Hey , guys .
I had a recent question related to monk fruit and Stevia and erythritol and xylitol .
Which one's the best ?
Which one's the worst ?
So let's just talk about these 4 sweeteners .
Monk fruit , and stevia and erythritol all have a 0 glycemic index , so they will not increase insulin .
Okay ?
Xylitol on the glycemic index is 30 , so it's low , but it's still a little spike .
If you consume this 1 in small amounts , it should not be a problem .
Now , I do use xylitol for a lot of different recipes simply because it really tastes just like sugar .
Okay ?
Stevia has a little bit of an aftertaste , but this is really good in things like , like flavoring water and carbonated water to make like a soda .
And it's good in certain recipes .
Monk fruit also has a slight little aftertaste .
It's really , really sweet , so you don't need much of it .
Both of these are very similar .
They're they kind of give a little bit of an aftertaste .
They don't really taste a 100% like sugar but they're good in certain recipes but not in others .
I don't really use this 1 as much .
I use Stevia a little bit more .
Now , Erythritol , doesn't have the aftertaste , but it definitely does not taste like xylitol .
It has more of a , a cold taste , a cold sweet taste .
But I still use this in recipes because it's great to combine this maybe with this or these 2 together and to have the , the right balance .
Now the other point about erythritol is sometimes it's made from corn which is GMO .
So you wanna make sure this 1 is non GMO .
Same thing with xylitol .
This you want this from birch bark and non GMO .
And if you're actually chewing gum , make sure it's xylitol gum , and don't worry about it interfering with your intermittent fasting .
It's not gonna bump you out of ketosis .
It's such a small amount .
The gum that you don't wanna consume is the gum with aspartame .
You wanna avoid these artificial sweeteners .
These are sugar alcohols and this is a fruit and this is from a plant .
So these are totally fine .
There's a lot of other sugar alcohols and natural sweeteners that you can do but these are the common ones right here .
Between these 2 , I found this 1 tends to give people a little more digestive , problem .
It consumed in larger amounts .
This 1 can be as well , But if you're having small amounts , it doesn't seem to be a problem .
But when you start making these keto bombs or these recipes , boy , it just tastes so good .
You wanna eat a lot of it ?
Well , then you'll start getting some problems because they can act as a laxative or give you gas .
And sometimes you'll hear this idea that if you consume anything sweet , whether it's monk fruit or stevia , even though it's 0 calories , it's still gonna spike insulin .
I've never had a problem with that .
I never see a problem with that .
I wouldn't worry about it .
Thanks for watching .
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