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2023-07-08 09:29:20

$339 vs $14 Japanese Curry - Pro Chef & Home Cook Swap Ingredients _ Epicurious

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This is the weirdest thing I think I've ever done .

How gnarly is that ?

Whoa .

Hi , I'm Yuji .

I'm a professional chef .

These are my $339 Japanese curry ingredients .

Hi , I'm Daniel .

I'm a home cook and these are my $14 Japanese curry ingredients .

He just like one time .

Let me just do my thing .

I can work with this .

What , what is this ?

I was planning to make Japanese seafood curry with Uni and Guido .

It's alive .

This thing's alive for broth .

I was planning to use fresh Roda and Mussel together with premium .

This is alcohol .

Let you get me through .

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I was planning to make uni curry together with bacon apple and many other spices all served on top of a Japanese rice together with the other beautiful toppings .

This curry was gonna be my dream curry .

Don't mess it up , Daniel .

Yeah .

Yeah .

This is gonna be a joke .

It is like an April fools episode with Daniel's recipe .

I have a simple ingredients but with the special techniques I can make this even better .

It's gonna be nice if I have to guess all these ingredients will cost me about $20 .

14 , even better if I had a guess it all cost 1 2300 and 39 bucks .

Oh , my God , you trust me with this .

So , this is Chef Yu's recipe book in typical fashion .

There's absolutely nothing to go off of here .

Just a list of stuff .

Yeah .

When it comes to making Japanese curry , it will be important to know how to cook rice properly , how to make broth .

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And then the last thing is how to make that broth into root .

Hey , what's this , Guido is something that overlooked in America , but it's very popular in Japan and in Asia , it would be important for you to know how to shack it properly and how to separate each part .

So if I could call rose real quick , that would be great .

Is that OK ?

Rose , Daniel , how are you ?

I'm doing OK .

There's these things , there are urchins .

So what you're gonna do is you're gonna use like kitchen shears , flip it over , there's gonna be like a little siphon hole there , stick the shears into the hole and cut to the edge and then cut around the circumference .

You're gonna take that off , then you're gonna take a spoon and gently rub along the inside of the uni and remove everything that's in there .

Whoa There's a lot going on inside here .

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You're gonna put the organs and the uni that you removed with the spoon into cold water , change the water right away until you have pretty clear water and really nice orangey yellowish uni that's left .

That's gonna be the thickener for your curry , believe it or not .

And it's gonna add so much flavor .

It's so good .

That's nuts .

Whoa , how am I supposed to use this gooey dough ?

First thing you're gonna do is dunk the whole thing in boiling water not to cook it .

We're gonna loosen the skin .

There's like a leathery skin on this siphon .

30 seconds should work .

Then immediately put it in the ice bath to cool it down and stop the cooking process .

OK ?

Once it's nice and cold , take it out and you're going to take a knife and on one of the sides of the clam shell , you're cut along the shell , you're gonna pull that away from the second shell .

So remove the shell completely .

Bam .

Look at that .

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This is just a , this is a lot to look at , you know , separate the big muscle mass , the breast from the rest of the shaft by cutting it .

And then you're gonna np the siphon the long part and you're going to pull the skin off .

It's actually going to come off really nicely .

Then we're gonna use it to make the muscle , bro .

Hey , ya , ya .

Alright .

So now I'm gonna butterfly this down and open it up .

See how this goes .

So time to make some broth , broth is one of the most important things for making curry .

So I got everything I need to make an excellent broth .

So I'm gonna start with my chicken and I'm gonna turn the heat and add a little bit of oil .

So I'm gonna just gonna wait until you see a little smoke come out and then I'm gonna add a drumstick while I'm waiting for the heat to come .

I'm gonna clean the chicken thigh .

So we're just removing the bones and you wanna have the same thickness all around cutting where it's thick and then making it as flat as possible .

The same thing , I'm not throwing away these bones .

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This is gonna be delicious or making a bus .

That looks not bad .

I got 22 portions here of that massive sea beast .

So now I'm just gonna cut the breast .

All right , my gooey duck is prepped .

I can guarantee you .

My day has been weirder than your day .

So now is hot .

So I'm gonna add the drumstick first , I'm gonna saute them until they are golden brown .

And then while chicken drumsticks and the bones are getting cooked , I'm going to start cleaning vegetables .

I'm gonna put this aside for later .

I'm gonna make a chicken cut .

All right .

Now , time for the Mussels .

I've already cleaned these .

So they're all ready and good to go .

