Ever wondered how you could earn some extra cash just by watching tiktok videos .
Well , in today's video , I've got an incredible method to show you all you need is your laptop internet and a few minutes of your time .
So the first step is heading over to tiktok and using the search bar to find a specific website .
Once you're there , simply paste your link , then switch over to Google and search for a particular something .
See how people are already making 56 even $24 .
I'll guide you through this exact method and guess what you can potentially earn between 5 to $24 per video .
Imagine making 100 and $20 in just a day with this simple approach , stick around as I walk you through each step and introduce a powerful website that makes all this possible and remember zero investment , zero experience needed before we dive in .
Make sure to like , subscribe and comment below for the youtube algorithm .
Now let's jump right into it .
All right guys to earn money by watching different Tik Tok videos .
You've got three simple steps to follow first head over to tiktok and search for trending stuff that's super popular .
Look for videos with loads of views , some even have millions .
These viral videos often center around specific things like car crashes which tend to catch a lot of attention .
So search for these kinds of trending videos on tiktok .
Now , if you're not sure what's hot on tiktok , don't worry , jump onto Google and search for the most popular trends on tiktok .
You'll find websites giving you ideas about what's getting everyone's attention .
For instance , you might discover funny dances , quick cooking clips , dark comedy , realistic drawings or other easy to watch content .
Once you're on Tik Tok , these videos can keep you glued to your phone for hours .
You know how it goes when you open that app .
I've been testing this method for a few days and while I don't have solid results yet , I know from past experience that videos about things like car crashes tend to do really well .
So keep an eye out for those kinds of trending videos .
The idea is to find what's super popular and captivating on Tik Tok and spend some time watching those videos .
That's all it takes to potentially make money just by watching Tik Tok .
So here's what you're looking for something you'd enjoy watching and that already has a bunch of views .
Take , for example , this video right here it works well for others .
Let me guide you through using a similar video to show you how this method works .
Pick a video with a catchy thumbnail scrolling just for a bit .
It has over 6.2 million views on tiktok and I've even seen it on Instagram .
So it's a hit .
What you want to do is open this video and you can even pause it .
No need to watch it on tiktok .
Now , check out this section on the right and look for the line that displays the link to the Tik Tok video .
That's the key to making this method work .
So keep an eye out for engaging videos with lots of views and you'll be all set to try out this money making method .
So here's what you do next , copy the link of the Tik Tok video because we're going to repost it somewhere else to make money by simply watching and sharing this video .
You can earn a good amount , copy this link and head over to this website .
I'll share with you at the end of the video I want those who watch from start to finish to use this method .
So it doesn't become too common too quickly .
Once you're on the website , sign up using your Google account when you're in your dashboard , just paste the link like .
So now pick a unique name for it .
Let's say something related to the video .
Click on Shorten and you'll get a custom link to the tiktok video .
I'll keep it partially blurred for now to reveal the website name later .
Copy this link .
Every time someone clicks on it to watch the video , you earn a small amount of money .
Since these videos are viewed by millions , you can make a good sum for just one video .
If you know the right way to get lots of clicks to your shortened link with the video embedded .
So it's a simple way to turn watching and sharing tiktok videos into some extra cash .
Here's a simple way to start head over to Google and search for Pinterest .
Once you're on Pinterest , forget about your existing account .
If you have one instead sign up for a brand new account .
I highly suggest creating a new account solely focused on the type of videos you'll be sharing from tiktok .
For instance , if you're into tiktok videos about car crashes , make a Pinterest account dedicated to showing those types of videos .
Similarly , if you're into short recipe videos from tiktok , create a Pinterest account specifically for those recipes by doing this for multiple videos each day , you'll soon gather a big group of followers who will watch your videos and for each person watching , you'll earn some money .
I've been trying this out myself , but it's early days .
So I don't have results yet , but I'm going to guide you through this method using my trusty old Pinterest account without revealing too much about my new accounts or how they're doing so far .
This way , you'll know how to set it up on your own Pinterest account .
What you need to do is hit create , then start making a new pin .
All you do is post something from the video .
Head back to tiktok .
Find the video you used .
I picked this one , open it up , pause it and take a simple screenshot .
Nothing fancy .
Then quickly jump on to Canva search for Tik Tok video and choose the blank template , paste your screenshot onto the template , stretch it out .
and here comes the trick .
Position the play head to just a second or two right click and splitt the page .
The second part , even though it's a still image will act as a video .
Now head to elements and search for a red arrow .
Pick one that suits you if you're using Canva for free , choose from the free templates .
I'll use this one and position it to point at the bottom left corner , stretch it across the image next , add a text box above the arrow and write .
Watch full video here .
That's all there is to it .
Once that's done , I'll hit the share button on Canva and download the design as MP four video .
Just ensure you've selected that option , then click download after downloading the video , it's time to return to Pinterest .
Now you'll post this downloaded video as a pin on your Pinterest account .
That's all you need to do on Canva and Pinterest to get your video ready to share after that .
What you'll want to do is come up with a catchy title .
The key is to make it enticing something that people will want to click on .
Then in the description , make sure to give credit to the original creator on tiktok copy and paste their Tik Tok user name , adding the sign before their name can also help direct traffic to their Tik Tok account .
This way you stay out of trouble and even assist in directing more viewers to the original tiktok post .
That's an important part to remember while sharing this pin on Pinterest .
Then in the description , add something like human verification may be required .
Please complete the Captcha to continue to the video .
This step is crucial and I'll explain why .
Shortly .
Now return to the secret website , I'll reveal in a moment once published .
Every time someone wants to watch your video , they'll click on the shortened link , they'll land on the website where they'll be prompted to complete a Captcha to proceed .
They'll do this to access the video and within moments , their link will be ready while they watch the video , you'll be making money on the side .
That's how this process works .
All right , the website you'll need for this method is called Shrink me dot IO .
Visit Shrink Me dot IO and sign up for your account here .
It's the highest paying URL shortener .
You can earn over $220 for every 10,000 views .
Now getting 10,000 views might sound tough .
But some tiktok videos get incredible amounts of views like this woman with 92.6 million .
The video we used in this method has 6.2 million views .
If you divide that by 100 you get 1% .
So if your posted video on Pinterest gets 62,000 views , which is just 1% of the tiktok views .
You can see where this is heading .
Sign up at shrink me dot Io .
Collect a bunch of videos from tiktok .
Repost them on Pinterest under a new account .
Even if you get paid just $5 for each reposted video , it'll only take a few minutes doing this a few times a day can lead to a pretty decent payout to find more videos on making free money .
Take a look at the two options popping up on the screen right now .
Choose the one you find most interesting and I'll meet you there .
If you enjoyed this video , remember to hit the like button , subscribe and share it and of course , drop your thoughts in the comments section below so we can keep the conversation going .