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2023-08-06 15:53:15

DIY Choco Tacos (Chocolate Waffle Ice Cream Tacos) _ Ep. 1271

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Hi guys , I'm Laura Vita .

You know this episode of Laura in the kitchen , I'm gonna show you how to make homemade tacos .

They are so good .

Such a treat .

And by no means , am I telling you that you need to make these all the time ?

Because let's face it .

One of the best parts of summer is a local ice cream truck that comes through your neighborhood .

And then you've got me the 31 year old at the very front of the line to get my taco taco and there is no shame in that game .

And I hope that you're just like me and take advantage of that because it's one of the best .

It's one of the most simple pleasures in life .

And I want to make them from scratch because they are relatively easy .

And I wanted to share this because for some of you who live outside the United States , I'm not sure if you're able to get these and I want you to experience that same pleasure .

So let me run you through the list of ingredients to make the , the , the shell .

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So all you need is flour and salt , sugar eggs and sugar , melted butter , milk and some vanilla extract .

If you have watched my original how to make homemade waffle cones and this is the same recipe and it works perfectly .

That's why I like to use it .

And you need to make the waffle shell .

Then you do the , the chocolate and then the , the ice cream and then the chocolate and then the nut , it's just so yum , yum .

All right .

So , what I have here is a waffle cone maker .

Uh You don't need one of these .

You could do this in a small skillet .

I like it because it makes my life a lot easier if you have the same one I do , which is the chef's choice .

Make sure that you put it on control number four .

It always helps .

Right .

So , in a large bowl , what I'm going to do is I'm going to add the sugar and the eggs .

I'm gonna whisk them pretty well .

I want this to be a little bit nice and light and pale in color .

So a couple of minutes and I'm gonna show you what I have over here .

What I have here is 29 inch pans , right ?

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And all I've done is I've put them side by side and I laid a couple of wooden spoons and this is for me to drop my waffle on there to sort of help form its shape .

You don't need anything complicated .

You don't need a special tool .

So this really helps .

And uh I'm just gonna continue to whisk these for a couple of minutes and then we'll move on .

That's exactly what you want it to look like .

And now you add everything else .

You've got your milk , you've got your melted butter and you've got your flour and salt and a good splash of vanilla extract .

Mine is my homemade vanilla extract and it's getting right to the bottom , which I'm just gonna top it off with some more vodka .

But look , it's got all the seeds at the bottom .

So , you know , you're gonna get good stuff , right ?

Mix , mix , mix .

Now , you're wondering why do you have your cell phone next to you ?

That's because when you go ahead and put these in your waffle maker , you need to make sure that you've got the time right now .

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I've used this waffle maker for a few years .

So I kind of know exactly the time that it takes for these to cook these take exactly one minute and 40 seconds and all you need is a little bit .

Now , remember this is for this particular waffle cone maker .

If you don't have one , just use a small skillet and do it like a crepe if you will .

Um And it works out just as well , but I really like this method .

This is smooth and gorgeous .

My waffle maker is ready and I know that for this , I need a little bit less than a quarter cup , a batter , pour that in , cover this up a minute and 40 seconds later .

And we will have , I'm gonna put my timer on and then we will have a beautiful , perfect , amazing waffle shell in quite .

So I'm about to put my last one in and I waited to show you because there's something here that is really important that you do .

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And if you mess this up , then your shells are gonna be really soft and they won't hold it shape and it's gonna be a disaster .

So , first of all , as I mentioned earlier , it takes up for this particular waffle cone maker .

It takes about three tablespoons of batter to make each one .

I actually have enough for the next one as well .

But here's what's important .

You put it in , you must click it .

Did you hear that ?

It must be clicked ?

What that does ?

Is it flats them as thin as possible ?

And when you go ahead and cook them and then you put them here to cool on your little rig here , um It helps keep their shape and it keeps it nice and crunchy if you don't hear the click and they won't be really flat and they won't harden , they won't be crunchy just like you were making waffle cones , right ?

You need them to be crunchy to hold their shape .

This is no different .

So let that go .

