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2023-07-09 14:15:20

The Perfect Steak Every Time With These 3 Techniques

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Alright , we're back and we're in my work test kitchen Kil Coy global foods .

And I wanna answer the questions I get asked all the time is how to cook the perfect steak .

Now I wanna start by making the caveat that there's no perfect way .

There's lots of different ways .

If you've got a technique that you think works well , then please leave it in the comments below because we'd love to hear about it .

So today we're gonna run you through a pan .

Sead Ebony Angus , Sirloin .

This has been dry aged .

It's a bit darker than normal .

We're gonna do a grilled Carrara Wau Ribo , and we're gonna do a reverse sear on one of these blue diamond tomahawks .

Now , these , uh , methods are all kind of interchangeable .

You can use them for different cuts .

Some work better than others .

Like I think reverse searing only really makes sense in big cuts .

But we'll talk through that soon .

Let's get stuck in before we cook anything we need to talk about temperatures .

The most important thing so rare .

Your 105 F 40 C , medium rare 15 F 46 C medium 1 25 F 52 C medium well , 1 35 57 and , if so , are well done .

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It's 1 , 60 or or 71 C .

So this is the temperature that you pull it off the heat source and let it rest .

Also the same with reverse searing .

But we'll get into the the kind of nuances with that later on .

But you need one of these .

I bang on about this .

All this time .

You know people that say , Oh , I can I can touch a steak and know what temperature it is .

That might be true if you cook hundreds of steak a night .

If you don't cook hundreds of steak a night , just excuse one of these .

It's way easier .

Let's get stuck into the first one .

Alright , pan searing a steak so you ideally want skill .

It something like this cast iron , heavy , well seasoned and then your steaks .

This works really well with rib eye or sirloin or ed or filler , any kind of cut that's not massive , like the Tom Hawk we're gonna do later .

There's a lot of argument at the moment about whether you temper steaks or not bring it up to temperature or room temperature , I can assure you most restaurants around the world cooking steaks of this size do not temper their steaks .

They come out of the fridge and they go in the pan onto the grill and I do the same thing .

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However , if I'm doing a big cut of meat like a tomahawk , I do tend to temper it now .

I don't have any science to back up Why I do it .

I just do it out of habit .

Alright , I've had to turn the extraction on , so it's a bit loud .

First thing's first , this pan's hot .

Get some oil in it and don't be shy .

I add a add a good amount of oil .

Season our steaks with salt .

I'll talk about why I don't use pepper in a minute .

The season it on all sides .

Alright , we can see that the oil is starting to smoke .

Time to get these in .

First things first .

Fat cat down .

What that does is render that fat .

You see they get colour already .

Let's get the other side Now the flat face down and we're gonna keep turning these .

We're gonna turn them about every 30 seconds or so and that way we get really nice , even charring .

We're looking for a deep red , almost brown nutty colour on all the way on the outside .

Now , like I was saying before , these steaks are dry aged .

So this would have been further down the end , probably the first steak off the end .

So it's drier .

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Once it's drier , it's gonna like caramelise , Uh , quicker .

Now you can see here .

I'm really happy with this colour .

It's time to add some butter to the pan , so ice cold butter , few cubes .

And then to that some rosemary .

And I got some garlic cloves here so these garlic cloves aren't peeled , it's gonna smash them , and then they go .

So we're gonna base these steaks in that foamy butter , and that's gonna really amplify the caramelization that we've got on the outside .

Now I know someone's gonna come in the comments and say , That's not caramelization .

I know it's technically not caramelization , but that's what we refer to it as .

At this point , you really need to start making sure you check the temperatures because they can go over really quickly .

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So this one here is about 34 degrees and this one's a bit hotter .

It's about 35 degrees , but this will all happen pretty quickly now .

Keep turning .

Keep basting until you reach that internal temperature that you're looking for .

So we've got a tray with a wire rack ready .

That's really a rest them .

I think we're just about there and you've probably noticed I've turned the flame off and that's because this pan is getting too hot .

Alright , take them off .

Let him rest .

Now you can pour a bit extra of that butter over .

We'll let those rest for a good five minutes and then we'll cut it open and see how I did .

So there you go , medium rare .

No Grey Band on the outside .

