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2023-08-06 15:25:11

How to Create Netflix Account on Android Phone _ Beginner Sign Up Guide

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

OK , good evening everyone .

And today video , I'm going to show you how to create a Netflix account using your mobile phone .

OK .

And first of all , you need to download this uh application on your app store .

This is the Netflix and now we just opened this uh Netflix app .

First of all , the , you will see the background like this .

So if you already have the Netflix account , just press the sign in here .

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And if you don't have the Netflix account , just press get started and then set up your account , just press continue and you need to input your email information and password to create this uh account .

And here after you already fill in the email and create a password , you can take this one if you don't want the Netflix to send you the email when they have the special offer or something .

So I don't take it .

So I need to receive the email from Netflix .

So just press continue and then you just press sell the password to your phone and now you just press the see the plant .

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And after that , you will see this uh table for you to choose we have the mobile basic standard and premium .

So the premium one will cost you about uh $11.99 per month .

And it has the four KHDR and it can input into phone , tablet computer and TV .

Another option is the 9.99 and it helped the 10 80 PS for the resolution and here it help the 48 P .

So I like the stand out .

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So I just select stand out so it can work all to my TV , my computer tablet or mobile phone and then just press the continue , you can read out another information .

So I just uh uh so you're here and then you can check it out .

This is another information .

So now if you already read it , just press continue and now you can set up your payment just uh doing input your credit card or something to the Netflix , then it will cut the credit from your credit card .

So I just input uh my credit card .

Ok .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

After you complete filling everything into the credit card information , you just click agree and then start a membership and you need to check for check for the price uh before you press start membership .

So now I press the start membership and then it will ask you to input your mobile number .

OK ?

After you input your mobile number , just press click .

Yes , and then continue .

And now you can see the option to choose .

So I choose the smart TV set top box .

So I just take four and then continue .

OK .

And who we are watching the Netflix , you can set up up to five .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

For example , I create this is my profile and another four profile just outdoor family or my wife's name and then just press continue .

So if there is a kid watching , just take on this , on any name .

So I don't have uh only kid watching .

So just continue and then select language .

So I just choose another one is the British English and then continue or you can select more than one .

I think it will suggest you to the language that you take .

So it just uh this one cannot change English and uh British English .

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So my only option is the English .

So just continue .

So this time we need to choose the three favorite movie that we like and it have the Netflix to suggest us more movie that we like .

So I just read the first one is Squad game , another one .

I don't know .

I'm not sure this one and he's one and then just press continue .

OK ?

This is just information .

Uh If it has this logo , we can download and watch it with without using the internet data .

So just rest .

OK ?

And now we all done .

So I just play one movie .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

OK ?

And now it's playing for that of your own .

OK ?

And now I already uh set up the Netflix .

Ok .

And I think that's all for today video of how we can create the Netflix accounts on our mobile phone .

And it just simply easy , not complicated .

And thank you everyone for your time for watching this short video .

And if you have any questions , please let me know in the comment box below .

I will try to find the answer for you and thank you again for your time watching this video and I hope to see you again in the next video .

Bye bye and have a nice day .


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