , I'm seeing some potential uh sacrifice ideas here .

Yeah , I'm probably just gonna kick that night away , make it go back and yeah , I think I can take here , then come in with the queen king is gonna go here at least get two pawns and I play F five .

It looks like it's gonna lead to a nice attack .

I am going to do that .

There's other ways I could approach it , but I'm , I'm gonna do that one .

I'm just trying to get to the king and this seems like the best way to do it .

So we're gonna go here .

We can either take this next or if king there , we're gonna probably play F five or take this and get three ponds .

Hm .

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I'm just , I might be sacrificing too many pieces if I do .

This is my only concern because it looks like the king might actually escape over there , man .

Let's , let's do it .

We have to be aggressive , I think and , and see what happens .

Ok .

So we need to get these guys into the game for sure .

It , yeah , it's probably not a probably wasn't the greatest sacrifice , but we're gonna go with it and , uh , see what we can do .

Let's play bishop F four continuing to attack threatening E six .

Ok .

We'll play E six check .

I'm not sure where the king is gonna go now .

Yeah , back here .

Ok .

So check here , check .

That looks good .

Looks pretty good .

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The only question is what happens after the king moves there .

Oh , I have bishop check .

I have bishop check .

Ok ?

Because I was worried that I was gonna have two pieces under attack , right ?

The queen's attacking my rook , the rook is attacking my queen .

But I have this nice move .

And the point is that if the knight takes me , I'm gonna win the queen .

If the knight doesn't take me and the king moves , then I'm gonna probably take this guy with check .

And so bishop E five is a nice move .

And here we go , we can take the queen .

So it worked out .

Maybe it wasn't the , the most sound sacrifice , but in the end , uh we were coming out on top .

So , hm um let's push this .

If the bishop goes there .

I have queen C seven .

He didn't go for that .

Let's just try to activate the rook here .

I'm bringing the queen down .

We're threatening D six .

Here we go .

And I think black is in trouble .

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Ok ?

I was gonna take my pawn .

Um We'll go check .

We'll try to get the night to come in .

Let's go here threatening queen here .

I'm threatening the knight .

Yeah , it's too much , it's too much for black to handle .

I think 95 just leads to checkmate .

I don't believe black can stop that .

So we'll play 90 G five next move .

We will go here .

All right , Mr Grump .

So I think uh we just , oh , we have Kasparov .

That's right .

Kasparov .

Ok .

All right .

Cats bra .

Let's go .

Ok .

I'll play Bishop C four .

This is another one of the lines that I cover in the course D four and this is the uh Euros .

So gambit .

That's correct .

And then uh nine to a three .

Mhm .

Queen takes D four .

This is one of the common lines .

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Usually the night goes back .

Yep .

Knight C three .

Bishop G five is kind of the idea .

I'm not sure if I'm not sure if it matters .

Which one you start with nine to C six .

Let's go over to age four .

This is one kind of the , one of the ideas .

You swing the queen over here and you can actually attack Black if they ever castle .

So D five , wait a second .

What happens if I take it ?

All right , we'll do that because the green can't take .

So the night has to take , but then I can uh actually trade these guys and take the night .

And I think this is a pretty , pretty nice end game .

It's pretty equal , but looks pretty good for , for me .

OK .

Let's go here .

I I'm gaining a tempo by attacking the bishop .

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I'm also dealing with the threat and centralizing my knight , giving it a lot of options .

Ok .

So I could castle and get the rook over or I could try to bring the bishop out first and then castle queen side and then I actually get both rooks lined up which I kind of like , I think my king would be safe both ways .

Uh The question is , do I have a good square for the bishop ?

Probably bishop F four looks pretty solid .

So we'll go here notice how my bishops are just like attacking everything C six .

Probably a pretty good move .

I don't really want to go here because I'm just hitting that .

I think it's gonna be more effective on this diagnose .

So let's go back to B three .

Keep the pressure there .

OK .

Let's castle queens side .

And now you can see , I immediately get this rook into the game and I have basically one more rook move and then all my pieces are looking great trying to see if it makes sense to go here .

Uh and be annoying .

I don't think so .

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I think I'll just continue developing and this is , this is great .

Everybody is doing something now , it's a question of what are the weakest spots in Black's position and how can I take advantage of that ?

So I think this looks like a very big weakness .

Black can't castle or I take the bishop , the bishop can't move because it's pinned .

And so bishop to D six or bishop to G five seem like very good moves .

Now , what I'm thinking about is what is black going to do if I play one of these moves ?

Probably they have to deal with this by blocking .

So probably a night or a bishop is gonna go to E six .

I have one , I have two , I have three pieces so I could take the night I take the bishop .

I , I would win upon that .

Looks pretty good .

The question is , does it matter where my bishop is ?

And I don't think it does .

It seems like maybe G five is a little bit better .

Uh But it really , I mean , it probably doesn't matter .

So we'll go to G five .

