So I had another question from someone that wanted to know , is honey a better substitute for sugar ?
Let's talk about that .
Well , regular table sugar , refined sugar is a 5050 split between fructose and glucose .
Honey is 60% fructose and 40% glucose so it has more fructose .
And the rationale that people use that honey is better than sugar for a , diabetic , it's not going to affect your blood sugars , is because it's high in fructose .
And fructose on the glycemic index is 19 .
So it's very very low .
So you're thinking , wow , it must be okay .
But here's the problem .
That glucose goes directly to your liver and your liver is the organ that has to deal with it .
All the other cells in the body can metabolize glucose , but the liver has to metabolize fructose and this is the problem .
So fructose is very damaging on the liver , and it does create insulin resistance , and it does cause a fatty liver , And so , no , honey is not a good substitute for sugar .
The benefits of honey have to do with the antioxidants and some of the vitamins and the phytonutrients that can help people with allergies .
And also , it can decrease the complications from diabetes because vitamins protect the cells , but it's not an alternative substitute for sugar and I don't recommend it .
As a side note , because our environment is becoming more polluted , especially with insecticides , okay , like glyphosate , as in GMOs , okay , you're seeing a decrease in honeybees .
I mean , recently , it's like 40% less than it was several years ago .
And the problem is 1 third of all of our food is dependent on bees for pollination .
And pollen is a fertilization agent to allow the plant to become more fertile and give off seeds .
So we need these bees , but we don't need the honey .
Alright .
Thanks for watching .
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