So if you're deciding to take magnesium to help yourself sleep or maybe for anxiety or stress , today , we're gonna talk about when you might not need magnesium .
In fact , the worst thing you could do is buy some magnesium and then find out it doesn't really work for them .
That's not what they needed , or it worsens their sleep situation .
Magnesium is supposed to calm you down .
It's supposed to lower cortisol and adrenaline .
How could it actually make you more stressed out ?
That's the question .
Your anxiety could come from many different causes .
So magnesium is just one remedy to handle one aspect of sleep and anxiety .
As far as sleep goes , we dissect sleep into 2 different categories : people that can't get the sleep versus people that can't stay asleep .
When you initially try to go to sleep , if you can go to sleep very easily , chances are you have good parasympathetics .
What does that mean ?
Well , there's 2 parts of the nervous system .
You have the parasympathetic , and that's kinda like the system that actually pushes you into a deep restful sleep .
It keeps you calm , and it's mainly responsible for the first part of the sleep , especially the deeper delta wave sleep .
Okay ?
But the second part of the sleep is more what's called REM sleep .
People that have higher levels of adrenaline or cortisol tend to wake up , like , 2 o'clock in the morning or 2:30 or 3 o'clock in the middle of night .
And they're like , laying there , like , okay .
So I'm more awake now than I am during the day .
So if you look at this circadian wave rhythm of cortisol hormone , the lowest point should be at 2 AM , and the highest point should be roughly about 8 o'clock in the morning .
But a lot of times , it's kind of backwards , and you're always gonna wake up feeling not very refreshed .
So then people take magnesium because magnesium is supposed to lower cortisol and adrenaline , but sometimes it doesn't .
Why ?
Because the actual cause of this high cortisol is not coming from a lack of magnesium .
You see , the problem is it's really hard to test for a magnesium deficiency because as soon as you test it in the blood , it's not gonna really show up necessarily unless you're really , really deficient because most of your magnesium , 98 to 99% is inside the cell .
Let's say you don't consume a lot of green things .
I'm talking about vegetables that are green because chlorophyll has magnesium in it .
But it's also , high in some nuts like almonds .
It's high in chocolate .
It's also high in pumpkin seeds .
So let's say , for example , you don't eat a lot of those foods .
Let's say instead you are heavy on the the carbs .
Okay ?
You do a lot of sugar and grains .
Refined sugar and grains will deplete your magnesium .
If you're fatigued or maybe have cramps in your legs at night , you could be deficient in magnesium .
Okay .
So you go to bed , and you're lying there .
You just can't get into a sleep .
Right ?
Chances are you don't have enough parasympathetic nervous system .
If you're experiencing a lot of stress and you're not exercising , that's definitely gonna screw up your sleep .
Exercise helps , long walks help , But what really helps more than both of those is physical work .
Yeah .
Outside .
Because it also handles the mental component .
It takes your mind off the stress .
Now , also , if you're low in vitamin b 1 , okay , you're gonna have , this situation where you're gonna lie down and you're gonna try to go to sleep , but you're thinking you're solving problems 247 .
You can't turn it off .
That means you need b 1 , and chances are you're doing too many carbs which deplete B1 .
In my situation when I was younger in my twenties , I'm in my thirties right now , and I'm being also very sarcastic .
I used to consume a lot of carbs and not any b one .
So I had restless leg syndrome .
I had a lot of nervous anxiety .
But one thing that could have helped me if just to take b one , if I would have known about it , I probably would have got rid of my restless leg syndrome .
But when you take b one , you'll feel the sense of relief , and you can finally turn it off and go to sleep .
Also , if you're doing a lot of coffee or tea , that can deplete you of the b one .
If you're gonna take a b one , make sure it's a natural version .
I'll put a link down below for more information on that point .
Now you have another factor too .
Melatonin .
I don't recommend taking a melatonin supplement .
Even though melatonin will help you get to sleep , it's not good at helping you stay asleep .
I suggest kind of looking at the reason why you might not have enough melatonin in the first place .
And there's a precursor thing that turns into melatonin , that's called tryptophan , but there's another thing you can do as well .
And this has to do with , I think , a better way to get your Melatonin .
See , melatonin is inhibited by blue light .
Okay ?
Like , sitting in front of your computer screen , the cell phone , the whole thing , that can really deplete your melatonin .
What recharges the melatonin is , number 1 , darkness or certain types of light , like infrared .
Over 50% of the sun's rays are infrared .
