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2023-08-07 13:49:04

11 Ways To Make Money With Your Website

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Hello , people .

My name is Freddie .

And in this video , I will show you 11 ways on how to make money with your website .

And it is so easy , you just have to push a few buttons and you start to make so much money with your website .

You can lie on the beach and do nothing and make money like crazy .

No , it's not like that .

You need to work hard .

You need to focus on helping the customer .

And now let me show you 11 ways on how to make money with your website .

The first one is obvious you can use your website to offer a service you promote .

So if I go to Google , I can search for a photographer in New York .

I don't have photos from my company .

So I see this over here .

I skip the ads and then I can go to this link , James Photography .

And this guy gets says he has multiple ways to create income from his website .

But I want to go to the services and I'm searching for business and corporation for traits .

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So what he does , he uses his website to show what he offers .

So nice picture over here , a picture like this .

And I think , hey , I want this , I want this for my own company .

So he uses his website to convince me to make use of his services .

And I think this looks beautiful .

So I scroll down .

He has nice portrays .

I think I want to get in touch with this guy .

I want to say I can get in touch with him through the phone or through email and now I can make an appointment with him .

He can offer me the service .

I pay him money and I get beautiful pictures from my company .

So in that way , he uses his website to make money by offering a service .

That's the first one , the obvious one , let me show you then different ways on how to make money with your website .

The second way is through Google ads , you can place ads on your website and based on the information that Google has from your customer , they can place the perfect ads on your website .

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So if someone is searching for brows brows and they go to your website , even your website is about racing cars , they can still show ads about bras or other things that person is interested in .

How can you sign up ?

You go to ads dot google dot com .

I get this question a lot .

How do you sign up for Google ?

Well , make sure you have a good website .

It's , it's looking great .

You get a few visitors per day and you make sure you read all the terms and conditions and you apply those in your website before you sign up .

When you sign up and you apply all the terms and conditions , you should be able to get an account and then you can place ads on your website .

I have a tutor about it .

You can find it over here and then you can place them on your website .

So if I go to a certain website , let's say soccer news .

Ok , what do we see over here ?

The Buddy Boss app .

I've been interested in Buddy Boss since I created a story about it .

And now they say you can get a a , I've been buying things at Blue Dutch website where you can buy stuff .

So they know how to find me .

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I've been in contact with this guy and now I see this all the time on my website here again again .

So based on what I'm interested in Google ads , shows ads to me and you can implement this in your website , using Google ads and what you can do .

You can even let Google ads decide where to place the ads on your website .

So that's really interesting .

The second way on how to make money online is using Google ads .

And it's a great way you can make a lot of money if you have a lot of visitors .

So what you need to do is offer a lot of value about certain subjects you're interested in .

And then that way , help your visitors and then when they click on the ad on your website , you make money .

It's a rule of numbers , the more people you get on your website , the more people click on your ads , the more money you make .

So that's the second way .

Let's talk about the third way affiliate links .

If you go to my website 30 Corp dot com and you go to a certain tutorial how to make a worker in one hour .

What you'll see over here at the right is an affiliate link .

Get your free ebook about expert secrets .

A really nice book .

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If people click on it .

Look at this here on top , you've seen Affiliate ID .

That is mine .

And the great thing about affiliate marketing is that this company Click Funnels is doing all the hard stuff .

They are trying to sell you this book .

Look at this beautiful video .

There's this guy talking why you should get this and it's totally free except you need to pay for the shipping .

So , is it free ?

Well , it's up to them .

Uh , it's , it's worth the money .

And now when you buy this , uh you go to their email system and then they start sending you emails .

The , the goal is they teach you a lot of stuff for free on how to make money , but then they talk to you about all the software they have and they want to sell the software .

If you buy the software , I get money as an affiliate .

So first you leave your email address over here , your email address , then your address , you get the book , you get excited and then they start emailing you about all , all the stuff they offer you .

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So when you buy things through my affiliate link , even though you buy things that are not only this book but other things I get money and that's a great way to make money with affiliate link .

What else do I have the 30 day challenge and how to sell your own course or uh how to sell other , other people's courses , make money with it .

And when people buy this through my link , I get a commission element or a beautiful page builder for wordpress .

When people buy element of pro by clicking here , you see my affiliate link , my campaign .

So I can see what kind of campaigns are , are converting better .

When people buy this over here through my link , I get a commission .

