So today , we're gonna talk about the absolute worst sugar alcohol .
Now the first thing you need to know is that sugar alcohols are not alcohol .
It has nothing to do with alcohol .
So that's 1 thing .
They're basically low calorie sweeteners , that don't get totally absorbed .
There's something called the glycemic index , which basically is things that you consume that spike the blood sugar .
The higher on the scale , the worse the spike in blood sugar .
The lower the scale , the less the effect on blood sugars .
Okay ?
So we want a 0 effect , if possible on the glycemic index as being a good sweetener .
Erythritol will give you a 0 effect .
Okay ?
So it has , it does not spike your blood sugars at all .
Some people have a lot of bloating .
Sometimes people don't like this because it's very cold .
It gives a really cold , sensation , but it's in used in a lot of different things .
Okay ?
Xalitol is 13 .
So that's pretty low .
That's the 1 I like .
So it it's not 0 .
It has a slight effect .
If you're having just a small amount , it's gonna be okay .
But just make sure that anytime you're doing these , it's a , organic or non GMO , product .
Sorbitol is 9 .
That's pretty low .
Isomalt 9 .
Lactitol 6 .
And mannitol is 0 .
Certain doctors use this for glaucoma .
They will inject you to actually help intracranial pressure as well .
I don't actually recommend this 1 even though it's 0 .
But the worst 1 is maltitol .
There's a glycemic index of 52 .
I mean , table sugar is 62 or 63 .
So this is crazy high .
So this is gonna spike your blood sugars big time .
So maltitol is the 1 that you want to avoid .
And also there's a bunch of other ones that I didn't list as well , but I'm just kinda giving the basic ones .
And of course , I'm assuming you already know to avoid the artificial sweeteners like aspartame , which comes as equal or nutraSweet or saccharin , which is sweet and low or sucralose , which is Splenda .
So I'm assuming , you know , you already know that these are not very good .
They create problems with your microbiome , your , microbes , your friendly bacteria in your gut .
They create fluid attention .
They're linked to insulin resistance , a lot of other issues .
Stevia is a really good sweetener .
Monk fruit is good .
Inulin is a fiber .
A lot of people are using that .
Sometimes you might get too bloated if you have too much .
So it's always a balance of trying to find a sweetener that is very similar to sugar that doesn't have an aftertaste .
K .
That doesn't affect the blood sugars , but then doesn't give you the bloating , the gas , and the diarrhea .
So different people react differently with different sweeteners .
So you just have to test it out and see what works good for you .
Alright .
Well , thank you so much for watching .
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