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I do have to be careful that I'm putting myself into a check now that I think about that actually because black could at any moment sort of throw in that check and that could be a problem now that I think about it .

So maybe I will go here actually and said , OK , because of that , I don't want it to be on a , a piece on a square that's hanging it with check because see now I can just take here .

I don't have to worry if you imagine the same trade here .

But my bishop is over here .

I wouldn't be able to take this pawn or he's gonna hit me with check .

Now , I'm , I'm not worried about this , right .

So that's a kind of a big difference .

So I'll take this and yeah , black's in trouble now .

So if we take here , the rook's gonna come up and defend .

If we take here , then we get a discovered check .

So this way is better .

This also looks like a good move .

But I think this is probably just simplest .

Yeah .

So this is the , this is what I was talking about .

Discovered check .

And so black doesn't have time to take me back .

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They have to move their king but they can't move their king over there because the rook is , I'm winning a piece which makes this a very easy , uh , easy game to win .

All right .

And so now we can just probably trade some stuff .

Um , and we didn't have too much trouble trade a pair of rooks .

We will come maybe back to C four .

Probably gonna block off the D file here and start bringing my king into the game .

OK ?

We don't wanna lose upon for no reason .

Although he took this , it would force a trade which would be a very easy win .

So maybe I could play a random move and see if black is gonna go for that set a little trap .

Ok ?

They did fall for it .

And the reason I'm doing this is once the rook is gone , my bishop is going to be so powerful against all the pawns .

Uh that it , it just becomes very easy .

So I think this makes a lot of sense .

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Just activate my king and take the ponds is what it comes down to .

So we'll go check , we will go G three .

A lot of times you want to put your pawns on the opposite color of your bishop .

And the reason for that is um yeah , if , like , if you imagine if black push keeps pushing their pawns , they end up on white squares where my bishop can attack them .

And so that's kind of what I'm trying to do here .

And I don't want to trade off everything .

I want to be , make sure I'm very careful and I leave some pawns remaining because if I trade every single pawn , uh the game is a draw , right ?

So I'm not gonna do that , but there's still three , it's plenty .

And uh yeah , I mean , black can't do anything because the , the bishop is too strong .

So here we go .

Take this guy .

Yeah , you can see what I'm talking about here .

Now , these are very easy targets for my bishop .

Not that I need it because I have this guy .

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But if it was a closer game , um you know , I'm not even gonna let the king come in there .

I'm just gonna start pushing this guy .

Let's come up and we'll come over here probably and take these guys and it's pretty easy from here .

So after this , we just have Mittens and we have no idea what Mitten's rating is .

So that'll be interesting .

Right ?

Is it going to be a stalemate if I get a queen ?

No , it's not .

It's check .

So it's fine .

That's the only risk that I have .

Um , we'll go check here and we can bring the bishop and you wanna make sure when you're , when you have a lot of extra pieces , you wanna make sure that your opponent's king has a square to move to .

So I'm planning on going here and I see that the king can actually move to both of these squares .

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It's totally fine .

It's not a stalemate .

So I'm , I'm good to do that .

And then I have checkmate wherever he goes .

Ok .

Good game Kasparov .

Here we go , folks .

The last bo is Mittens .

I have no idea what Mitten's rating is .

Um Meow , I like chess .

OK .

So this might not end well for me .

But uh me , I am Mitten .

I have become Mittens the destroyer of kings .

OK .

Playing the French .

Um We'll play D four .

I don't really like playing against the French .

It's not one of my better openings , but I'm gonna give it to my .

OK .

So this is the winner .

I'm gonna play queen D three .

This is another one of my lines that I really like to play .

Take with the queen .

Yes , I lose a tempo which at first glance , it's like , what are you doing ?

But it has a , has an idea behind it .

The idea is I'm coming over at age four and we've seen this before and some of the other lines that I like to play , uh it's a very aggressive approach and it kind of prevents black from castling .

I mean , they can castle .

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But if they do , they're gonna get attacked .

That's the point .

So C five , do I trade it or do I just defend it ?

Guess we'll just defend for right now and develop a piece , defend and we'll take you back with the night and Black .

Ok .

Black is gonna castle .

All right .

So we're gonna see what I'm talking about here .

Uh I am going to play bishop to D three and I have a checkmate threat .

So Black has to watch out for that .

The knight is obviously defending .

I guess he's trying to push it all the way on me .

Um See , I wonder if I can ignore this and just play bishop G five because if the pawn takes , I'm taking the night , which looks very good for me because of the checkmate threat .

Is it good enough ?

Uh I don't know because there's Ricky Aze , which is a bit scary .

I'm gonna go for it .

We're gonna go aggressive on mittens .

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Um , I think , oh queen four .

Well , that still just leads to a big trade .

So I think it's fine .

We take here , we take here .

It's not exactly what I wanna do because I can't really attack the king .

Now , we have to play an endgame where my pawn structure is messed up .

