Hey .
I'm back with a redo of a past video I did because there was an error in it and the topic is this .
If you take a vitamin b6 in the wrong form , the wrong type , it has the potential to cause vitamin b 6 deficiency symptoms .
So vitamin b 6 is supposed to prevent these , but taking the wrong form can actually cause these symptoms .
So what is the wrong form ?
A pyridoxine , hydrochloride .
Okay ?
Now in the past video , I left out this part right here .
If you're taking pyridoxine from a natural source , let's say it's from a food source or nutritional yeast that's not fortified with some other synthetic vitamin , this is a natural source .
So really has everything to do with the source because this version comes from petroleum esters , hydrochloric acid and formaldehyde .
Okay .
So you want to avoid that .
So this is a no , but these are a yes depending on if the source of this is from a natural source .
You also have a few others , pyridoxal phosphate and pyridoxal 5 phosphate .
These are all good as well .
And it's not even necessarily the amounts of this that you take , it's the type of B6 .
Taking the wrong type can set you up for a deficiency of the actual thing you're trying to correct .
Normally , b 6 helps you control cortisol .
That's why it helps reduce stress .
Also , vitamin b 6 helps make serotonin , the hormone that gives you a sense of well-being .
It's an anti depression , anti anxiety hormone .
Also , b 6 is involved in turning amino acids into glucose through this process called gluconeogenesis , making new sugars out of non carbohydrate sources .
So if you can't do that , then you're gonna constantly have a blood sugar issue and that can create these symptoms just from that alone .
So how do you become deficient in B6 ?
By taking the wrong source , synthetic version .
Drinking alcohol can create a b 6 deficiency .
Stress can do it .
Having inflammation , birth control pills , having malabsorption .
There's a gut issue .
You can't absorb it .
And certain genetic problems like what's called polymorphism where you have this defect in your gene that won't allow you to absorb it , that could be another factor .
Alright .
Thanks for watching .
Before you go , if you have a question about a product or you're new to keto and you wanna know how to begin keto or you're on keto and you need to debug because it's not going as smooth , I have a keto consultant standing by to help you .
This is just for the people in the US .
Hopefully , in the future , we'll be able to answer everyone's call .
But I put the number down below , so you can call and get some help .