Hajj occurs during the month of Zil Haj and it is obligatory on every Muslim who is able bodied and can afford it .
It is the fifth and final pillar of Islam .
It lasts five days from the eighth to the 12th of the month .
The tha is constantly recited throughout the journey .
Prohibitions .
While in ear , there are several kinds of behavior that are prohibited .
While in the state of her home , just a few are cutting nails or removing hair , hurting or harming anyone thinking or acting on impure , thoughts , wearing perfume during the States of Ira .
One must practice patience , tolerance and kindness as much as possible .
The first step in preparing for the Hajj is wearing an air .
Men wear two unstitched sheets of white cloth .
While women wear a scarf and their ordinary clothes , the Ira builds a sense of unity and brotherhood for the pilgrims .
The journey of the Hajj begins in Mecca where the and say are performed , the pilgrims then leave for this is also known as the tent city in Minna .
Pilgrims devote their time to prayer and in the remembrance of Allah .
The next day , pilgrims make a 14.4 kilometer journey to Arafat .
The day of Arafat is considered the most important day of not only the hajj but also the most important day in the Islamic calendar .
Arafat is home to the Jab Rahma that is the mount of mercy where prophet Muhammad peace be upon him .
Delivered his final sermon .
Pilgrims dedicate their time in Arafat to prayer and seeking forgiveness from the almighty .
After sunset , the Haji make a nine kilometer journey to Mohali where they spend the night under the stars .
They collect pebbles for ray that takes place the next day .
At least 49 small pebbles must be collected per person .
The 10th of Zil Haj is Eid Al Aza a day celebrated by Muslims all around the world .
Pilgrims begin the day in Muzdalifah and head back to me before dawn .
Once in Minna , they perform their first ray during Rami on day three , each person throws seven pebbles at the largest pillar in the Jamarat .
This act is the symbolic stoning of the tan as was first done by Hajra Ibrahim Al Salam and his family .
Once complete pilgrims perform their sacrifice duties .
This is also in honor of hazard .
Ibrahim Al Salam who was willing to sacrifice his own son .
Pilgrims then either trim or shave their hair to demonstrate their sincerity and humility to the almighty .
The pilgrims can now remove their air arm and cleanse themselves .
They then returned to MACCA to perform the wa and say the hajj then make their way back to me .
Pilgrims spent three days in Mina on each day , they perform rummy but this time throwing seven pebbles at each of the three pillars , they begin with the smallest pillar and proceed to the largest one .
After their time in Minna , pilgrims returned to Mecca for the farewell known as the weather which mars the completion of their hud never ever miss out on an update from Toffee TV dot com .
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