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2023-07-10 08:47:19

How to Cook the Perfect Steak

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Mhm .

Welcome back to the channel .

Smoking and grilling with me A B today .

I'm gonna show you how to cook a rib eye steak and a cast iron skillet .

So we're gonna cook this one just like , uh , just like the restaurants do keep your flavor for .

We're not gonna use all those seasonings .

You know what I mean ?

We're gonna keep it simple , but I promise you it's gonna come out great .

We're just gonna use that salt and pepper and butter .

Hey , let's get it in .

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So click the link in the description , take the quiz and get started .

These are the six wines that were selected for me .

I've got five reds and one white .

And the wine that I've chosen to pair with steak today is a cabernet sauvignon called Rising Tail .

Oh , that's gonna go perfectly with steak .

I remember reading a couple of years ago about a guy who was talking about his last meal ribs .

What he meant was if he had one meal left on this earth that he could eat before he dies , it would be those ribs for me .

I think it would be this steak .

So if you gave me all the options of every steak in the entire world , this is the one I would choose if I only had one meal left .

So to show you how to do this , let's jump into the process first by telling you what you're gonna need .

You're gonna need salt , you're gonna need pepper .

You're gonna need a cast iron pan .

You're gonna need beef .

Tallow , garlic butter .

I prefer carry gold butter .

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Mm mm .

Why ?

What ?

Ok .

Now for the true taste test .

Hm .

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Nice crust .

Real nice .

Forgive me .

Let me enjoy this .

You know , I'll come right back .

All right .

Now , listen , it was a nice crust on the steak .

Uh , I like to cook my , my meat like medium .

I don't like it rare or nothing like that .

Yeah , it's a little bit of the , uh , once the redness goes away , that's the way I like my meat .

Uh , you can cook yours , how you like it , you know , get your cook time together , but obviously a little less to get you more towards the rare side .

Um , it's very , very good .

I recommend it with a baked potato and I made it with uh broccoli and cheese , which is happened to be my favorite .

Uh , man , just try it , you know , easy recipe .

And for you men out there that , uh , excuse me , I'm , you know what I'm gonna say it this way .

There's a lot of people out here that , that are not familiar with the kitchen .

You know what I mean ?

This is just an easy meal , you know , to put together .

At least cooking the steak is , uh , cooked time .

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Only took about six minutes .

Really .

You know .

So outside of that I give it a thumbs up .

I'm gonna ask you guys , uh , leave a comment , any suggestions , you know , leave that down below and , uh , oh , yeah , don't forget to subscribe in peace .

I'm out .

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So this is good , a little bit more and we're going to be right .

This is the kind of crust we want to see .

So we're gonna flip it and get the same on the other side .

Now we have a good sear on the bottom side .

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So what we're gonna do is we're gonna add butter , garlic and thyme so we can infuse some flavor and finish this cook when this gets to the test that you want for me .

I like 1 29 .

I pull it off and now we let it rest .

We don't do anything to it for 10 minutes .

So we've let this steak rest for 10 minutes .

So all the juices can kind of redistribute and we're ready to cut it open .

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But first , let me talk to you a little bit about why we work so hard to get that sear .

The sear comes from the may reaction .

So it's a lot of organic chemistry that's going on .

But what you need to know is that when you get a great sear or a great crust on a steak , it tastes incredible .

Let's see how we did good crust , right .

So this is like a medium that I like for filets .

I think a medium is a little bit better for me because I think if you go medium rare then it can get kind of chewy and stringy .

I don't like that for me .

This is absolutely perfect .

And I know the combinations of flavors that I've added to the outside between the sear , the garlic and the thyme and the butter are gonna make this wonderful .

So let me give this a taste and let's see how we did .

Hm .

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That's the last meal steak .

You get the crunch of the sea on the outside and get salt pepper , butter .

Everything marries perfectly .

And then if you compliment all that with a great wine , you got an incredible meal worthy of a last meal .

Even if you think this steak looks good , you should try this technique .

I've tried every steak cooking technique under the sun .

This one's my favorite .

If you want yours a little bit less cooked , then pull it at a lower temperature .

If you want it more cooked , you can pull it at a higher temperature .

But this combination of flavors is lights out killer .

If you want to impress someone cook a steak this way and you'll do it .

Now , if you enjoyed the video , hit the like button down below and subscribe to the channel .

You can also follow me on Instagram and Twitter at Mad Scientist barbecue .

I'll see you guys next time .


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