Hi , I'm Monk with twisted monk dot com .
And in this web video , I'm going to teach you a basic chest harness .
But before we begin , remember when playing with rope , always be sure to have a set of EMT shears on hand just in case you need to cut the rope .
Now , for this tie , I'm going to be using a 30 ft piece of Twisted Monk six millimeter rope .
First thing I'm going to do is I'm going to find my ends .
I'm going to feel the rope till I find the middle of the rope , the middle of the rope is called the bite .
Next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to find a lovely person to tie up like my wife holding her hands at roughly chest height .
I'm going to run the rope over the top of her breasts until the bite is sitting right in the middle of her back .
I take the rest of the rope and I run that through the bite and I cinch going the opposite direction .
I now go underneath the breasts until they come back to my back piece .
Here running through the middle .
I run through and go in the opposite direction .
I now go another pass over the top of the breasts .
What's important here is that I'm running the lines in parallel and not twisting them over themselves or over the previous pass .
What happens is this creates a nice flat even surface of pressure by twisting the ropes up .
It's going to become uncomfortable .
I returned back to my middle .
I come underneath and reverse directions over the shoulder at this point , she can drop her hands and I come around to the front of the harness .
I come underneath .
Now as you pass underneath , watch out for your end .
So you don't whip your partner in the eye , come underneath the bottom line .
Give it a slight tongue .
I'm gonna come back and grab my line .
Now the whole time I'm keeping a nice even tension .
I'm not tugging too much .
I'm not letting it go slack .
We go over the other shoulder back to the middle .
At this point .
I finish it off with an overhand knot , depending on the size of the person you're tying .
You may have a little bit of rope or a lot of rope left over .
What you do with that is a matter of style .
In this case , I'm going to finish with another overhand knot and let the rest hang .
This tie is a very comfortable tie that can be worn by itself or as part of a larger , more complex piece of bondage , like the kind you will find in any one of the books that we carry on our site , Twisted monk dot com .
Remember when playing with rope , always play safe sane , consensually and above all else have fun .