बहुत ही आसान है घर पर बनाना ।
सिंपल सी चीजें जो हम सबके घर में रूटीन में अवेलेबल है उसी से ही आपका फल बन जायेगा और वो भी बिना किसी फल में करके ।
आप देख रहे हो इस पल के जो साइड है ये अच्छे से क्रिस्पी हो गई हैं और फॅमिली बहुत ही ज्यादा ।
ये बना है ये फॅमिली इसके ऊपर थोडी सी चॉकलेट सिरप मुँह कर देंगे ।
आप अपने मन चाहे टॉपिंग के साथ सर्व कर सकते हो ये सब को बहुत ही ज्यादा पसंद आएगा ।
तो ट्राइ करिए आप कॅापी को मेरे साथ अपना फॅर करियेगा और अगर आपको आज की मेरी ये रेसिपी पसंद आयी हो तो प्लीज विडियो को लाइक करियेगा ।
मेरे चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करना ना भूलें ।
If you want it to your flour , add your baking powder and your salt , give everything a good mix and then incorporate your egg mixture , but don't over beat it .
Otherwise you'll have tough waffles .
As you can see , my batter is still a little bit lumpy though .
That's fine .
Then go ahead and add your egg whites and just carefully fold them in leaving some streaks behind .
You want to keep things light and fluffy lastly .
If you want them , add some of your frozen blueberries again , carefully folding them in when you're ready to cook , give your preheated waffle iron , a spray of cooking spray and then add about a quarter cup of batter per , well , close up and then just check periodically and when they're Golden Brown they're ready .
So , let's try .
Here are the waffles .
Um , this one is the partial one .
I usually like to spread it .
Um , put a little butter on them and then I use , um , maple syrup .
Um , you don't need to use maple syrup .
Of course , you can just use fresh fruit and honey .
Sometimes I do that .
Um , but maple syrup is traditional .
So here we go .
Let's do it .
Mhm .
Good .
Really good because we use egg whites .
The waffles are light and they're also crisp .
So they're fluffy and they're crisp on the outside and because they just come out of the iron , they're really fresh tasting .
I also freeze these , I make an entire batch .
I cook the entire batch and then I freeze them , the leftover ones .
I'll just let them cool completely and just put them in a plastic bag and , um , freeze them or wrap them in foil however you want to store them , um , keep them in the freezer and then when you wanna have them for breakfast , you just pop them in the toaster oven just like you would like an ego waffle .
And there you go .
You have homemade waffles .
Um , the blueberries are really nice in here .
I recommend the small ones .
The big ones I find , especially if they're frozen , leave little patches of batter uncooked around the waffles , which is no good .
So the mini ones , I mean , they taste better but they also , um , don't leave uncooked batter around if you use coconut oil like I did it .
That has a definite strong flavor of coconut .
If you're not a fan of coconut , then um you might want want to do that .
But I hope you try this recipe out .
If you do .
Let me know in the comments below , let me know what you did , what you tweaked , what you changed um Or if you have another recipe or suggestion that you like to do , um you add whole grains to yours .
Um Let me know , let me comment below .
So thanks you guys for tuning in .
I hope you guys enjoyed seeing how I make my waffles .
And uh yeah , I hope you do the same .
So yeah , I'll see you in my next video .