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2023-06-14 19:29:54

Tanner and Taylor get a ride in the Shelby GT350

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What's up guys today ?

I'm starting off the video a little bit later than normal .

We actually slept in today , forgot to set an alarm and we got back from the drift event really late .

So we didn't end up going to bed around like 23 AM .

However , these guys , we're up to what , like five AM eating cereal outside on the ramp ma has it on for you .

You're crazy .

We were outside .

These two are packing up .

They're about to head out to the airport .

But before they go the airport , we're gonna get into some , some stuff on the ramp .

They also suggested that we make some peanut butter jelly pizza before they leave .

So they picked up some dough from pubs .

And , uh , we're gonna try to do that too .

We got an hour .

We can get everything done in an hour .

Right .

Right .

We got this , we got this , we got , we got to make peanut butter jelly pizza .

We gotta go ride a pit bike on the ramp .

We have to go ride a scooters and bikes .

We got an hour and race G T 3 50 race .

I'm sorry guys , I haven't been really documenting the peanut butter jelly process that well , but I just wanted to say , look at the mountains .

Uh , Nicole , you're missing an hour right now .

We're not serving them , show them their peppers peppers .

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The peppers are taking up an entire shelf with the fridge that I bought .

And they called like 30 peppers .

Ok .

One bag , one bag of three .

That's a lot more than three .

Give us a pepper check .

I picked out a good pepper .

We've definitely had a better outcome before but uh we're in a rush so not too bad .

Not too bad .

I'm I'm pretty proud of you guys .

Uh Peanut butter and jelly T shirts are in description still .

I don't know .

I don't think we have more .

I think , I think we were like super out of those for everybody like this video .

If Adam should restock the peanut butter jelly t-shirts and the Nicole's Pepper shirts because we bought her a bunch of peppers .

Nichols in the other room yelling .

No , Adam's house is dripping .

What the hell is going on ?

Nicole ?

Your house is leaking .

I know we're supposed to go film where we have like 30 minutes .

I know .

Imagine like a waterfall comes out of it .

We're out to , to 20 minutes .

That's 20 minutes , dude .

It's like really wet up in here .

That's not good .

That's really not good .

It's like how your attic is water in it .

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Maybe .

Yeah , I wonder if we have like shingles from or something .

It started raining .

Which kind of put a damper on our scoot slash BMX session for today .

I know .

So Tanner wanted to try to take out this , uh , pit bike .

He's never written one before .

Yeah , you're good .

Just send it .

Who ?

It's a bad idea , bro .

Are you gonna jump the box ?

Oh , go off to take off .

Please go get a pop tag .

Oh .

Oh my God .

Oh .

Oh my gosh , you're wild .

Oh , he showed you up ?

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Oh oh Adam .

Oh dude , that's possible to clear it .

Oh my God , dude , that's scary .

I don't , I don't have enough motorcycle control .

I think you need to grab the brake in there so it pitches it down , do it .

That was scary , man .

You got a lot of air .

Oh boy , Adam , ladies and gentlemen , they could do it so easily .

Oh , like I think it's possible but I just like I'm not comfortable enough on a , on a motorcycle I think to do that .

But it's sick though .

It was super sick .

Oh Dana , what just happened ?

I missed it .

I missed it .

Maverick just jumped that quarter to flat and then flipped over the handlebars onto the grass in those little tiles and then the bike falls and starts leaking fuel and Adam didn't give any of it .

Hey , can you do that again ?

Maverick again .

Go again .

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Go again .

No , you gotta do it .

He's gotta lean back .

Oh .

Oh my God .

Hit your feet .

See he's showing you up , bro .

He's showing you up .

He good at it .

I really , he's a biker .

It's like BMX .

You .

Ok .

Yeah , we can just me , me dry now .

Let's do it .

All right .

All right .

So we are bringing Taylor to the airport .

Tay .

How was the trip ?

Oh , man .

It was like literally one of the best trips I ever had .

We did so much .

The cool thing is we didn't really like plan anything super hard .

It was kind of fun .

Just kind of worked out that like the drift event was going on when you're down here .

And I don't know , it's been a lot of fun for sure .

A lot of riding .

That was a sad ride to the airport , but Tanor never got a proper pull in the G T 3 50 because every time we've been driving it , it's been raining .