It's not running juices everywhere .

What ?

And Super Tender ?

This has to be one of my favourite ways to cook a steak , but let's get on to grilling .

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Alright , grilling steaks Now .

This applies to whether you've got a gas barbecue outside .

Uh , anything with the grill lines in it .

I've only got gas here .

Charcoals preferred , but we're indoors .

So , uh , we'll make do with what we've got .

So I got a couple of really nice wao rib eyes .

These are marble score six or seven ?

I think so .

A really good marble score for for steaks like this .

I think once they get much higher , they become too rich .

That's another video .

But I wanted to really touch on seasoning .

So , uh , here in Australia , it's main .

Most people just season with salt and pepper .

Personally , I don't use pepper either .

I kind of prefer to put my pepper on after freshly cracked .

I don't really like how the pepper kind of burns a bit and and , uh , yeah , it burns and taints a bit .

So I'm I'm a purist .

I just use salt .

I know in a lot of other parts of the world , especially through North America , people like to season their steaks with barbecue rubs and and steak rubs .

Um , by all means , this is the point that you do that as well .

For me personally , I don't think it needs a delicious , really high quality meat .

I think it just needs salt .

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So for the grilling , unlike the pan searing , we're gonna oil our steak first , so get a decent amount of oil on the outside , rub it over , and then we season with salt and make sure you've got a salt , a clean hand for your salt and your dirty hand for your steaks .

So season them with salt on one side , generous as well .

Most of it will come off when you hit the grill anyway , so don't be afraid to whack it on there and then the type of salt you use .

We use what we call kind of table salt still sea salt so it's still evaporated from salt water .

Um , not the flaky finishing salt .

Josh Wiseman gets angry when you use that you've got a big problem .

People keep using leaky salt to season stuff before it's cooked .

Josh is completely right in restaurants .

You don't use that salt because it's really expensive , and this stuff's a lot finer .

So you get the more even coverage .

All you've got is flaky salt .

There's nothing wrong with using that as well .

Anyway .

We've sold of these time to to get to them on the grill , so grills on maximum use your hand to find the hotspots .

All grills have hotspots .

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This one's hotspots right here , and that's where we want to go first .

Put your steak down and like all the other states , temperatures are saying we want medium rare .

We're gonna pull this off about 45 46 degrees Celsius .

So when grilling a steak , don't get caught up and having perfect bar lines .

Unless you're doing competition barbecue where it matters .

It's actually more important , I think , to get more bar lines on there .

The more bar lines , the more contact you have with the grill .

Uh , means more flavour , more colour , more flavour .

Pretty simple .

And when flipping , make sure you move it to a different spot in the grill if you can .

So these steaks , the rib eye , are my favourite steak to have at home .

Uh , because of the fat content , they've got this nice nugget of fat in the middle .

Pretty good marbling .

Alright .

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So the truth is , I would like more colour on these , but it came up to the temperature we were looking at , so we had to pull it off .

So how do we get around that ?

Well , we need our grill hotter so that grill is as hot as it can go .

I'm not sure why it it's not up to temperature today .

It's been on for about two hours , so it should be more than up to the temperature .

But , hey , it shouldn't be overcooked , but I would like a bit more colour on the steak .

So if you've got a grill at home , make sure it's cranked as hard as you can .

Or if you're lucky enough to be able to do it over charcoal , then make sure you've got a really good bit of of , uh , of coals before you start cooking your steak .

Let's carve one of these open and see how it looks .

Does the steak cuts like butter ?

Beautiful , Medium rare .

How does it taste ?

Mhm .

That's delicious .

Honestly , you don't really miss that extra , you know , car in the mouth feel , but definitely visually .

It could look a bit , um , a bit more caramelised anyway , on to the last one .

The reverse air Tomahawk .

Alright , Time to reverse .

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Sear this tomahawk , and it's a good time to talk about seasoning .

And now you've probably heard of a technique called dry brining at the at the moment .

So dry grinding is when you season a steak , Uh , about 24 hours or four , and you put this on a wire racket and leave it in the fridge .

What happens is the salt dissolves into a liquid and then basically penetrates the protein muscle .

It's definitely a very worthwhile option .

