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2023-06-14 19:27:25

Special Turkish Breakfast For Eid & Detailed Reviews - Gourmeturca

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Hi , everyone .

This is a welcome to Turkish Food and Travel .

As you can see and you know , from the title , I prepared a festive breakfast for you .

Special for this urban event , Cuban celebration .

We will be celebrating in Turkey and worldwide uh in Muslim countries .

And I wanted to give you an example of how we uh make a festive breakfast .

I shared all the details with you from beginning to till end .

So let's see how I prepared this table and come back .

Let's begin .

I'm gonna begin by serving my olives .

Let's take a closer look .

First one is red pepper , soft green olives .

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It is my favorite from my childhood .

It has a very tangy taste and I saw in European countries making this one too .

Next .

Let's take a look at this naturally pickled crushed green olives .

These are milder than the first one .

This kind of uh sweet taste too .

It doesn't have much salt in it .

Next is small beauties from a region from the eastern part of the Anatolia .

They are harvested from the hundreds of years old olive trees uh from and as you can see , they are very small tiny .

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I wanted to serve this with uh , sprinkling some and drizzling olive oil .

And finally , of course , we have black olives .

These are usually from a Marmara and Asian region from I heart .

And these are kind of must have in uh breakfast in Turkish breakfast .

No .

Next the jams .

My favorite ones I wanted to order some different ones to show you .

And first one is chestnut jam .

We actually call it a chestnut dessert .

Also , it is almost the same thing you cook .

The whole chestnuts in syrup end up having beautiful jams or dessert .

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Next picture , it's one of our favorites at home because my husband is from Zone City , Black Sea Coast .

And there they have beautiful fig trees and when we go there , we both enjoy fresh or as a jam .

The third one is really interesting .

It is walnut jam .

It is made from unripe walnuts .

You just peel the outer skin which is uh already green , not a ripe yet .

And they have a really unique , intense flavor of its own .

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I kept the most favorite one as the last to serve , which is rolls jam .

This one is of course homemade .

I shared the recipe on my channel and got many lovely comments .

Some of them uh You even didn't taste it .

I really recommend you to uh try if you have your own garden with grows that you can cook , make sure you try or if you are lucky , you can buy it from a street zars like I did .

Otherwise you can buy and try it too .

I'm also placing small dessert spoon to serve my jams .

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One of the essential and traditional things we eat in breakfast is tomatoes and cucumbers .

We have these small cucumber types .

We call t cucumbers .

I think they look pretty cutting like this .

And for the tomatoes , I'm just going to cut it in veggies .

Next , we have a hearty subject cheeses first .

They usually serve it by a frying .

But since I had many different kinds , I didn't open it after that .

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And this one is , it comes from a tribe and the cheese is made by their methods .

And next , which is string cheese .

I really like this one .

It has a different texture , a bit on the salty side , but it goes well with the breakfast and this is cheese .

Regular one , we usually have this to make toast , uh use it in eggs and other dishes .

I also use it to make .

Along with , we can translate it as a Turkish white cheese and it is also an essential one in Turkish cuisine and breakfast .

Again , there are many types .

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This one is aged like at least 44 to 6 months , I think and has a more denser flavor than the ones that are not that much .

And the last one is , this is also very delicious .

It is hard cheese , salty .

You just have to taste it .

It's hard to describe all the types .

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So let's begin to prepare it to my plates since I'm about halfway done with my preparations .

It's time to brew my Turkish tea .

You can watch the detailed recipe on how to make Turkish tea from the links .

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Next , I have more sweets to serve with Tahini paste and molasses .

We're gonna mix them and natural honeycomb and clotted cream .

First , let me show you how Tahini he looks like .

It looks pretty like this and smells so yummy .

So I'm gonna serve it like that before serving Tahini and make sure you give it a mix to Tahini paste .

Sometimes the oil part can come on top and just pour it same amount to the bowl and give it a gentle mix .

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I'm going to serve my honeycomb .

They take the ball and clotted cream next to each other as they are good friends .

If you are a good watcher in the recent episodes , you probably know I shared these two delicious spread A and A .

You can get the detailed recipes from the description box below on my channel .

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My table is done .

My tea is brewing .

I'm ready to cook the final hot dishes on start up .

First , I have rolled with cheese .

I will share the recipe in the upcoming episodes .

Next , I'm gonna serve cooked meat in two ways .

First with eggs and second plain as a traditionally served in the celebration breakfast .

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Ok .

Uh we are done our Urban Festival breakfast .

Let me explain a bit what we have .

We have cheese made from , of course , we have , I made two types .

One is with eggs .

The traditionally they rush for the first meat to cook before the break time .

So you can eat .

But nowadays we usually give to poor people and we usually don't see it , we just give it and there are organizations .

So generally in homes .

We don't see much those days and the real eating in the breakfast and we have lots of cheeses .

We have so sweet .

Let me mention again , I prepared this breakfast special for uh celebration and for you , my friends .

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Uh we usually in the normal days don't eat this much varieties .

Don't forget we have spread A and A I already shared the recipes with you .

Make sure you try this too .

This is so delicious even though right now it's cooling and my daughter is waiting right here to enjoy this breakfast .

Give it a try if you want to enjoy two in the festival or any other days .

If you are craving for Turkish breakfast , you have my recipes .

You can get some of the goods from online .

I will give more details on the description box below as we say in Turkish soon .

Thanks for watching .

I hope to see you in another delicious Turkish food recipes and travel vlogs .

One more thing that you are watching this .

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Hopefully , I will be in with my daughter and we'll be celebrating this uh festival with my family there .

So we are really excited and uh excited to show you uh how celebration is going on there too .

Hopefully .

So stay tuned for more and see you next time .

I wanna try some of this too .

OK .

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Story didn't end here .

My friends next day , I prepared the same table again because I just didn't like the settings of the table .

So what I did here first , I placed the , the pan on center and the other things I just uh scattered around everything and it seems better this way .

So in case you wanna prepare a a Turkish breakfast like this , I just wanted to give you an idea that you can give your comments and thoughts about it .

Which one did you prefer ?

What do you think about it ?

And after I prepared everything , I just uh cooked my hot dishes and serve it .

Yeah .

Yeah .

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On my channel , I have many other Turkish menus .

Breakfast ideas I shared .

I will put the links , check the description box below .

And thanks again since you already watch till the end left me a flower in the comments .

So I know you are one of them who watched till the end .


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