And now we're gonna work on the next step .

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It's important that you let them cool completely before you move them to something else .

What I've done here is I have a nine by 13 inch baking pan here at the bottom .

I put a damp , uh , paper towel .

You see that and a layer of aluminum foil .

It kind of just helps these not slide around and I place them all together so that they're kind of tightly compacted .

And I even have a piece of aluminum foil that I rolled up into a rope .

Um , because you don't want them to fall over , falling over , they stay closed , they'll never open , forget it .

You're not gonna get a Choco taco .

So now what I have in this bowl is the mixture for my , um , just my chocolate hard shell , which is semi sweet chocolate chips and coconut oil .

And what you do is that you just brush the inside does not have to be perfect .

You'll never see this .

You'll never see the inside of this .

You just brush it in there like so , and you place them back into their little secure place here .

I'm just checking my phone to make sure I've got my timer correctly .

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I'm going to do this to all of them and then I'm gonna pop this into the freezer for about 10 minutes or so .

And I'm gonna take the ice cream out so that it can come to , well , not room temperature , but just soften a little bit and I'll show you what everything looks like when it's ready for the next step .

All right .

So once these go into the freezer to set for that 15 minutes , right ?

You wanna make sure that you bring your ice cream out to thaw just a little tiny bit now .

Yes , I am wearing a glove on this hand clean glove , of course , brand new .

Um , and that's because uh , it , the bag of ice , the a bag of ice , the bag of ice cream that you need to because you see what I did was I put my ice cream vanilla ice cream in a large resealable bag , snipped the tip of it off and this is how I've been feeling my taco shells .

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It's the easiest way I have found to do this , but my hand gets super cold and it makes me sort of , it slows me down a little bit and the ice cream starts melting a little faster than I like it to .

So I just put a glove on .

You don't have to , you could just use a kitchen towel and sort of wrap it around the bag of um ice cream if you want to .

This just makes it easy for me and it makes it so that I can get the job done fast .

All I'm going to do now mm is fill all these with my ice cream and you can see how nice this is .

I mean , it's really pretty simple .

Look at that .

You just wanna make sure that your ice cream sort of thaws a little bit because if it doesn't , then this is really difficult to do .

I've seen some crazy methods of cutting the ice cream and I'm not doing any of that .

So this is the easiest way for me .

I'm gonna finish filling all these up , put them back into the freezer for a good hour , hour or so .

These need to be really solid frozen and I will show you what they look like when they're there and then we move on to the last step .

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All right .

So you keep them in the freezer for a bit to freeze until they're solid .

You make a little more chocolate , hard shell , chopped up salted peanuts and you just look at that .

I mean , and once you put them back in the freezer to set completely , I mean , they will really be a thing of absolute beauty .

They are so easy .

Absolutely worth worth the treat .

If you want a choco taco and you don't live anywhere near a , you can run out and get one .

These are really good and I have to say they're hard to beat .

This version is really hard to beat and you can see all I'm doing is kind of dipping them into the heart shell which will harden into absolute perfection .

So it's really easy to do .

You just have to work really fast because you don't want the ice cream to start melting and you place them on a baking sheet and you can put , you could put a couple on there as well and that's pretty much it .

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I'm gonna give one of them a try because I don't feel like putting them back into the freezer and then having to wait any longer because that's not for you .

But look at that , I'm almost done .

Please make sure that you buy salted peanuts .

It really makes the biggest difference .

You just need it .

You just absolutely need salted peanuts when you're whenever you're working with something sweet because you need that .

You need that balance .

Ok .

Last one .

Work fast , fast , fast , fast , fast .

So that your ice cream doesn't melt all over the plays when I put them in the freezer .

Mm I'll go to the first one that I made you see how it's already hardening up .

See that ?

Yes .

Yes .

Yes .

Making money moves .

This is exciting stuff .

Ok .

Mm hm .

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Happiness .

Absolute happiness .

Look , the hard shell is heartening already .

Just go to in the kitchen dot com .

I'll have everything ready for you .

Make them tag me .

You'll love them .

Thanks for watching .


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