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2023-06-14 19:18:36

Southern Utah Summer Adventure Ride

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You ready ?

Ready .

This is gonna be fun .

Yeah , up here in southern Utah in the small town of Mexican hat , just across the border from Arizona , from Monument Valley .

And we rode up here this morning so that we could poke around this area because it's one of my favorite places in southern Utah to explore .

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I am hoping that we can go down into a little bit of swimming because the river is right here .

There's a little dirt road that looks like it goes right down to the water .

I feel like we might need to jump in it .

So we stopped and went swimming here and we're trying to decide now if we want to continue on with plan A , which is to go up the Moy Dugway and camp up at the top at Mooli Point .

And if you guys have watched this channel for a while , you know what Mooli Point is like .

That's where I lost my drone last year when I was riding solo and it's an epic camp spot .

It's one of my favorite places , but it's hot .

It's high , it's dry and we've got the river here .

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So we were actually thinking maybe we should just camp down by the river and there's a restaurant and a motel right across the street here too .

So anyways , we're going to go right around through the Valley of the Gods and then make our decision .

So we came down to this area because we wanted to see if it was a good camp spot down by the river here .

So we're just going to poke down through the bushes here and have a look .

This is a really beautiful spot right on the San Juan River .

But in this particular spot , there's not really enough room to camp .

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So back to the bikes and back to getting Eva's bike out of the sand , it just got really stuck .

You've got yourself stuck good here .

That's going to require some digging , maybe tip it over , fill the hole up of sand trying to get the pannier off here so we can lay the bike on its side and fill that hole up with sand .

She doesn't think she has the right size Allen key so we can see what we can do if we can get it off .

Ok .

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I have one big hex wrench , but I don't know if it's the size you need .

Oh , yeah .

Oh , yes .

Oh , awesome .

Yeah .

Yeah .

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Oh , shit .

Yep .

Here we go .

I got it .

It wasn't the like victorious up on the pegs wheelie onto the road exit that I had envisioned , but I didn't get stuck and I didn't fall over .

So I'll take it .

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You guys may have noticed that this bike has a winch on it and that right there is the perfect winching scenario , but that said I just put the winch on and got it hooked up yesterday .

So the cable has not been spooled appropriately .

And so to use the winch without tension in the line and rewinding it appropriately , could be disastrous on a lot of different levels and extremely dangerous .

So we had to get it out the good old fashioned way .

But for all those people who saw me out on the road a couple of weeks ago who were like , what do you need a winch on your bike for that right there , textbook winching scenario .

This bike has a winch on it .

This is an A TV winch from a company called Super Winch and had a custom amount fabricated for the crash bars .

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It's tied in to the main center support of the motorcycle and it's really sturdy in so many ways , it's hard wired into the battery directly .

And basically any time you're winching , you have the bike on , but you're not doing any throttle , you're just using the winch control to spool it in or out .

And the reason why this winch is on the bike in the first place is because this is a really special build that I've been putting together for Overland Expo , which is my company that I work for and the entire bike , the premise is that it is the ultimate Overland motorcycle .

So she's a long haul trucker with tons of storage space , tons of great accessories and things like this to get you out of a bind if you really get stuck .

So we didn't get to use it today , but I can guarantee you that the next time this bike is buried up to its muffler in sand .

This is going to be the secret to getting it out .

So stay tuned for that episode .

It's going to be good .

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Pretty cool .

We had a hot , hot , hot ride today .

We're going to get camp set up and just enjoy a really nice evening up here on Mooli Point .

What do you think ?

We got some cold beer in here ?

Yeah , he did that for you guys .

What do you think guys ?

What do you think ?

Is there some cold beer in this pan here ?

What do you think ?

Huh .

What do you think ?

Yeah , that goes down good .

Huh ?

It goes down so good .

That's why I had to start carrying two Hydro flasks because you need all of the air .

Just isn't enough .

It's not enough .

Well , this is a really classy , um , set of Hors Ds .

We're eating the fanciest we've ever eaten on this channel tonight when Sterling camps by himself .

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He makes like gourmet filet mignon , like all this fancy stuff when he camps with me and my freedom .

You guys said you wanted more .

Eva .

So you got to handle the Fritos .

What a , what a lovely day .

I tell you every day , every day , I go out riding and filming like this , I always think , oh , I'm getting started plenty early .

I'll have enough time to film everything I want to .

And then before I know at the next minute the sun is setting and I haven't even accomplished half of what I set out to do .

It just happens like that on every single one of these trips .

And today is no exception .

Like this was the plan to come up here in Canada .

So we made it , we made it before the sun went down .

So , you know , it was a good day .

What worked according to plan mostly except for your little adventure in the sand .

That was some serious sand .

I , you know , I kind of think that razzle dazzle likes the sand .

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I think she likes it or I think maybe she wants me to learn to like the sand .

Am I personifying my motorcycles ?

Too much anthropomorphizing my motorbike ?

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686.39 --> 747.89

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It came in my new pot .

A very , it's just like , it's so nice .

It's so nice .

You know , I just wanted to have a fun , non dramatic , easy ride and it actually turned out to be a little more difficult than , you know , than I wanted , you know , extracting your bike and everything .

Not that .

It was a big deal .

It's not .

But no , I felt like that was like like adventure one oh one right there .

What was your high and low today ?

Well , being up here is wonderful .

I will say being up here and having it be cool .

That is a serious high .

Um I mean , I did get my motorcycle stuck so bad today .

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I don't really count that as a low .

I would say that the heat coming across the desert there was a couple of times today when the heat was really getting to me .

Like , I was just feeling hot .

I was feeling cooked , you know .

Um I'd say that was probably the low but I don't know , like got the bike stuck .