So when I got a proper pull , mustang , it was wet .

We had a curve .

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It was wet .

Yes .

Freaking ready , bro .

You're ready in a second .

Yeah .

You ready ?

Oh My God .

It feels like you're gliding .

It's weird because it's like it's like a freight train because it's such a heavy car .

It literally feels like you're gliding like you're like , it feels like you're losing traction but you're not , it's fun .

Right ?

Oh my God .

Every time I get on it , dude , I'm so excited to take this car to the track .

Can you know that's gonna be fun until next time , Jen , later this hang out with you , Maverick for sure .

Text me if you miss your flight , I'll come grab you later .

I've been really excited to show my friend Taylor this car and we're kind of in his area right now .

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So we're going to stop by his house and toss him the keys , dude .

You gotta drive it , you're driving it for whatever reason .

I just feel like this is like a tailor car .

Like after I got , I'm like , Taylor is gonna love this .

This is a very , if you don't love it , you can tell me , I will tell you , I won't be offended so far .

I love the seats and the interior .

It's like very comfortable .

Like there's , I need to , they're kind of like , I , I do have a really hard time getting comfortable in the car myself .

Really ?

Yeah , just like with the wheel position .

And I think that because the armrest is so far back , like you just kinda like , I can't be lazy .

It's more of a track car .

You know what I mean ?

Like if I punch it in a second , like it takes a little while , like it has like a little bit of a , like almost turbo .

I like that person .

Oh , no , it makes it way more exciting to draw on .

And I think that's why people love this so much .

You're gonna tell where that guy is basically .

Wow .

It sounds so good .

You know , this is actually tuned for E 85 .

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I found out you gotta make an extra 50 horsepower on it .

I'm just scared to put it in .

It's never been Dino tuned either is where I get on it in the city .

It's nice .

You're gonna have to bleed that out .

Dang .

It , it's like , it's such an interesting call .

I think I'm more scared by the , the window , the actual car , the window me , I mean , I've been in fast cars .

It's , it's , it , I don't know , it just , it just keeps going .

Yeah , it pulls all the way through , it doesn't like pull hard and then fall off or nothing and then pull hard and then fall off .

It's really interesting looking at the din graphs and just seeing like kind of how the horsepower curve is .

Yeah .

Literally , it's just like the whole time for us .

Yeah .

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And I , I think one of my favorite things too and the thing that always gets people is like when you bang third out of second it , K band take a part .

Oh , yeah , dude .

I would have so much fun .

Like , because it's like , it's like a better version of my , like , it's got more power and it's more comfortable .

But like that same when he was kind of like , like around my neighborhood , if you wanna go back , I was just gonna have a fun place to pull away .

The thing that I , I think why I didn't like it at first because I didn't drive it hard enough .

Like , you , you really have to , like , drive this car hard .

Right .

You can't just , like , if you put around , it's like , what's the big deal ?

You know , it just keeps going .

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Like you think it's gonna end every , every second year pull .

I have like the biggest grin on my face .

When do you shift ?

Do you know the speed you shift it ?

No , I never look at it .

I'm normally looking at the red line because if I don't look at it , I'll short shift .

Right .

It does have a shift light .

But we , like , it flashes on the really , it's like that up this way is a good place .

I love having you drive cars because I feel like out of all my friends you have the most experienced driving , like the most absurd array of cars .

Yeah , I have , I have driven a lot of different stuff from , like , drift cars to exotic cars to F D cars .

It's very easy to drive .

Yeah .

Ok .

I was like , no , it's like , I hate when I , like , accidentally , you know , you got to drive somebody's car .

You don't know .

I never get on it at first because it honestly scares me .

Yeah .

I'm sure , I'm sure it's pointless .

Probably .

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Is that the first time anyone's ever , like , banged in the third with me ?

In the past .

Really ?

Yeah .

Oh , it feels good , doesn't it ?

Yeah , it has .

Like , it just doesn't , it , doesn't , you feel like you're right , you would short shift , like you feel like you need to shift and you look down , it's still going .

I think that the gears are long but they're not long .

It just revs out so high that you're just in gear forever .

Which must be awesome on the track because you have to be on shift a million times and , like coming out of a corner too because you don't have all the torque down low .

It's not just gonna blow , you just roll into it easy and not have to worry about it .