And basically I'll be making a mussel broth , which will sort of serve as the flavorful base for the curry .

So I'm gonna throw these all into a pan .

And I guess the key ingredient here , one of the key ingredients is the dashi broth that chef Yui was so gracious to gift to me .

I made a for you because the a lot going on today you can thank me later .

Shi is stuck made from a dry cup .

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You will make a really nice base for a broth instead of just adding a plain water and then the rest is gonna get topped off with the sake .

What's nice about this sake is it is super polished so that the the flavor is gonna be super clear and it's so sweet .

That's delicious .

Oh Yeah , all I'm gonna do is turn this on like medium high heat .

Let this simmer for about 10 minutes and then um take the meat out .

All right , see you soon buddy .

I'm going to add the garlic skin and everything .

You can just pop it in here and onion as I clean the vegetables , I'm going to split the skins and scrap them here and then the rest is gonna be saved for the so 10 minutes is about up bang and these little babies are nice and open now .

So that's exciting .

It smells really good .

That broth mix of the sake smells incredible .

I'm gonna turn the heat off here and basically just take uh all of these and get them into this bowl .

Now , some of these are gonna be garnish .

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So I'm gonna probably just take a couple .

So I've got some that I can just plate when the dish is finished and the rest are going to kind of get like all this little meat cut all that up and it's gonna just gonna get added back into the broth .

Now , my veggie , the prep root , I'm going to add a water to and then start making a broth .

Now , broth is looking good .

I'm gonna let this simmer for about an hour .

Uh , read this a little bit and I train now , I'm gonna work on the rest of this broth .

So it's kind of gonna come in steps .

I'm gonna start by straining this broth into a larger bowl .

Straining broth is my favorite moment just so it catches all the little bits that I might have missed .

I'm gonna throw a little bit of oil in the pan just to get that started .

So first is the , along with the onion ginger , the gooey duck and the Mussels , let me just cut up .

I'm gonna let this cook for a little bit and then I'm gonna add the broth and the bay leaves in and let it cook down even more .

Just gonna let this sit for like 10 minutes .

So I took all these drum sticks out and I'm gonna wait until we cool off and that meat is gonna be back into the root later .

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Oh my God , it looks good .

All right .

So it's been like 10 minutes .

Now , all I'm gonna do is add the broth back into here and the bay leaves and let that kind of cook down again for .

I don't know until it's like ready .

I feel like so the broth thing , it is good to go .

Uh It has been simmering for a little bit now and as you can see up here , top , everything is kind of cooked down .

So I'm just gonna strain this .

So I have the broth separated and it's exciting because I feel like there's like another , it's like a check mark done in the recipe and just like that broth .

Now , I guess I can work on the , the uh the meat .

What what ?

So Daniel gave me this all purpose flour which I'll be using for making chicken katsu .

But I'll also be using this for something else .

And making is very simple .

You're gonna have all the flowers and then you're gonna make a little room right here so that you can add salt water .

I'm trying to just blend it even as possible with the flowers mix .

Well , as one big giant dough , right ?

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I'm gonna prep the rice when Daniel cooks rice , he has to rinse it , he has to soak it and cook it .

So I'm just gonna wash this first rinse in it will remove excess starch from the rice .

I'm gonna soak it .

You soak rice about a half hour before you actually start cooking .

In this way .

The rice will stay very moist and then you won't have any hard part after it's cooked and then move on to putting it into the , what's that thing called ?

I believe you're going to use Donna to cook it in which is really special .

It's a clay pot that's designed specifically for making something like this beautiful rice that you have .

This is a special rice because it's really high in a starch fraction that's called Alos .

And so it soaks up the water really , really nicely .

I'm gonna throw this on high heat , let it boil for like 12 minutes and then lower the heat back down to a simmer for another 10 dana .

Look away because we'll be right back .

I hate myself .

So now this is good .

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So I'm gonna vacuum seal it and then this will soak up all the excess air out of the dough and then make a really nice gluten development .

I'm gonna just rest this for , what about an hour ?

All right .

It's been a few minutes and some things are happening .

There's a lot of bubbling and steaming going on .

So I'm just gonna lower the heat , but it's , I was also instructed never to peek inside .

So my Udon noodle dough , it's been rested and ready to be rolled .

So I have a pasta roll attachment to the Kitchen Aid mixer .

I'm gonna just roll out for three or four times so that I can get this the right texture I think this is ready because when I pull it , it bounce back , it doesn't tear and I'm gonna just hold it with a flour in between .

So that when I cut it , the noodles won't stick to each other .

