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2023-06-14 19:07:27

ON PARK TOUR of ALL of Silver Dollar City's Restaurants!

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Headed to Silver Dollar City and wondering what to do when you get hungry .

Well , that's exactly the position that I'm in right now .

So we're going to check out all the places to get a meal at Silver Dollar City .

We're so hungry .

Let's go .

Hi , this is Amy with T P F trips places and fun .

This is John .

And at T P F we show you how to have fun and exciting family friendly adventures .

And we're here at Silver Dollar City today .

Are we having a fun and exciting family friendly adventure , super friendly , fun and exciting .

And we're gonna talk about food today .

One of my favorite topics I hungry .

And so we are going to actually show you all the places that you can get a meal here at Silver Dollar City .

Now , we're not talking about the sweets and treats today .

That's gonna be another video .

Yes , subscribe in case you want to check out the sweets and treats and that's a great idea .

They can subscribe and they can give us a thumbs up and ring the bell .

The bell .

Yes .

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So anyway , we are gonna travel from restaurant to restaurant and from food stand to food stand .

We're not gonna eat it all .

We'll eat some of it , but we're going to show you all that there is to eat a meal here .

All the places there are , let me eat a meal here and one of these places we're actually gonna eat a meal .

Yes , we will .

And I hope it's soon because I'm really hungry .

Let's do it .

Ok .

Here we go .

So behind me , you can see they're changing out the from breakfast to lunch .

So if you come before 11 AM , 8 38 38 30 AM , between 11 AM , you can get amazing breakfast , scrambled eggs , bacon sausage .

If you come afternoon , then you can get your typical southern cooking lunch , dinner meal .

Yeah .

So we just talked uh with that nice lady and she said lunch starts in about an hour .

Why don't we take a look and see what they have to offer here , Amy Chicken buffet .

You get Southern South fried chicken catfish , filet meat loaf .

All those good comfort foods right here at Molly's Chicken Buffet .

What about pricing ?

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So adults are 17 49 and Children 11 and under 6 99 .

And I think breakfast was 12 something .

I didn't quite catch it before they changed the sign out .

I got the sign before they took it .

So we're gonna pop it up right here .

Here we are at the mine restaurant up here on the square .

This is probably our favorite place to eat here .

We've eaten here many , many times and we are going to eat lunch here today .

We are super hungry .

This will definitely give us all that we could possibly want .

So 17 49 for adults and we are going to go get full right now .

Are you excited ?

I'm super excited .

All right , let's go .

This place is super cool and super immersive .

We love being here because you really kind of step into the mine world .

Yeah , we're going down underground .

What are we gonna see down here ?

A mine ?

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They also have some super cool tables where if you end up with them , they actually will slowly raise during your meal .

And so you start kind of like at a normal table level and then all of a sudden you're like , what happened to my table ?

Hey , Amy , is it raise or rise ?

It's probably rise .

Thanks for correcting my grammar .

Well , you're welcome .

You're an English major and I knew that you'd be the one to ask .

Oh , thanks or , or you're trying to teach me something .

So here we are in the mind and the first stop is the buffet line .

Yes , they know how to draw you in .

Give , give us the food right away .

Starting to health the earring .

Yeah .

Unfortunately , I don't think it'll end that way , but that's why I'm starting .

You didn't look at any of this stuff , did you ?

I looked at it .

None of it is free .

So , I'm gonna skip that and go for the pudding after my meal .

All right .

Good call .

So , it's your favorite thing ?

Peas ?

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Actually , it , it's not , it's your mortal enemy .

Am I right ?

You can be doing this .

Am I like peas ?

I like them .

You say they're your mortal enemy ?

Hey , what's right next to the peas though ?

Also ?

Start with peak .

Oh , pudding .

Yes .

You like pudding ?

Ok .

So here you've got all your awesome southern foods that you could desire .

Um , beans and ham .

Mashed potatoes , chicken .

I've got some pea salad , potato salad .

What is this brisket , brisket salad rolls here for anyone who likes that kind of stuff .

And you've got a lot of great stuff too .

If you got baked beans , I didn't even get everything that was there .

I'm gonna go back .

But I don't think you get a buffet .

You're supposed to get everything that's there .

That's probably true .

Pick and cheese .

That's true .

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That was yummy .

I am super full .

You definitely will not leave here hungry .

So this is one of our favorite places .

Probably the place we go to the most .

We eat the most at Silver Dollar City , but it's great to kind of get out and see what else is out here to eat .

