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2023-07-11 07:14:48

Whole Wheat Bread - No Knead - 4 Ingredients - Atta Bread - No Oil_No Sugar_No Maida _Skinny Recipes

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Hey guys .

Aha Homi .

And today I'm showing you how to make whole wheat bread at home .

You need just four ingredients to make this whole wheat bread at home .

No oil , sugar , milk or eggs are needed to make this super healthy homemade whole wheat bread .

You don't even have to need the dough to make this bread .

So without wasting much time , let's get started with the recipe to make healthy oil and sugar free whole wheat bread .

You only need four ingredients , organic whole wheat flour , yeast , salt and water into a bowl .

I'm adding in three cups of organic , whole wheat flour .

So this is three cups of organic , whole wheat flour .

And to this , I'm adding in 1.5 teaspoon , instant yeast and with the spatula , I'm mixing the flour and the yeast .

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Next , I'm adding in one teaspoon of pink heal and salt and mix the salt into the flour with a spatula .

Next , I'm adding in two cups of water and mixes really well .

You don't need to use your hand to mix this .

You can mix this with your spatula and the dough will be slightly sticky .

So it will be difficult to handle with your hand .

So ideally use a spatula and mixes really well so that everything is nicely incorporated and describe the sides as well .

This is a very easy whole wheat bread , which you can make easily at home .

You just need your spatula to need this dough .

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And once nicely mixed , I'm going to allow it to rest for about 2 to 3 hours or until it doubles you want to cover and let it rest .

Proofing time depends upon the temperature of the place you live in .

It's three hours now .

And let's check on the bread .

As you can see , the bread has doubled and it has proved really well pressed groundnut oil .

You can use any wood , pressed oil or grass fed cows , butter or A two DC G .

You can graze with any healthy fat of your choice .

And with the paper napkin , I'm grazing the bread loaf tin and I'm lightly mixing the dough .

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You can see that it has risen really well and lightly folding the dough over just holding the door from one end to the other .

This dough is very sticky so it's difficult to handle with your hands .

So a sparkler would be much easier to handle the dough .

And once mixed , I'm transferring the dough and with the spatula , lightly spread the dough level , the top , with this paler , you can Sprinkle in seeds and nuts of your choice on top .

Um You can even Sprinkle in rolled oats or flag seeds .

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Any nuts or seeds of your choice can be sprinkled on top and sprinkling in some sesame seeds .

And I'm gonna keep this to proof again for another 2 to 3 hours or until it has doubled .

It's mono cover and let it rest and two hours later , the dough has doubled .

I'm going to bake this in preheated oven at 1 80 degrees Celsius for 55 to 60 minutes or until done .

Now , for those who are looking for baking bread without an oven , you can make this in the cooker but make sure you use a aluminum or a steel container have already shared how to make cake on the stovetop .

You can follow that recipe to bake this bread but avoid using a glass bread , loaf tin and after 60 minutes , the bread is nicely baked .

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So I'm gonna allow it to cool down and then I'll slice and show you how it looks .

Now , if you prefer , you can rub a little or grass fed cows , butter on top and once it has cooled down , lightly , run a knife through the sides .

ST bread may contain added additives , preservatives , fillers , artificial flavors and whatnot .

But when you bake bread at home , you need just four ingredients .

You can see that the bread is nicely baked .

Ok ?

The bread has cooled down .

So I'll slice and show you how it looks such a simple and easy bread to make at home .

You don't even have to need it with your hand so easy to make at home .

You can see how perfectly the bread has come out .

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You can see the air pockets inside the bread .

It is soft and spongy .

Super yummy healthy whole wheat bread made with just four ingredients and so much better than store bought bread .

So guys , you try this recipe and let me know how it turned out .

Thank you for watching and until next time , take care .

Bye bye .


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