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2023-08-07 13:51:57

How to Gain Extreme Fluency In English - Celebrity Method

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Hi , everyone .

Uh you know , my name is Koshi Singh and I am from Pepto India's guru gram office right now .

And it's been really , really fruitful day today because we have just finished the webinar of final fluency fantasy , which I'm sure everybody enjoyed and learned a lot of things .

So there are so many webinars , you know , coming up and stay tuned so that you would know which webinar is going to be super beneficial for you .

So today , what I'm going to talk to you on youtube here is that there is a technique that is used by most of celebrities as well as the people who do not have a lot of time to work on their fluency in the language , no matter what language they are learning right now , I'm considering English a language .

So you see there are a lot of celebrities who to make their career from different parts of Europe , different parts of Asia .

They go to America just to make their career out there .

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And English is not their first language , they learn it as a second language , but they also want to thrive in the industry .

They are going to be a part of .

So , of course , they cannot go to the institution 28 and attend so many classes and invest so much of time in learning , reading , writing , speaking and listening , right ?

So what is it that they do in order to be super fluent in English as a second language ?

So there's this rule that I discussed with the people in webinar as well .

There's just one rule out of all the rules that I discussed .

There is 80 20 rule .

Yes , 80 20 rule assures all those people who do not have a lot of time to invest in learning .

Now , how does it work ?

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Let's say um I , I'm gonna take an example of mine , I belong to the industry where public speaking skills , the image , you know , the communication , the language , that's what I talk every single day and that I talk 80% of the time in my life , right ?

Every day .

So whatsoever the work you're involved in , invest you're learning towards 80% of the time , invest in that only in case of Shakira , let's say Shakira's first language is not English , but she is super fluent in interview when she speaks in English .

It's just because she sort of followed , subconsciously , the idea of 80 2080% time she invested in , you know , learning or practicing what would matter the most matter the most for her career , one is learning the language in the form of writing .

She did a lot of writing practice of the songs and all then she had to face a lot of interviews .

So from that perspective , she did practice a lot .

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Likewise , in case of who claims that I have got a bit off , I mean , I used to practice listening to a lot of interviews of the cricketers , hence became fluent there after the match , right ?

You know how fluent he started speaking a few years ago .

So the point is 80 20 rule is only beneficial when you do pay attention to that , 80% of talk in the form of listening to those who are better than you means let's say in case of man sing , he would be listening to the cricketers who are native of English or even if they are Indian , they are super fluent .

So he would listen to them a lot because his environment suggests that this is what he's going to be doing .

His rest of , you know , the rest of his life in the interview .

So if you are an it professional , 80% of your learning should be catered , could be really practiced in the form of all the technologies , the product and the services that you offer your company offers , you might be selling to the clients .

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If you belong to sales , you have to pay more focus towards the general colloquial English because that's the ground where you're going to connect your people , you connect your clients with .

So no matter what industry you belong to , invest 80% of your learning , whether it is in the form of conversation , the interviews , the reading books , anything invest 80% of the time of your learning to us .

Just selected ideas that subject matter expertise .

I hope it's going to help you because it has helped so many people out there because peptic India has so many , so many pedagogy that does work in different cases with different people .

This is super beneficial for those who do not have a lot of time to invest in and they want to be fluent , super duper fluent in the work .

They do so do it now .

And let me know in the comment section below .

How did it work for you ?

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And if anything else that you wish to know , do right in the comment section below and don't forget to check out the courses of India , which uh I mean the courses in Guru gram offices and you can join us any time you want on the number .

Give them below .

Bye bye .


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