I was totally bummed that I didn't have the right Allen key , but you happen to have this weird giant Allen key that's several sizes away from like the standard set .

And so was able to take the panniers off , rock the bike back and forth and get it out .

That was no problem .

It was kind of a fun little adventure .

Yeah , it was a work out .

It was a little setback , but I mean , we had it out of there in a half hour .

It wasn't like some all day ordeal .

So I can't complain about that .

I mean , I can't really complain about anything .

It was gorgeous .

Like this is my stomping grounds , Northern Arizona and Southern Utah .

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I've spent 15 years of my life roaming around this area and I'm so happy to be here .

This is five years .

We've done some good five years .

Isn't that neat ?

What's my longest relationship ?

Well , officially here's for five years .

It's my longest .

Good relationship .

Hm .

I stayed in for way longer .

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So , you guys might have seen me use this a few times before already .

This is something new that I got this winter and it's a camp kitchen .

It's made by the Adventure Tool Company and I ordered it online after doing some research and looking just for something like this .

And the reason it's pretty obvious it's that I have a lot of different things in my camp kitchen .

And I was kind of looking for one place to be able to put everything into one simple container so that it's all in one place .

And so that stuff doesn't vibrate and rub on each other or on the inside of the panne as much because you notice what happens when you , when you carry your motorcycle gear , it's always rubbing against something and it gets kind of worn out and just tarnished .

And so I was looking for something to kind of organize my camp kitchen .

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So I found this , it's super rugged , super heavy duty , really well constructed and I can fit just about everything I need for what I would call my deluxe camp kitchen .

And so that's kind of the point of this .

It's super deluxe .

It weighs a ton when you fold it up and I put it in my bike .

It practically takes up an entire pan here .

But that said it's got everything that I need .

It's more than just a camp kitchen .

It's actually kind of like my survival kit as well .

I've got my fixed blade bush craft knife .

I've got my saw to cut wood for the fire box stove , which is down here .

I've got my MSR water filter , the collapsible sink to do my dishes .

All the soap and scrubby that I need to do the dishes .

I've actually got a frying pan and two plates inside of here .

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The pot lifter , silverware , folding chef's knife , fire gloves , tinfoil , spatula wooden spoon .

It's so cool .

It's all here .

It's all really well organized and it just lives in one of my panniers and every night I can break out this kit , hang it up on the bike or on a tree or whatever .

And there it is .

So , anyways , just a quick look at this new deluxe camp kitchen kit that I kind of put together .

The case itself is again by a company called Adventure Tool Company .

I'm not affiliated with them at all , but they're out of Colorado .

I'll put a link down below so you can check that out if you're interested .

My camp kitchen is exactly the opposite side of the spectrum from Sterling's , it's super minimal .

It all fits in this little tiny bag and it's super minimal .

I keep my little candle lantern in there in case I need some ambiance .

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And then I've got my little cook pot right here .

One of the most important components of my camp kitchen is my little flask .

This happens to be filled with bourbon just in case we want to get into some of that tonight .

And then my whole kit fits into this little box and this is where I keep all the wet things and the liquid things that might potentially leak and the coffee grounds that might explode in the morning .

So I always keep hot sauce , essential salt and pepper and oil for cooking .

And then the bowl and the lid becomes the cutting board and the prep for when I'm cutting things up , we keep some little silverware , backup matches for lighting the stove just in case the lighter goes bad .

And a super tidy , simple Swiss army knife with a cork screw in case you end up with a bottle of wine at your campsite .

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Yeah .

Wow .

Look now it looks pretty .

It looks so good .

Should I hit this with some habanero salsa ?

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Yeah .

So , um , got a little lime you can hit it with here .

Got a little bit of fresh cilantro .

Can't go wrong with a giant pile of cilantro .

I know .

I'm really excited .

I'm so happy after eating chicken soup last night to be able to cook a proper camp meal .

I think it hit 100 and 11 today was not a comfortable motorcycling day .

But , you know , it's just the kind of days that sometimes you gotta do when you got to be on your bike and you got to go somewhere and it's 100 degrees .

Plus you just got to deal with it , but you got to make some good choices .

You got to stay hydrated .

We drank a lot today .

We drank a lot of water .

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We stopped a lot .

Yeah , I drank at least a gallon of water today .

And I'm carrying a full gallon of water on my motorcycle .

A whole gallon takes up like half a pan here .

But we didn't know we would be camping by a reservoir and , you know , we're in the desert .

We're a little higher in the desert .

Where are we now ?

We're in central Utah .

We're sort of into that like southeast of Provo .

Kind of not quite the mountains but definitely not the desert , but we were definitely in the desert today .

Oh , yeah , for a long days .

So we were prepared .

We had the water that we needed .

Pretty much everything else .

New fuel of renewed focus and interest on water .

In light of your recent experiences .

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It actually feels really good to wake up and put your puffy on and be in your long underwear .

It's sort of really nice after 100 and 10 degree riding days , it's overcast .

It's windy .

It's kind of cool , almost quartering got cold after yesterday .

So a little different , a little different story and we're gonna head into Salt Lake City and get ready for this Overland Expo event that we've got to go work at .

So this video is just about done .

We got a little bit of riding left to do today and then it's on to the next thing .

Yeah , everybody's going to work .

We're doing a work project this weekend .

That's going to be fun .

This is how I do this .

It all goes into this stuff .

Sack together that way .

These don't get all mushy with this .

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We're going to head up to Salt Lake City today , Eva and I have to get to work at the Overland Expo event that's going on up in that area .

So we've got a little more riding to do to get us up there .

Thanks for sticking around on this video .

It's kind of our first ride of summer time and I hope you've enjoyed this short little excursion into Utah with Eva and myself .

Thanks for watching .


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