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2023-08-07 13:50:06

How to download Udemy courses for free in 2023

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Hello guys , welcome back to this youtube channel .

In today's video .

I'm gonna be running the methods used to download GDE videos on your PC I .

In previous videos , I have two previous videos on this channel whereby I described how to download Udemy videos using a frequent extension and one other method , I'll leave the link to these videos in the description .

If you have not watched those ones , you can watch them .

And I'll probably , I'll again be running through how to download these U ME videos using these two methods and one other new method .

This video is necessary in response to some comments which were made on the previous videos .

A lot of people were able to download and some were not able to download .

Somebody even went as far as telling me that what I mean is a fake video and stuff like that .

But the fact that the me did not work for someone doesn't mean it didn't work for somebody else .

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There are a lot of rules that should be followed before all these things can really work .

If you don't abide by the rules , you might really not get it or you might really not be able to download it first .

What is Udmude is an online course platform ?

They have a lot thousands and thousands of courses ranging from development management courses , Cryptocurrency , web design , email , marketing , and a host of other courses on UDE .

Uh Most of the time UDE people come to UDE to create courses .

We have Udemy course creators who record these courses and sell them at to fix the amount .

So one point that is important to be noted is the fact that methods that are going to be described in this video cannot work for courses which you have not registered for .

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You cannot just randomly go to the Udemy platform or the Udemy website and want to use these methods to download , you know , you have to enroll for any of these courses , like all the courses you are looking at in front of you right now are courses which I have enrolled for presently on the screen .

Now in my dashboard , I have like 18 pages of courses .

I have a whole lot of them .

There were some that I registered for and I paid for and there was some whereby there were some of them that were paid for and there were some of them which I got through coupons .

So , but the bottom line is the fact that these courses are already in my dashboard and I can access them any time .

But for the sake of convenience , most times , we normally download these courses onto our PC so that we'll be able to view them without internet connection or at our own leisure time .

Or even before you me pulls any of the courses down because at times randomly , they pull some courses down when they don't comply with their terms and condition .

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So the bottom line is the fact that you have to be registered for these courses .

You can just go to the UDM platform and think you just want to pull down any course .

You want to pull down the video of any course and download it with the described method .

So if you're super pumped up as I am , will take some few minutes , we will describe , we will describe each of this previously disclosed methods to actually three of them .

And then one method which simply means we're going to describe three methods in this video .

So if you are already subscribe to this channel and I like this video and let's go .

Thank you , describe the first way to download UDE videos .

So what you first do is you go to your list of courses , you go to my learning .

This pulls up the number of courses which you have a , a number of courses which you have a road for .

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So when you get to the courses , so you get to let's pick one of the courses .

This one says how to run your business from the cloud .

So you click the course you want to download , once you click the course you want to download .

OK .

All right .

So here's the first video of the course .

Now this side pulls up the course content .

Now we'll start with the overview , start with overview , which is the first video .

So when you get to the first video , now just press control shift .

And I this allows your computer to go into the developer mode shows you the developer mode .

So once you get to the developer mode like this , just play this set up .

So you play , you play this video , it displays some information here in the developer mode .

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So you try to check .

OK .

Oh Sorry , once you come here to me , so you play the video .

Once it is in media here , you play the video a lot of time you have to be patient in using this method .

If it doesn't show up what you just do is you go to the next video .

So this is the video two which has showed showed up here .

It shows web HD underscore 7 20 P which is a 7 20 resolution video .

So by the time let me play , OK .

This video is playing .

So by the time you right click on this if I click on this , so it's still going to play the video .

Welcome back to my video in question .

So this is the video in question .

When you come to these three dots here , click on the three dots , you see the option to download the video .

I don't want to take too long .

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This method has been elaborated in my previous videos but because said they were unable to use it , complain about it .

But this is still a matter that is working quite fine .

So we we have downloaded this .

Let me move to the one to the next video which is give you three chrome Google chrome based tools go to next .

So really you go to next , it's gonna bring it out .

So this is the next video to the next video .

So by the time you right click it open it , you see that you're gonna open back .

So this metal still works .

It's just that you just have to follow the whole instructions that you using it .

Let's say we want to go back and download video one .

OK ?