So right out of the mind , we go , going back to the surface , traveling up to the surface of the moon earth , the earth traveling back up to the earth's surface .

Took me a little while to figure out what look , look , look over here .

This is what , what's happening down where we just had lunch .

The meal is helping the guys .

The mule was helping the guys .

Right .

We should go .

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Now we go up , we go .

Wow , that's a cool restaurant .

We love it there .

So this is reunion hall .

There's nothing to eat .

There's no menu or anything next to Molly's restaurant , the Mill restaurant and the mine restaurant .

However , the reunion hall only runs like at Christmas time for the Christmas season .

But this is a really good meal , like , pretty , little more pricey .

Right .

Yeah , it's kind of your more elite like a Thanksgiving dinner .

Yes , it's super good , but pretty expensive , but only at , at the Christmas season .

Yeah .

In the reality , Amy , we have never eaten there .

Have we , we have not , it's always a little bit more than we want to spend .

So we end up doing like the mine or Molly's meal restaurant maybe this year .

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That's very good .

That's awesome .

We got to get one of those , one of those machines .

We are at Tater Twist .

So this is over here by Echo and here obviously you can get the traditional tater twist or they have a twisted tater dog that has a hot dog in the middle .

Now , the cool thing about this place is you get to choose toppings .

So you get your , your tater twist and then let's see .

We got to go round to the other side to show them all this here .

OK .

We're gonna go to the other side and show all of the seasonings that you .

So here is all the seasonings that you can put on top of your tea .

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So I there's garlic parmesan like that one sour cream and onion ketchup .

Wild Buffalo .

Yeah .

Like powdered ketchup .

So like a tomato type season maple .

So you if you want sweet , like a sweet potato flavor , cheesy cheddar .

A flame grilled barbecues .

Yeah .

Salt .

So you got all sorts of different flavors .

I've tried most of them .

I like them all and then they give them to you and you can put all your seasonings on the seasonings .

Stick to the oil .

Sounds super healthy .

That's so cool .

So this is the culinary craft school behind me at Silver Dollar City .

They offer cooking classes .

So this would be a unique way to get a meal today .

They will be cooking fresh hummus vegetarian Castle .

That would be a cool lunch .

We've never done this either , but it would be there to teach you how to cook and then you get to sample it , man .

Amy .

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My whole life could change if you took this class .

Yeah .

Oh , it smells good .

You can tell they've been cooking in here .

Hello .

It's oh my God .

So this is the Lady Liberty Dining Pavilion over by the Great Exposition .

Here .

They have got chicken tenders , chicken sandwiches , loaded fries , pretzels , popcorn , kids meals that come with chicken tenders and fruit and juice .

So you can get a little bit of everything here .

So this is outdoor dining , outdoor dining , kind of your quick serve type thing .

Um , cotton candy you can see hanging up behind me .

Nachos , soft pretzels , that sort of stuff .

All right , onward .

Hey , John .

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Look this way to the teeter pies .

Yeah .

Hey , that wasn't fire .

We're already here .

And so .

Ok , here is , are you looking at ?

Oh , sorry .

This is the probably the signature dish here is the sausage and potato skillet .

This is really amazing .

So it's got different kinds of potatoes , white potatoes , sweet potatoes , sausage in there , onion season all cooked on this .

Great big .

Let's take a look .

We got , got a glare .

Can we see them ?

There you get it ?

I know .

I OK .

So then they also have sausages and breaded chicken tenders and that sort of thing .

But really the thing you really want to come here for is that sausage and potato skillet ?

Yep .

That's right .

Good stuff .

Here you go .

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All right .

Ok .

So next to the tater patch is travelers stop here by time traveler .

And this , this just came highly recommended by the folks over at the culinary craft school .

They said this artisan grilled cheese is just incredible .

So they take this crispy bacon and layers of cheese and then grill it up on this yummy bread and they said you can make a couple of meals out of this and she was talking about it .

She was all excited and actually like , kind of jumping up and down and thinking about how wonderful it is .

And it comes with these curly fries .

Yes .

So we actually have not had this .

I can't because I'm gluten free .

But you could , I could and I should or maybe you shouldn't .

But anyway , it's , it looks amazing , that's for sure .

So definitely check this out if you're by time traveler and hungry .

All right .

There you go .

You have something .

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So this is Buckshot skillet cookery .

Another great skillet dish with corn and quinoa .

I think sausages and all sorts of fun stuff .

And here they also have turkey legs , turkey legs .

That felt amazing .

Look at that for you .

