Hi , uh Coach Russ here with chess NYC and today I'm gonna be talking to you about the four move checkmate also known as the Scholars Mate .
So the scholars mate is an opening , also known as the four move checkmate .
That is going to focus um your attack on Blacks week F seven square .
So here it goes , white opens with E four , white opens with E four allowing for the development of both their queen and their bishop .
Black's most popular response to E four is playing E five .
Now , after the E four E five opening , white can go in either development with the bishop or with the queen .
But remember we're focusing our attack on the week F seven square .
So in this particular opening , I will open up with the bishop to C four .
As you can notice the bishop is directly looking at the week F seven square , putting pressure on that pond black develops the night .
And now is when we activate the queen .
As you can see , the bishop is already looking at the F seven square and now we're going to move the queen to one of two positions that can also look at or attack the F seven square , the queen could be activated to H five .
And as you see , the queen is now threatening the F seven square or we can also activate the queen to F three .
In both these positions , the queen and the bishop are both looking at F seven .
Now , if black is not careful and black makes a normal developing move or controlling the center , white can simply play queen takes pawn .
And as simple as that , the game is over .
So let's look at it once again , the form of check me is known as the scholars mate .
And it's the idea of attacking the weak F seven square .
This square is considered the weak F seven square because this pond or F seven is only protected by the opponent's king .
In order to successfully attack the week F seven square , we're going to activate both our queen and our bishop .
We're going to play E four , opening up the queen and the bishop , black responses center .
And now we can activate our queen .
As you can see , we have our queen threatening , we have seven .
Black continues with the development and now we need our second piece to attack F seven .
Currently , we have the queen threatening F seven and now we're going to activate our bishop , which is also looking at the week F seven square after black continues with their development .
Once again , queen takes pa check mate .
So for everybody that's looking to win a chess game very quickly and to beat their mom or dad or friend and be one of the top chess players in their school .
The scholars mate is the way to go .