There's nothing wrong with doing it , but it's not the end of the world if you haven't done it .

And I wouldn't recommend wet brining , which you see quite a lot in things like chicken .

So be really generous with your salt .

Uh , like I was saying before , I'm not a huge fan of cooking meat with pepper .

I put it on after now off to the oven .

So to cook this , it's better to cook it on a rack if you have it , and then we're gonna get it in the oven .

Alright , so that oven is set to 100 and 10 Celsius , which is about 2 30 F on fan force .

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I know if you are from the kitchen world , you see that this is a like a combination oven .

There's no steam set .

This is just dry heat like you'd have at your home oven .

So it's the same temperature , and I want to cook this to kind of medium rare , so we're gonna pull this out of about 46 degrees Celsius .

It'll continue cooking another maybe five degrees when it's resting , and then we're gonna seal it off .

Alright , so we're about 45 46 degrees Celsius in the centre .

We want to rest this for a good 10 to 15 minutes .

It doesn't look super appealing .

I know it looks a bit grey , but that's what this next step is all about .

So to get the the the outside colour , you can either do it in a pan like we're about to do here .

Or you could do it on the char grill like we did with the last stack .

So this was in the oven at 100 and 10 degrees for about 35 40 minutes in total .

But that will vary on your oven .

The fan speed the temperature of the sake when it went in .

So make sure you're looking at the internal temperature , not the time or the oven temperature .

Now , what we're doing here is getting this really hot , and we're gonna seal the outsides if you're gonna do it on a char grill .

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You know , boil this outside first cos we're doing it in the skillet we're gonna oil the skillet first decent amount of oil , and we're actually gonna use a burger press to help press this in a bit .

Uh , you don't wanna push heaps of pressure on because you'll lose a bit too much moisture , but just a little bit of pressure will help you get a more even colour on the outside .

It's also worth noting it's probably better to have a bigger skillet than I've got here .

But I didn't bring my big boy from home , so , uh , I was intending on using the grill .

But as we saw on that last video , uh , for some reason , that grill is not getting super hot today .

So we'll get this pan ripping hot , and then we'll get this Tomahawk in there .

They don't put heaps of weight on that .

You just want the weight of the press itself , just holding it down nice and flat on the surface .

If you don't have a burger smasher , another fry pan works just as well for you .

And if for whatever reason , you don't have a pan or a barbecue to seal this , you can crank your oven up as high as it will go and do it in there .

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But be warned , it will get smoky and your oven will need to be cleaned .

Alright , It's only taken about 4 to 5 minutes and we've got good colour time to take it off now because this has already rested when it came out of the oven .

We don't need to wait so straight into carving , let you turn the extraction off , mate .

Yeah , that's better .

I can hear myself think so .

This is a tomahawk .

It's basically a ribo like we had in the last video to carve this .

All we're gonna do is carve down this bone here and we'll leave that to one side , and then we're just gonna slice it .

Nice , big slices .

Ideally , you want to get some of this part here , which is the eye ?

Some of this part here , which is the outer muscle , all in one piece .

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I like to take those first three bits off first , which is usually you got a really large piece of fat in there and we use that to prop the rest of it up , and then we can get some big slices and you can see the benefit already of doing a reverse sear .

This isn't bleeding out at all .

And we've got a perfect medium rare and a really thick piece of meat all the way through .

And this is when you do use flaky sea salt .

Flaky salt is for finishing .

There you go .

Reverse , said Tomahawk .

How good does that look ?

I guess we better taste some .

Even though I've been in my own body , weight and meat today , this is dry aged Blue Diamond .

Oh , that's delicious .

I love how consistently reverse searing cooks meat .

It's incredible .

Now , as I said at the start , there's no right or wrong way to cook steak .

So leave in the comments how you cook your steak .

I think with these three methods , you're gonna bound to find something that , uh , suits your budget .

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Uh , your kitchen style , what you've got .

I'm not at home .

Try one of them .

Try them all .

Let me know how you go .

If you enjoyed this video , then check this video out because you're gonna need something to serve it with .

These are my hero sides on Christmas , but they work just as well any other time of the year .

Thanks for watching .

Subscribe if you're not like if you took anything from this video and we'll see you next week for another recipe Peace .


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