There you go .

Look at that .

That's awesome .

I get a smoking drop that I love it .

Thank you very much .

You very much .

So , it looks like it's got chicken , not sausage .

So this is kind of a little bit different than what we have over here at Tater Patch .

So you really have to try them all the skillets because they're all a little bit different .

We do it all today .

Oh , not today .

Not all of them in one day .

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So , this is outside seating over here right next to the flooded mine over here .

Look at that .

Yeah .

So , right next to your skill , meals and turkey legs .

You also have a line where you can get sandwiches and wraps .

So , but there's an awesome picture of that giant turkey leg .

All right , correction .

So the jambalaya skillet actually has sausage and chicken .

So one more reason to get the Jumah skillet , we got some , we got some , we got some .

There's a skillet right there .

Can I take a picture of your skillet ?

Thanks so much .

Now , we're here at the dock side grill where you can get more great skillets .

They have the pulled pork skillet and the Southwest chicken skillet .

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So , like I said , you really need to try all the skillets here at a Dollar City all at the same time .

That would be cool .

Maybe if you had a group of 2 to 4 of you and you could purchase all the different kinds and then sample from each one .

That would be really cool .

That salad looks pretty good too .

If you're in the mood for something healthy , beans and peppers , fresh salad .

Let's see what they got going on over here .

They're cooking Amy .

They're cooking is by the uh the old lost River of the Ozarks .

Yeah .

And what you see right now is they're making fresh chips like the real chips , real potato chips right there on the skill this area , riverfront sure has changed .

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We are waiting for the exciting announcement coming in August as to what exactly this new ride is going to be in the meantime , it's a whole different landscape over here here .

Yeah , this is where you can mine for gemstones so you can get a bag of dirt and pan or not mine pan for gemstones .

Kind of like they did in the gold rush days in California .

Gold , gold , gold and then they are .

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It's not true .

It's not true .

I'm going to see behind the fence .

Look at this .

Travel to where is the Rib House ?

Oh , no , that was my favorite restaurant .

What could it be here ?

We go .

Silver Dollar City .

Took the time to tell us where it is .

It's located in the carousel barn just to head on the left and I believe this is a temporary location .

They're gonna be building a brand new rib .

Yes .

So right now riverfront has been totally transformed as they get ready to make their announcement about their new ride that they're building .

So right now the Riverside RD House is right up here in that carousel barn .

Yeah , right by the river blast where you get really wet .

So , of course , Riverside Rib House has exactly what you would think they would have rivers barbecue .

So of course , you've got your barbecue rib .

Wait a minute before we go in there .

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We should , we should make a point of mentioning the pretzel dog on a stick .

Yes .

Now it looks completely awesome .

I've never had one because I cannot .

But I wish I could .

All right , onward .

Here's the menu .

Oh my God , y'all are gonna go .

So , brisket and pulled chicken and pulled pork and all the fixings like coleslaw and baked beans and all that kind of stuff is in here .

Ok .

So you used to have outdoor seating .

Now , actually you have indoor seating and somewhat temperature controlled .

So that's kind of nice in a way .

And this is where Rudolph and Clarice used to be .

You called her Clarissa .

That was offensive .

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I called her by the wrong name , but Rudolph used to be here to meet the kids and Rudolph's girlfriend , you can ask more .

Right .

So right across from the rib houses , temporary location is Crossroads Pizza where you can get your brick oven pizza .

This is a place we actually eat here quite a bit because it is a great place to bring a large family .

You can do it in a pretty cost effective way here .

Get a couple of large pizzas and you're good to go .

They even have a little gluten free pizza .

That is a little tiny personal pizza , but it's great if you have that need .

But we love it here .

Salads too in case you're trying to eat healthy , should we go peek inside ?

It's actually pretty busy in here right now .

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But back in there , you can see the brick oven where they make the magic indoor and outdoor and outdoor seating .

I just got caught my bag got caught on the way out , but I just wanted to stay in the pizza place as long as you want to go get wet over there .

No , you know , they'll suit you with water .

It's a beautiful day but not quite warm enough to be .

So , so here's the outdoor seating crossroads .

It's often hard to find a table , but they do a good job of keeping the stuff coming out pretty quick .

So , this is the Fried Bread company .

Our son actually used to work at this concession stand several years ago and he would bring us home fried bread from time to time .

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And you can either do yummy sandwiches , the fried bread with the yummy sandwich stuffings in there or they even have desserts too .

So this is over by fire in the hole .

The home .