So this is video one for us now .

So you just have to use your toggle button forward and backward now to be able to download it .

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So this is basically how you download all your videos in the first method which I explained .

So you could either use this or you use the next method which I'm going to describe again .

Likewise , now I don't want to take too long because we still have three methods to describe .

So in this next method , we are going to download UDE videos using a free Chrome extension , free chrome extensions are basically chrome add-ons , which helps in a lot of activities while using the chrome browser .

So we're gonna be installing one of these free chrome extensions and then we're gonna be installing it and then using it to download the uh videos .

I'm still in my dashboard .

These are my enrolled courses just like I have said previously .

So we're going to be using this free chrome extension to download one of these courses .

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So uh we're going to go to the , I'm gonna go to this website where I'll download the free Chrome extension .

I'll provide a link in the description to download this free chrome extension .

So use the free chrome , use the link in the description to download this free chrome extension .

So once it is downloaded , once it is downloaded , what you're not going to to this stage , you're gonna go to this three dots on your chrome browser , you're going to go 33 dots , then go to more tos and then go to extensions .

So when you're in extensions , you enable the developer mode might be like this .

So you enable the developer mode when you enable the developer mode .

So you , OK ?

Once you download this free Chrome extension , it's going to be a file .

Once you download the zip file , you're going to unzip it here on my browser .

I have this , I have the zip file here and here is the un zipped file .

That's the un zip file .

OK ?

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So once you unzip it , you put it on your desktop .

So what you're not going to do is stay in your extensions and you go to load and packed .

So once you load and go to load and pack , you will try to look for .

You look for the , you look for the file on your desktop .

You look for the folder , the extracted folder on your desktop .

So I have it somewhere on my desktop .

I'll look for it just now .

Just a minute .

OK .

Here is it so OK .

So it says extension loaded .

So it says extension loaded now .

So once this is it , you do me down to the 3.1 you did me download at 3.1 .

OK ?

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So once we go back , we will see that I have been , he has been in store so you can put off your developer mode and then you .

So by the time you come to your extensions , you are going to see it here .

This is it .

So I'll pin it to the tax .

I'll pin it to my tax bar .

So once it is pinned to my , to my tax bag , so then you come back to your dashboard , you click this chrome extension like this , you click the chrome extension , so you click courses .

So it's gonna connect directly with your account .

It will load up all the courses that you have in your account .

That's the basic use .

That's one of the best use of this from extension .

It might , it says please wait , analyze it .

So it might take some time .

We don't have to be patient and wait for it for some minutes .

Ok .

So in my case here now it has all my courses listed .

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I think it's about 100 and 20 pages of courses at like five courses per page .

So close to like 600 courses .

So you what we're gonna pick one randomly , we can go to the next page .

You see a whole lot of them , you can see a whole lot of them .

So what we'll do now is this , you just go to one , this is ultimate persuasion , psychology , persuasion and influence .

So you get video so it's going by clicking , get the video list .

So it's gonna populate the list of the videos .

Well , I think in this one , I have over like 100 and 30 videos in that course .

So it's gonna populate it , it might take some time .

Let's take some few minutes to wait for it .

OK ?

So I have to refresh the room extension .

I had to refresh it .

So these are still my list of courses .

Let's look for one that doesn't have much videos .

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Let's look at the second one .

It says get video list .

So get the video list , try to populate the video list .

The title of the course is create finals and pages which feed for free crew files .

That's really furry right .

This method might take a little while , there are nine videos in this course , it might take a little while including the courses .

So it says 89 .

So these are all the nine course nine videos in the course .

These are all the nine videos , it has nine videos .

So anyone any one of the videos which you want to download , you just see it .

And then here it says the first video says introduction is good for fun .

Set of the account .

So you just seek anyone you want to download , you could select or really or you just select one for the go of this video .

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I will just use one to download just one video here now .

So wait , the network might be a little bit hit but we'll wait and see how this is going to download .

So it's going to download this one video which we have clicked .

Once it finishes downloading , we'll be able to see that it will be stored on our PC .

But the thumbnails of the videos are still loading up .

So we have to give you some , we have to give you some time .

OK ?

So introduction to Groove Fun .

It is already downloading .