It's still got a good download too .

Like , it's not like it's a slouch either .

It's like it's got the torque of like a fast car download but then has the power of a really fast car up top .

The match down shifts are really fun .

Yeah , it's so easy .

I'm not used to how , like , my bed breaks are pretty decent but I'm not used to how sensitive .

I love them .

It makes you forget that .

It's a big heavy mustang .

Oh , sorry , sorry , sorry Shelby .

I don't use the N word on this guy .

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The M , the M R F makes it sound so bad .

I don't use , I don't use the hard G though .

The hard G , oh , I figured you'd be hard .

Oh , you're right .

Like hard r , I see what you're saying .

I kinda wanna see my first do all that .

I mean , it , it still has plenty of grip .

Yeah .

Like it , it , it , it chirps him a little bit but it , like , it's just pulls out of it .

It's fine .

The traction control is great when it's dry .

Right .

Just to let you know , I like that .

It doesn't kill it though because some cars , like the wheel slips it all and it's just , like , shuts it down , like you lose all and then it's , like , starts doing this weird thing where it bucks back and forth .

I hate it .

Oh , it's so comfortable , like , right .

It's so good .

I see what you mean about being doing 50 and , like , 20 five other , other than the fact that it's a very large car that's like , kind of , where's the sport mode ?

How do I turn ?

I think ?

Oh , I didn't happen in , um , no , I didn't .

There .

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Sport don't make it though .

I just want it like that .

Yeah , I bring a button .

It has like , track modes and other stuff .

But I think sports like , probably like the best in between .

Yeah , I think track , the main difference is just that it turns off traction control has launch control too .

I haven't tried that yet .

You gotta try that .

I need , I need an exterior clip of launch control .

Yeah , I need to find a good safe place to do that .

And somewhere with like , good audio , like from the back .

So you can hear , like , you know , Matt actually tinted the front wheel windshield on this and the side mirrors so , and the side windows , so it's a little dark in here if you don't notice .

Yeah , I like that .

I , we were just talking to somebody about that .

Like , it's so nice when you have a tinted car because you feel like , kind of like in your own little place , it's good , but it's not good when you're filling in a go pro .

That doesn't work good .

And like , oh , well , yeah , that's true .

I'm so excited to try like donuts or drifting this , but I just don't know how it's going to be .

So I want a giant lot .

Yeah , I would do for sure .

I mean , even , even somewhere as big as like where we've gone and oh no , no , that's plenty .

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I was just , I was thinking about whipping a quick doughnut in the cul de sac by my warehouse .

There are like cars in there and I'm like , man , if it's under stirs you , you just don't know what's gonna happen .

Like , you don't know if the steering is gonna be funky and you're gonna go the way out of it and the wheels are turn .

That's what Aaron's Mustang would do .

Like you'd be like the wheels would be like this , but it feels straight .

You know , like you can't , you can't tell because it doesn't it doesn't feed back , like , through the tires to the steering wheel .

Like , oh , this is like the ultimate deal .

You see why I love it so much , dude .

I love it .

It's amazing .

It's so comfortable .

The gas mileage , like , isn't terrible either .

Like , I always take this thing everywhere .

I know you haven't been able to put it in six yet , but six is like a , uh , what do they call it ?

Like a over ?

Yeah .

So same with the same with the vets .

I wasn't used to that .

I was like banging gears .

I went from fifth to six and they were like , what ?

Yeah .

Yeah , that's the same way .

Like you can't put it in six until you're going like 60 .

Luckily Taylor , I got to drive it before it started pouring .

I wanted to check out the new garage lighting .

This is what we used to work in literally .

Yeah .

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Oh my gosh .

How much did you say these costs on Amazon ?

That's sick .

I like how you ran them too and they just plug in .

Yeah .

So they plug in with the cord but then they connect together with the little cord .

I wish they made that cord longer so I could run them differently .

But it did your thumbnail on , on the video for the lights was perfect .

Yeah .

That's such a hard thing to get a thumbnail of .

You can tell like I tried to take a picture and it looked like with the , the lights off and on .

It looked the same overall thoughts on the mustang real quick .

I love it .

It , you're right .

It is a me thought , cool , so comfortable and it's just hard to find , you know , it was fun getting to hang out with Taylor and just chill for a bit .