Yeah .

Again , it's , it's outdoor seating for this .

Actually , no seating .

Well , there's benches back there .

But anyway , you can buy your fried bread and you could eat it over there .

Let's go over there .

Look at this Amy , there is another place to eat .

How many places there were at $7 until we started doing this video .

I mean , you see them all but there's so many like right next to each other .

This is Lumber camp .

So here you can get hamburgers , French fries .

Um , they've got your , um , they do have some salads for those of you who want to and they've got chicken sandwiches .

So that sort of thing .

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Mostly hamburgers here at the lumber camp and then right next door , right next door , these are peddle chips that you can load up with all sorts of toppings .

So , um , they have one , they have one where you can do the buffalo chicken .

They have both .

You have taco chips .

Those are kind of good where you've got your ground beef , taco flavored ground beef .

Those are the ones probably one of my favorites .

So , but five different times here , let's go around the corner .

Do you guys want ?

What ?

Also ?

Right next to that , you've got another skillet cookery over here and skillet cookery .

It's literally called skillet cookery .

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Anyway , you got a chicken fajita skillet and a skillet sausage medley .

So this is pretty crazy .

How many skillet I , I guess I never realized exactly how many skillets they have .

But so far that's six we found today .

And then there's another place to eat right next door .

They have no , no limit on the quantity of food you can .

So , so these are actually funnel cakes , funnel cakes , but they also have like other stuff to eat over here .

You're right .

I'll get this .

Yeah , that gigantic corn dog looks amazing .

So this is Flossie's Porch and they've got like corn dogs .

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And so , you know , for those of us who , those of you who love corn dogs come here for a corn dog .

They also have some like sidewinder fries .

They've got like chips with toppings and stuff like that .

So this whole area down by fire in the hole .

And hey , what's this ?

Oh , these must be the pork .

Is that what this is ?

Yes .

So I actually don't care for pork rins , but there are some members of my family who do and , uh , I like to get these , take pictures of your pork ride .

Oh , you take all the pictures you want .

So in case you're in the mood for some fried pork skin , pig skin , who doesn't want some fried pig skin ?

You can come over here and grab your pork .

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R All right , we're back up close to the square .

I'm weed because we've been walking up that Killer Hill right there .

We're here in the Ozarks .

Anyway , this is Frank's hot dogs .

If you want a hot dog , you get her to come kind of a glare , but there's hot dogs in there .

Yes .

So , Frank's hot dogs has hot dogs .

Imagine that ?

Look at that .

There's a line for hot dogs right next door .

Amy is the wagon works grill where I believe we have another skillet here .

So I think that makes seven so far .

Here we go .

No skillets , no skills .

You're the same time .

And salad burgers that all American burger dog .

It's a burger and a dog .

Ok .

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I don't know .

Let's go .

Look .

I don't think so .

I think that's where they grill the dogs and the burgers .

Ah , there they are .

So , you're right .

I thought this used to be , but look at that giant turkey leg .

All right .

And we're back on the square .

Amy .

We have one more restaurant .

We gotta get kind of down in the middle of my grandfather's mansion .

Right .

And by the train .

So , and we took a short cut through Grandfather's mansion .

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Actually , a long cut .

Now we're at Percy Southwest Grill .

This place is pretty cool .

It's kind of like do or Chipotle where you choose your style burritos , tacos bowls , salad , Nace Cream , and then you choose your meat and you put it all together to make an awesome Southwest meal .

Here it is .

Hi .

We good for yourself .

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This is actually one of my favorite places to eat in third dollar City if I want a quicker meal as opposed to like to sit down .

Hi .

Hello .

I'm walking over the swinging bridge .

Silver dollar Holler or Amy .

We should not have eaten before we went over this bridge .

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So this is kind of a bonus , honorable mention when Echo Hollow first opened .

That's way down there .

It was actually a dinner theater and I have such great memories of sitting down there and they would deliver meals to your table when they had a , a show , an actual show , like , uh , I think it was like Americana kind of patriotic kind of thing .

But that was many , many years ago , but it was super cool .

The food was really great and awesome memories and they don't do the dinner show anymore .

And that's kind of sad .

So , we're finished .

We're heading to the parking lot .

We hope you enjoyed this .

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Look at all the amazing food that Silver Dollar City has to offer and no matter what you choose , you're gonna work off some of those calories climbing up and down those hills .

All right .

Safe travels .

Everyone .

And I think they should click the bell , the bell and subscribe and give us a thumbs up .

You .

That's funny .


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