One really good remedy for sleep cycles is just to be outside more to get exposure to the sun .
The sunset and the sunrise has certain colors of , like , orange , yellow .
That is higher levels of infrared , which can greatly help wind things down for you .
So you can maybe even get one of those lights that , helps wake you up .
And this is really good in the wintertime when you're not outside very much , and it's also good if you have to stay inside a lot and work a lot inside .
And you don't have access to the outside .
You should have some type of internal full spectrum light .
But it's these lights are really , really important .
We want to , not be overexposed to the blue lights .
If you can get incandescent , that would be the best thing .
If you have a fireplace , if you could be exposed to that , that would be great .
Or a campfire , all of this will give you infrared .
Very beneficial .
Also , I find that when people take vitamin d before bed , it really helps their sleep .
And one more point about magnesium .
Magnesium will not work if you're really low in vitamin D .
And vitamin D won't work either if you're low in magnesium .
If you're fasting and you're new at fasting and you go to bed hungry , that could keep you up because you're not adapted yet and starts releasing sugar , and all of a sudden you wake up because of the cortisol .
Realize if the fasting triggered your sleep problem , maybe you need to gradually work into it slower .
And maybe even that last meal , you increase your carbs to 50 grams .
Like , have a bunch of berries , for example , and figure out what 50 grams would be to get more carbs just to kind of , like , handle this , spike in cortisol situation , which can be a problem for certain people .
Now let's talk about what happens when people cannot stay asleep .
Right ?
They're getting up , and they don't get that last part of the sleep .
The sympathetic nervous system activates adrenaline , but also cortisol can be evolved as well because they they both work together in the stress response .
And this REM sleep rapid eye movement is a is kind of a a very superficial wave , have these vivid dreams .
It's almost like you're awake , but you're sleeping .
So all it takes is just a little stress to kinda bump you out of that .
What you need to do to reduce Cortisol is to exercise more , but make sure you do not overtrain .
Really working hard , and you can sweat and use up a lot of your energy .
But don't go overboard and don't do this every single day , maybe twice a week .
And then you stopped exercising .
Your mitochondria now are so used to that energy production , and you're just , like , going to bed with all this extra energy .
You just you have to deplete it .
Long walks are excellent at reducing cortisol as well .
Anytime the blood sugars go low , you could have a situation with high cortisol .
But here's the thing .
If you do it right , you do intermittent fasting correctly and gradually over time , it'll be very smooth where you won't have a major problem with cortisol .
Why ?
Because you've adapted to your fat and you're burning fat , and there's not a need to rely on sugar .
So I found that having a little bit more salt , especially if you're on a low carb diet or you're doing fasting is gonna be vital .
That alone can solve your sleeping problems without even taking magnesium .
K ?
Have some salt right before you go to bed and just see what happens .
Cool thing about salt is salt retains fluid , which means you're not gonna get up and have to use the bathroom as much if you have a little more salt versus not having enough salt .
You'll tend to pee more at night .
But what about anxiety ?
Right ?
Anxiety is kind of tied in with insomnia .
But if you just have anxiety , obviously you want to evaluate what's causing anxiety , but if you just have anxiety for no reason , I'm telling you b one is the answer to that .
You should just try some .
If you ever notice someone with anxiety , their inhalation is not matching the timing of their exhalation .
And so what happens is that you don't get the right c02 retention to allow the oxygen to go into the cells .
I mean , just picture someone who has a panic attack .
Right ?
They're getting too much oxygen .
So just by slowing down the breath , and , I've done all the videos on this , especially , if you're trying to go to sleep or get back to sleep , breathing through your nose slowly in , slowly out , the same rhythm , boy , that that helps a lot .
But also , like , a lot of medications , especially Metformin , will deplete you of b one .
Let's say you do need magnesium .
Right ?
Magnesium Glycinate is a good one .
Why ?
Because it's especially good for sleep and anxiety .
Because of the glycinate part .
The glycinate part of the magnesium is really glycine , and glycine is a calming amino acid .
When should you take magnesium glycinate ?
Maybe about a half hour before you go to bed .
And so there's other types of magnesium out there .
You can get this , magnesium citrate .
It works , but probably not as good .
You can take the , Magnesium oxide or the carbonate .
Those don't get absorbed as well .
They're very cheap , and they don't seem to work as well as the , glycinate .
The magnesium glycinate is really good because so many people are also deficient in glycine .
And if you have not seen my video where I talk more on glycine , you should check that one out .
It's very important .
I put it up right here .