And to make sure as soon as I cut it , I'm gonna give a little massage .

I think that is it .

Now , my handmade noodle is ready .

All right .

Now , I'm gonna start to build my curry and that starts with my meat .

We got bacon here and the tail end of the gooey duck .

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So I'm gonna cut this into like little lardon pieces like third to a half of an inch thick .

This does look like a brownie kind of , doesn't it ?

So I'm going to be making chicken katsu chicken katsu is a fried chicken cutlet .

I thought that having a fried chicken cutlet on top of a curry was a very good idea because it really represents what the Japanese curry is about .

Nice .

So my lardons are get new material .

I know I'm not .

Hey , I think Daniel was gonna make chicken katsu as well , but I'm gonna make it a little bit differently .

I'm gonna turn this into flour .

That's gonna be the coating for the chicken .

It's usually made with the , but this will make it super crispy and crunchy .

My meat brownie of bacon is done .

So now I'm gonna cut up the gooey duck .

I'm actually really curious how it's gonna taste , will it taste gooey or will it taste ducky ?

I don't know .

Go dog is a amazing seafood .

It looks weird .

Yes .

But it tastes like oyster .

It's very sweet .

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Has really nice crunchy flavor .

You can do a lot of things with it .

So my gooey duck and my slab bacon are ready to go .

I got my oil heating up .

So I'm gonna just first salt and pepper it as now I'm going to make this into rice flour .

Let's build the curry .

When you're making a curry roux , you need a fat as the base of the root .

I sent Daniel a slab of bacon so that he can use that uh delicious fat to be the base of his curry .

And there is so much fat in here .

Now , after you render the fat , the bacon is crispy , don't throw away .

You're gonna save that for topping later .

Bacon morons are cooked rice flour .

Ready to go .

This is the whole purpose flour and then a whole egg mix .

Right ?

My chicken thigh .

I like to use my hands .

I can kind of make sure that I'm recording every part .

Don't move it .

I know it's hard not to touch , but you're gonna have to let it cook .

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And then when you're frying , important to control the oil uh temperature , otherwise the craft won't be crispy out .

I've got all this bacon fat and oil kind of sitting in the bottom of this pan and it's ready for the gooey duck .

So first thing is I'm going to add butter to this .

I bet this is gonna taste so good .

Just like other worldly good gooey duck .

I'm not sure how long uh to cook this for .

So I'm just gonna check it sporadically .

I was gonna keep this basically .

Now , the first fry is finished .

I'm gonna do the second fry right now .

I'm gonna turn the temperature higher .

This is gonna make it extra crispy .

It's starting to get a little brown , like especially towards the outsides .

So I'll probably give it like two minutes and then take it off because I really do not want to mess this up .

The last thing I wanna do is just burn it to the ground right now .

Stick on the fry is just finished and just everything poured in brown .

Nice .

Very good .

Perfect .

This is my double fried rice flour chicken cuts right ?

Gooey duck is cooked down .

So Daniel gave me eggs .

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I use it already for a chicken recipe , but I'm gonna also make it something else .

Egg known as a hot spring egg , a low temperature cooked egg for about 40 minutes at 63 F .

And I'm gonna shock it in ice and they're gonna crack it and then the POed egg will come off straight .

Yes .

Good .

Next I'm going to add the vegetables .

So it's gonna start with the onions , the grated carrot and the garlic and I'm gonna let this cook down for a bit and this is just gonna taste insane .

I'm sure now it's time to make curry root .

It's gonna be pretty simple .

I'm gonna heat up the pot .

High heat .

Wait .

All right .

So it's been about 2030 minutes .

And as you can see everything's cooked down , the onions are caramelized .

So what I'm gonna add next is the shredded apple and cooked down for like another five minutes .

The apple is gonna add a really nice sweetness to it , but it will also help to add the thickness of the root .

This smells so good .

It should make this into a candle who wants to invest .

This is just a neutral oil of vegetables .

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So there are two kinds of we're making curry rou .

One kind is making all the vegetables and everything into very smooth paste .

But the second one is having these chunky vegetables in a ro as it is .

That's more like a family start of a curry that I'm familiar with .

So I'm gonna make a chunky vegetable style curry .

All right .

So this looks pretty solid .

The apple is definitely caramelized down .

So I'm just gonna add everything else starting with the tomato paste .

And now the exciting part is to add all of the spices .

So I'm gonna be adding some turmeric cumin coriander that actually ground up from the coriander seeds that he gave me cayenne garlic powder , ground ginger and ground pepper and the other .

