6.66 --> 335.85
रामनाथ पहने तीन चार चम्मच तिल दे दी थी ।
ऍम प्याज की थी ।
मैंने प्याज भेजी थी , कॅश ना आए डेढ दो मिनिट मुँह मीडिया में देखी थी ।
Hi guys , subscribe to my channel and click on the bell icon to get the notifications as we upload one new recipe every day .
Hello , viewers .
Welcome to home cooking with me .
Maman .
Today is a recipe is a very special biryani and it is made using a clay pot .
Now , I'm sure it's something new for you .
Well , let's get started and check out the ingredients and see how this entire biryani is made .
So I have about 1 kg of chicken here .
So we're gonna add a few ingredients to the marinade starting with turmeric powder .
One teaspoon chili powder , about 3 to 4 teaspoons .
फॅस फॅस एकदम बीस मिनट पर ढकना तो लेनी बीस मिनिट ।
डोमिनिक एकदम परफेक्ट चमत्कार फ्लेवर देखो एकदम परफॅार्म ।