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2023-08-06 16:13:11

How to Clean Off-White Air Jordan 4

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How's it going ?

Welcome .

We are doing another episode of the Shoe Care Academy today .

We'll be cleaning the off white floors .

They're mine .

This pains me , but we're going to clean them up right now .

We got our kits here .

I'm going to use the essential kit , some shoe trees and our dry suede kit .

Let's get started .

Let's go .

All right .

First thing we're going to do , insert the shoe trees .

We're gonna go ahead and set this one aside .

So , first thing we're going to do here today is take out the laces , we just inserted the shoe tree .

It'll help maintain the form as we're cleaning these .

I'm not exactly sure what my strategy is yet , but once I get it ready to go , we'll figure it out .

Go ahead and set that aside .

I think what I'm going to start with is before I get into solution and brushes .

I think I'm going to start with our dry suede kit .

We'll brush off any excess dirt .

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Then I'll take the sued eraser and get as much as I can off these before I get them wet .

I'm a little , uh , scared actually to get these wet , but I think they'll be fine .

So dry Sued kit comes with a eraser and a nice little handy brush .

Well , I can tell you this isn't doing anything .

So let's move on to this .

We'll see , we may get to the water sooner than later .

So , as you guys can see it's coming along , so I'm just going to keep on this course .

We'll just keep plugging along here and see how clean we can get it before we go to the solution and water .

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So it's looking better .

But I can already tell that in the creases and crevices , we're going to really need to get these things wet with some solution .

This is going to take out probably 80% of the dirt , but we're going to need to go in there and get the rest out .

As I said , this is my personal pair .

So I want to get these as clean as possible .

This is one of my favorite shoes that has dropped as of recently .

So I definitely want to keep these looking good .

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So now that we got the dry brush out of the way , we're going to go ahead and use our essential cleaning kit , use some solution in our bowl and we're gonna go to town , we're gonna be careful with these because obviously , I want to keep them as clean as possible and as bright as possible .

I'm actually glad that I did this first because what I think is going to happen is I lifted most of that dirt in grease .

So I'm not going to actually when I get it wet , insert that into the material .

So hopefully by getting most of that off now , we have the ability to clean it a little easier .

So let's get to it .

Ok .

First brush , I'm gonna be using soft bristle brush .

I'm just going to go ahead and make sure that I got everything off of this .

I'm going to remove as much excess water as possible .

I'll just dab it on our cleaning mat just to not over saturate these shoes .

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Let's get started .

Definitely .

When you're clean and sue want to make sure that you clean the shoes evenly to avoid water spots , especially light colored suede .

So I'm going to make sure that I clean this super evenly and get about every square inch of this suede to avoid any discoloration .

Ok .

Now , I use the first brush , what I'm gonna do is go ahead and pat it dry and then I'm going to move on to the medium bristle brush hit the mid so and then come back over the uppers one more time .

Our medium bristle brush is white .

Now , as you can see .

So , you know , the difference super easy as you can see the difference .

Keep this going .

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So I haven't cleaned a pair of shoes in a while .

Definitely like our new drying rack and that makes it super easy .

Just holds the brushes there .

It's your bowl too .

So you don't make a huge mess with laying these brushes out here .

So super convenient , shout out to whoever thought about that .

We basically did most of the uppers .

We did the mid .

So with the medium bristle brush , I still have the sole to do , but I'm going to do that last .

So I don't make this water any dirtier .

What I'm going to do now take the medium bristle brush and I'm going to go back over the uppers places that I missed and anything that I see that's still stained guys , you know what I'm gonna do ?

I'm gonna go ahead and exchange this water .

I want to make sure I'm working with clean water here .

So let me go refill this .

I'll come back and finish this up .

So we got clean water , we're gonna go ahead and keep this moving .

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So it's going to be really hard to tell how well these turn out until they dry completely right now .

Obviously , they look pretty dark , but I have a feeling they're going to look pretty good .

Ok .

So one thing I'm gonna do this material if you've ever cleaned a pair of off white floors before any off white , really ?

You know that this mesh material that they're using is super hard to clean .

I did figure out one way to kind of clean it .

I buff it .

This is my trusty microfiber towel that I do at Midol .

Well , I found out that it works similar on this off white mesh material .

It's not going to get it perfect , but it will definitely make it look 10 times better .

Let's move on to the sole .

Now , I'm going to take the medium bristle brush first , loosen the dirt and then move on to the stiff bristle brush here again , just loosening the dirt with the medium bristle .

I'm not applying too much pressure .

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I'm also making sure that the run off doesn't run all over the shoes .

So I'm holding it in a specific way , so it doesn't run back up on the upper .

Got to use a little elbow grease on these .

So use my microfiber towel again , get the edges , buff it out .

This allows a little more friction .

So it typically cleans better and hard to clean surfaces .

All right , let's take a look .

Much different , much better .

All right .

So what I'm gonna do now , I'm just going to look over the shoe .

I'm gonna check my work .

See if there's anything else that I need to touch up .

I'm getting old , so my eyes are bad .

I'm gonna have to hold it out here .

Plus I was out late last night , so bear with me for this video .

I'm a little tired .

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I only got a couple hours sleep , so it looks pretty good , but I'm going to touch it up a few more places and then we should be good to let this dry .

It's important that this dries evenly too because if it , if it doesn't , it will leave water marks .

I've cleaned a pair of these before and it left some water marks because it didn't dry evenly .

So I'm gonna set these outside .

So , you know , it's Arizona , Arizona heat .

It'll dry in like 10 minutes .

Once they dry , we'll come back , we'll analyze them .

I may do some touch ups with the sued eraser , but this is obviously last resort .

I would always recommend if you got a small scuff or they're just not that dirty , just use this in a brush because it'll probably clean up nice .

But if they look like this , you really don't have an option .

So we went ahead and used the essential kit and hopefully they could clean up good and dry .

Uh , looking nice .

So let's go put these outside .

We'll see you in a few .

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All right .

So we put the shoe outside .

It was drying in Arizona Sun .

I did forget to clean the laces and the tab .

So I'm going to go ahead and do that now .

It should be pretty easy .

Cool .

These are good to go .

We're going to set these aside , wait for those shoes to dry and then we'll be back .

What's going on rejuvenation .

We have teamed up with our good friends over at Kicks World to give you guys a chance at winning a pair of Travis six British khakis in your size .

All you have to do to enter is click the link in the description below and follow three easy steps .

You must be following kicks on Instagram , sign up for Reuven newsletter and comment your shoe size in the actual wiz to be considered an entry , the giveaway ends .

June 30th .

Good luck .

Now let's get back into today's video .

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Ok .

So we're back .

These are completely dry .

I went ahead and laced them up .

I also reset the nap .

So I just went over the suede material and reset the nap .

So it's smooth again .

I will tell you though that the material did change slightly .

So just be aware if you do get them wet and you clean them with cleaning solution and water that the material will change , it's a little bit of a different color than it was before .

It's less cream .

But overall , they look awesome in comparison to this .

Again .

If they're not that dirty , you have a pair of these and you just have a scuff and you need a little clean use the sued eraser in our dry suede kit .

If you got a pair that are just thrashed , you can clean them with solution and brush but be aware that , you know , they will look slightly different .

But other than that good , that's gonna be it .

And that's going to conclude this episode of Shoe Care Academy Peace


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