We have it at like 18 18% right now .

So you just have to wait , you have to wait and be patient about using this method .

But ultimately , all of them still work after this method .

Now , I still have one more method .

Where you have to install a free chrome browser .

Likewise a free chrome extension .

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Likewise in downloading this .

So immediately we have it up to like 50 61% now .

So there are 61% we have just 39% more for each to get to 100% .

So if you want to download all the videos , you can select all and down be downloading them .

It might take some time but they will all download or you just select or tick the one you want to download and then need to be downloaded onto your system .

So I have it .

Now , I have the first video which is already downloaded .

I have to look for it in my phone .

So this is the one of the best methods in downloading UDE videos .

But just like I have said , you have to have en route for these courses .

You cannot go to the UE website to pull or to use this method to download them .

It will not work .

If you don't enroll for these courses .

If you do subscribe to these courses , it will not work .

They have to already be present in your dashboard .

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So let's move on to the last method .

Now , the third method of how to download UDE videos using different methods .

We have previously described two methods which involved using the developer tools and then the free chrome extension .

Now , this method also uses a free chrome extension code video download app pro like I have said , I'm going to leave a link to download the two chrome extensions in the description of this video .

They are free to download , you can download them , you can use them and then get to download your road you video .

So just like we downloaded into the previous , we loaded the previous U ME extension chrome extension , we're going to load this like that also .

So we go to more tools , we go to extensions .

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So when we get to extensions , what we're gonna do is you're going to enable your developer mode , then you go to load and impacted when you get to load and impacted .

Then wherever you , wherever your , wherever your Chrome extension is , it is .

So you load it from there .

It can be present in your download , it can be presenting in your desktop .

I I have mine in my , I have my my desktop .

I have already , you're going to unzip the zip file .

So once you want to zip the Z file , then you select the folder .

So once you select the folder here is the video downloader pro 143 .

So , so here my I have my Chrome video Downloader pro which is my Chrome extension I have it installed already .

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So if you close this window and come to your list of browsers , you will see it , you're gonna see it video Downloader Pro .

So you see it here , you favor it or pin it to display .

So once you are in your dashboard , what you just do is let me pick a video .

So once you pick a video that you want to download those particular video you want to download , so immediately you choose the video you want to download .

This video has many , this course has many videos .

He has a course , he had a video , it has a video here about three minutes .

So really you choose it , it will tell you that he has seen a call , a video .

So this is the video here .

You can play it , let me post this .

So once you click here , you can even plead from this video .

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I wanna show you you can plead from this interface so you can complete it from the interface .

So you complete for joining , I'll briefly tell you what to expect from the course and we will pick can well , you'll learn how to use can so he has another video here .

So you can let it OK , you can likewise play this , which is the one that we have here right now .

So you can use this chrome extension also to download it , you can use it to download your videos which you have subscribed for .

So as more courses are being opened here , as more courses are being opened or as more videos are being opened , this number will be changing .

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And so we have three videos actually has populated three videos as you are opening more and more videos , it will continue .

I wanna go over a number of examples .

All right .

So we have like four here .

So once you open this place , you can see the list of videos which you are supposed to download , you can see the list of videos .

Then just click this arrow .

Let me find you want to download , download the 16 MB .

So once you click this arrow , so once you click the arrow , so it would immediately tell you that it's trying to download , so you can download it and put it on your PC .

See this once you click this arrow .

So the dialog box , you download Dialog box will appear and then you can decide to download it .

So you can use any of these three methods to download your UD A videos , you download them onto your PC and then you can save them on to a later date when you might not need the internet connection to view this video .

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Likewise , just like I have said , you can also view these videos even after UDE platform has one , we removed them , removed this content either for one reason or whatever .

So all this metals which I have described all of them are still working , they are still working perfectly .

You can use them and uh enjoy your video .

Enjoy your video at your own convenience .

If you have still have any issues downloading any of these videos or using this method .

You can still come to the comments section .

Let's talk , let's disco , you can shoot me , you can shoot me a mail .

You can leave a comment in the comment section .

Let's talk about it .

If you also like all the metals that we have described , you can help subscribe to this channel on your notification on so that any new video that is dropped on this channel , you will be aware .

Thank you very much .


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