Hi guys .
In this video , I wanna share with you some information on vitamin b 6 .
Okay ?
Now vitamin b 6 is kinda like a co enzyme .
It's a helper vitamin involved in so many different body chemical reactions .
It's kinda like the the catalyst , the thing that allows everything to work .
It's like the glue that connects things together .
But you have the inactive version , okay , and then the active version which is called Pyridoxal 5 Phosphate .
It's PLP .
K .
And , if you're gonna take a supplement , I think I would recommend this active form because it's stronger and it's , it's pretty effective for a lot of different things .
So let's just kinda go through , the symptoms that you would have , if you were gonna take this .
1 is carpal tunnel syndrome .
Okay .
Also fluid retention .
Okay .
Pins and needles , sleep problems , neuropathy , that's nerve damage , trigger finger , fatigue , dermatitis , cracks in the corners of your mouth right here , sleepiness to the point where you need so much sleep and you can't seem to recover .
K .
I mean , you can't seem to wake up , basically .
You're just like sleeping .
You're just not waking up .
K .
You might have a child like that that just won't get out of bed .
Give them some b 6 .
Okay .
Heart attacks , mainly due because a b 6 deficiency will increase , something called homocysteine which I'm gonna put a link down there below but it's an it's a risk factor for heart attacks and heart problems .
Okay ?
Alright .
So the function is a catalyst for over a 100 enzymes mainly in protein reactions .
Helps you make the blood .
Makes GABA which is a neurotransmitter that helps with your mood and relaxation and stress and pleasure .
It makes helps you bring your mood up .
Glycogen breakdown , it breaks down sugar so it's involved in blood sugars .
It's involved in metabolism in general and also in the making of neurotransmitters .
And that would be like serotonin and everything .
Those are all protein based .
What would cause a deficiency , which is interesting because this is on a lot of foods .
It's very easy to get this vitamin , but it's really not that you're not getting it from your diet .
It's that either maybe you're drinking , you know , alcohol that could be depleting it , or you're diabetic or have blood sugar problems because insulin can lower that as well .
Insulin resistance , liver damage or dysfunction , gallbladder problems , ear , bowel issues , leaky gut , any type of IBS , any type of bowel problem .
Let's say you had gastric bypass , rheumatoid arthritis , birth control pills , antibiotics , or steroids which is adrenal hormones like cortisone or prednisone .
That will deplete this and you may find that , you know , you can start developing these symptoms and all you have to do is take some of this and you'll start feeling better immediately .
Okay .
So I just wanted to mention it and thanks for watching .
So press the subscribe button and this is misspelled so I can't spell .
So I'm gonna have to add that in here .
Okay .
Take 2 .
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