3636 .

But it's pretty even , I do have the bishop pair .

This is the only thing that's really bad about my position .

So , interesting .

All right .

Well , we'll see how we'll see how this is gonna turn out .

Big question is where do I want my king ?

I feel like it's close enough to the end of the game .

The king to D two makes a lot of sense .

Helps my pawns .

Only thing I'm worried about is a rook here , but I , I think it's worth it .

You know , normally you want a castle because your king is safer , but this is gonna be an end game in the end game .

You want your king to help out .

And so I think king D two is probably the best move here .

So we'll go king to D two .

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Yeah , he's just solidifying his pawn structure there .

My bishop over here is , is not awesome .

I think I am gonna go , I think I'm gonna go back and try to play F four and sort of open things up here .

I don't want my bishop to be stuck , not doing anything .

So let's play F four .

He's going for this pawn .

So it seems like a good move actually .

Um RT E one threatens this guy and then I could come over here if I needed to .

If he takes me , I'm losing a pawn .

It's not ideal .

OK .

Let's play rook to B one to create a counterattack .

I wanna see how black defends this B six .

OK .

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So it maybe creates a weakness on the night which I can use to my advantage .

Um I don't , I hate to play a move like RG one .

I really do .

But I might have to , let's trade here first and then we might have to play Rook G one .

Let's see .

What's the alternative ?

I can go here with the idea that I would like to play Rook Te two .

It's a much better way to defend the pawn because I also have my rook involved this way .

The only thing is what happens after this takes , takes takes .

There's also this guy hanging .

I just noticed that .

Hm .

Hm .

All right .

We're gonna try it .

We're gonna go for trying to activate our pieces .

Um , but we might just be losing too many ponds here .

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I guess we're only gonna lose one paw .

Ok .

If I can get the rook to the seventh , it's , it's actually maybe not so bad .

So , let's go here and then we'll follow up the rookie seven .

I think we get at least some counter play .

We have some active pieces .

Now .

We're only down upon , ah , that's a good move because it defends everything .

I can't take this or I'm losing .

Uh , I'm losing my rook .

That's the problem .

Yeah , that's a problem .

And I'm also losing this point .

That's not good , man .

So I guess I have to go back unfortunately .

So we're gonna try to hold on .

Mittens .

Seems like a strong player , uh , from what I'm seeing here .

So let's play D four and we'll just try to hold on for a draw here .

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I think we should be able to because the bishops are opposite colored , but it's not gonna be easy .

We'll just try to make a blockade essentially .

And I don't know , um , how black is going to get through .

I wanna move this pond .

So it's not a liability any longer .

Let's play H four and then we'll put it on G three .

Yeah .

So we pretty much have a blockade here .

I don't think block can really get through .

Uh , let's go here trying to attack this guy .

If I push it , I have to be careful that it doesn't become a target .

If I don't push it , I have to find a new home for my bishop .

Yeah .

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My bishop would actually get trapped so we can move the rook somewhere and bring the bishop back here maybe .

Or we could play H five and just try to defend upon when it gets attacked .

Hm .

I don't actually know .

This is , uh , this is tough .

Let's go back here .

I guess .

I , I don't want my bishop to get trapped so I want to give it a place to go .

Ok .

We can take this .

Ok .

Can't really do much .

Let's go here .

Maybe we can trade rucks coming in .

It's definitely not pleasant for me , but I'm trying to hold on anyway .

Wow .

Um , not good .

All right , let's go here .

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What happens if I go back and forth ?

What is , what is black going to do .

That's the question .

Bring the king up .

Yeah .

Yeah .

I can't really do anything .

You could go here and attack the pond .

He wants to do this .

I have to go back .

Yeah .

Once the king gets up here , I'm in trouble .

I think , think I am in trouble .

We obviously can't go here or we lose the rooks .

We have to go here .

All right .

It feels like , yeah , my bishop's trapped .

Wow .

It feels like Mittens is a , is a strong cat .

I , I don't know what the rating is though , so I , I have no idea .

Um Yeah , I'm , I'm lost .

Ok , the ship's gone .

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I can't save it .

All right .

Well , we tried , I'm gonna resign .

Let me , I'm gonna actually go do some research to see if I can find what the rating is of Mittens .

Although I think chess dot com is keeping it a secret .

So it might not be out there .

Let me see if I can find it .

All right .

So I did some research and a lot of people are saying that maybe Mittens is rated like 3000 or above , uh , like very , very strong .

So , I don't know .

Um , but it seems like it's very , very good .

So if you've beaten Mittens , uh I would be curious to hear how you did it .

Um , because it seems like it's , it's basically stockfish or something like that .

So , anyway , I hope you guys enjoyed this one .

I'll see you next time .

And if you want to play against the cat bots , I'll put a link in the description uh to take you over to the computer .

Uh the bots on chess dot com .

All right , guys , stay sharp , play smart , take care .


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