We've both been so busy lately that we really haven't gotten time to hang out .

So hopefully we'll be able to do that more .

I gotta go get some food because I'm hungry .

Something I used to do a lot in videos was try to incorporate little tidbits of advice and stuff that I think could possibly help you guys and I've been slacking a little bit , but I want to try to do it more .

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And one of the things that kind of just came to mind has to do with being as efficient as I possibly can .

I'm sure you guys can tell from videos that it probably looks like I get a ridiculous amount of stuff done given the amount of time that I have .

And one of the things that helps make it really easy is kind of planning your schedule in a way .

So you have very little slack time .

I know people that will go somewhere and be perfectly fine waiting for 20 minutes to do one errand when I try to like schedule everything so I can just do one thing back to back with another thing .

So as an example , rather than waiting 15 minutes to pick up a pizza , I went and got gas so I don't have to do it tomorrow .

The negative is when you pack things really tight , it makes it tough to be on time .

And that's why I end up running late a lot , but I get a ton of stuff done .

So it's a trade off but definitely try to treat life as a game if you can possibly link things up together and knock them both out .

It feels great .

One of the reasons I was really stoked that Matt put such a nice coating on the G T 3 50 is that it makes it really easy to keep clean .

And by that , I mean , after it's rained , normally I would get a bunch of water spots , but the coating is so nice .

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I can actually take my leaf blower and blow the water right off except right now my leaf blower is pretty much dead .

So I guess it's worthless kind of going along with that theme .

Another thing that I picked up that I'm really excited to start using is AC R spotless system .

This is not a product plug .

It is just one of the must haves of the detail world .

My friend Matt from Sage swears by these things .

It's a water deionize that basically filters the water and gets out all the crap that leaves water spots .

So , no joke when you're done washing your car , you can literally just spray it down with water through this .

So you'd have a quick connect and you just kind of rinse the car with this and you could leave it , not even dry it , go drive or just let it sit no water spots .

If you're up north , I guess it's not as big of a deal , but in Florida it's so hot that when you wash the cars it's so difficult to avoid water spots because they just , well , they drive before you can even get to them .

So stoked to try that out .

I also picked up a Kranz which is one of the sickest power washers out there .

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My friend Matt sells a whole power washer solution kit that comes with all the quick connects the better wand and all the stuff .

But that hasn't come in yet .

I think that's going to come midweek .

So the foaming set up in the car wash set up is about to be next level .

Make my old foaming look like a joke .

Nicole's not home .

So I picked up some pizza .

My friend Matthew Ginger is coming over and we'll probably just play Xbox or Chill and maybe do simulator stuff .

I know he's bringing over his V R stuff .

I've been so caught up with a million different things going on having and Maverick in town that I totally forgot to .

Thank you guys so much for all your support on the posters .

The new limited edition prints that we did sold out in just a few hours .

So that's amazing .

Thank you guys so much .

I , I genuinely feel like I don't think you guys enough .

So looks like Tanner and Mavi didn't like the peanut butter jelly pizza as much as they thought they would .

No doubt the fact that we were running incredibly late to the airport and they didn't want to take it in the Mustang because they probably would have killed them if they spilled it in the Mustang .

Rather than closing out the video .

Last night , I actually experimented for the first time with Twitch .

So I did a little bit of a Twitch stream on my Xbox playing zombies on the TV , just to kind of play around .

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I thought it would be fun to try live streaming since it is something I really never done with video games .

And everyone told me to do a set and it turned into this nightmare of me and my computer trying to figure out all the O BS settings and stuff .

If you know anything about Twitch or streaming , then you probably would have thought I was an idiot .

But anyway , if you guys want to subscribe to me on Twitch , my name is Adam .

L Drifts .

I'll put a link in the description .

I think if you do that , then it will notify you if I ever stream .

But I'm just letting you guys know .

I rarely play video games , so might stream once or twice a month .

But if anything , I just thought it'd be a cool way to kind of double task and make myself feel a little bit more productive if I am just kind of being lazy and playing video games .

So anyway , uh thank you guys so much for watching .

I hope you enjoyed the video .

It was a lot of fun having a maverick in town .

Their channels are also in the description and I just want to thank you guys so much because I feel like these past few videos , I felt a lot of love from you guys and Well , that's awesome .

So I'll see you tomorrow .

So .


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