OK .

I'm going to do uh broth .

I send out to you for the broth .

You're gonna turn the heat a little .

So I'm gonna just let the simmer for about half hour until the vegetables .

All right .

This smells so good .

It's been sitting for a little bit .

So now I'm gonna add the orange and roasted the entirety of the orange .

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So that is exactly what I'm gonna do .

So I'm gonna let this sit for like another minute or two .

This is a very laborious process like this is what Chef Yugi is doing every single time because I , I don't , you saw what I gave him , I gave him a box of pre-made curry .

So here is a very classic golden curry .

And I'm gonna add this into the curry vegetables and then also the drumstick meat curry is something that all kids love growing up in Japan .

Absolutely .

My favorite meal .

And so now all that's left is to add the broth to this .

So I'm going to gently and carefully bring my broth back in .

I'm gonna mix this up .

I'm gonna turn the heat up a little bit as well .

And my goal with this is I'm gonna reduce this to like half .

So this is gonna take a little bit .

So sit tight .

All right , let's finish my curry .

So I have this drumstick saved from a broth making .

So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pull all the meat and the fat out and it's gonna blend really well with the curry root , no parts being wasted , but this looks really good .

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So you can see now the curry has reduced by quite a bit .

It is a lot thicker and the only thing we have to do is add the so is gonna go in .

I'm basically just gonna blend this up for a little bit and then let it cook down a little bit more .

Look at how bright that is .

You can always over make curry because the leftover will always taste better .

The second day , third day taste even gets better .

So I might just break it .

The smell is amazing .

You can always count on golden curry so good .

If it's too thick , you can always add the broth to loosen up .

I taste it and I think it needs more broth .

So I'm gonna add more .

Don't throw away the broth .

You never know when you're gonna need it .

I was looking for more loose consistency , more like a stew .

Perfect .

Yes , I'm done .

Alright .

So it's been about 20 minutes now .

The only thing left to add is some soy sauce and I wanna try this before I add the soy sauce .

So I know what the baseline taste is .

Hm .

Oh , that's good .

It's a little bit at a time .

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I gotta taste it as I go .

Yeah .

All right .

This looks great .

I think we are ready to plate the car is ready to go .

So I've got my watermelon radish here and the fennel frons like the tops of the fennel .

And next is the watermelon radish .

Never in my life have I used a watermelon radish ?

So I'm just gonna peel it and then thinly slice it like I would to garnish anything else ?

Whoa , so cool .

Look at this thing .

Simple as that under assembling .

So now it's time to put everything together .

So I'm gonna start with the , so this will take about three minutes .

Now .

Noodles started floating .

Looks good .

Almost ready when I put my curry , I'm looking for the perfect balance amount of ingres versus noodles and then a curry roll and then I'm going to add this on egg right here .

And then the last thing I'm going to do is I'm going to cut this chicken cot .

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This is my take on Japanese curry with Daniel's ingredient .

It's gonna be good .

I've resisted my urge to peak but now I feel like it's time .

Oh , that looks like good rice .

I feel like the proper next step is curry , something like that .

Uh I'm gonna do the Mussels and the gooey duck into a little piece right there .

Bacon .

I'll throw some of these watermelon radishes also on the outside .

And now last but not least I'm going to add the fennel right .

So here is my take at Chef Yi's curry .

I can't wait to see what Chef Yuji thinks , I hope I did the Japanese curry recipe justice .

What's up ?

Hey , nice to meet you .

Meet you .

Oh , this is crazy .

Your recipe is insane .

Absolutely insane .

Whoa .

Oh , did you make noodles ?

Yeah .

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That's what we do .

That is insane .

Then you're gonna break the egg .

OK .

Right .

And the egg yolk is gonna come out .

So you're gonna just mix it up with it .

Everything nice .

Oh , you have like noodles and thick noodles .

This is unreal .

This is so good .

It's pretty good .

Yeah , it's very like crust on the chicken .

The crust on the chicken is absolutely insane .

Yeah .

Can you , can you try mine to let them tell me what you think ?

Yeah .

So oh my God in a curry .

It's like , I mean , it was your move .

I don't , don't look at me that , that's yours .

They tried this gooey duck too .

Ho that the best car I've ever had .

Actually .

It's so good .

I'm gonna cry .

You just cry .

I'm gonna cry .

No .

Cheers to you .

Is there any around ?

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Oh , there it is .

Cheers .

Here's to you , man .

Thank you for showing me opening my eyes to the beauty of Gooey duck .


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