So that's the third way how to make money with your website using affiliate links .

There are few areas you can sign up for multiple affiliate programs for instance , click bank dot com , you can sign up .

But if you search for something on the internet , so let's search for healthy food or Doctor Ferman .

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Yes , Doctor Ferman , this guy , this man , his doctor , if you click over here , Doctor Furman , you can get a recipes , a few for free , a few costs money .

And if you buy the program , it costs around $8 per month .

Uh , you get a lot of recipes .

So a lot of value what you can do , you can scroll down , search for affiliate .

So almost every single website on these , these days that sells something has an affiliate program because then you can promote things on your website and they only pay you money when you make , when they , when your visitors make a sale , when you make a sale .

So there's no risk for them .

So you can sign up over here and you can maybe 30% per sale .

So that can be $3 per month per person that signs up .

So if you have a , a big website about healthy food and you place an affiliate link on your website and people buy it , you get commissions and you can start to make money with affiliate marketing , which is , which is in my opinion , one of the best ways to make money these days .

I really like it .

I hope you do too .

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The fourth one is sponsored ads .

So this is an ad over here actually in a fitted link ad .

This one also , but all there .

But there are also people that can go to you telling you , hey , if I can have my link or my my image like this on your website , you get a certain amount of money .

You can , you can talk about a certain fee per month or uh a fee per 1000 impressions or per click or per amount of clicks .

So you can have sponsored ads so they can go .

So people come to you .

Hey , you have a beautiful website about food .

I have a beautiful food uh blog with , with a membership and I want to tell people about it .

If I can place my advertisement on your website for six months , I will pay you $1000 or $20,000 depending on how many visitors you get .

So that's the fourth way on how to make money using sponsored ads .

Then it's the fifth one sponsored content .

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I get a lot of emails from people that ask me , can I write a guest post on your website because then I can uh give people value and at the same time , bring them to my website because I talk about how to have a healthy lifestyle .

And then I come to the conclusion and I say that this book is amazing .

And when people buy that book , I make money .

So if I can post this on your website , so you will be found on Google through those keywords and all I will do all the hard work , I will write , write a blog post for you on your website .

And how much money do you want to have ?

For that .

So that's also a way that people can write on your website .

And then people are also willing to pay money for that .

Because when people read those blog posts and they buy the book or the thing they offer in their blog post , they get money .

So they're willing to write blog posts for a lot of different websites .

So there's also a way on how to make money .

Let other people write content on your website for money .

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Another way is by selling products on your website , it can be that you're a celebrity or a famous youtuber or whatever , you can sell merchandise .

So maybe you have a certain phrase every time you , you uh create a new video , you say what is up people .

So you can have a , a nice line over here .

What is up people and then your own name , something like that and people that are related to you or people that are really fan of , you want to wear that somehow .

That's , that's just how it works and then you can sell it on your website .

So another way on how to make money through your website is by selling stuff .

It can be anything , it can be merchandise , it can be clothes , clothes is a lot of times merchandise .

It can be nice , a glass of water without the water , but then a nice sticker of you doing something like this , whatever people are willing to buy that but not only merchandise , shoes , you can sell Skype sessions , you can sell counseling .

You can sell a lot of things .

It can be digital products , physical products , it can be a service .

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It can be a private session through Zoom or Skype .

The Sky is the limit .

So another way on how to make money using your website is through selling stuff .

I have a tutorial about that on how to use Woocommerce to sell stuff on your workers' website .

And that way you can monetize your website .

The seventh one selling courses , you can sell courses on your website and when people buy that you make money and you can help them win a certain subject .

So for me , I teach about how to make your own website so I can create an in-depth course .

So that course will be a total of 10 hours .

So it's maybe a little bit crazy to create a video and upload it on youtube .

That is 10 hours .

If you want me to do that , let me know .

But what you can do then you can say , hey , do you want in every video I make about wordpress , I can say , do you want to learn more ?

Do you want to become better at making websites and how to deal with clients and how to raise your , your um your , how do you say that your pricing pricings , how to become a better negotiator with the prospect clients ?

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Then I have a special course for you .

You can buy it on my website .

So people go to 30 Corp dot com and then over here , I can say the ultimate uh web design agency or something like that or I place it over here , people click on it .

People can buy it .

I have a course .

It's called the affiliate marketing course dot com .

So I can have a link over here like , hey , if you want to learn more about affiliate marketing , they can watch the free training .

You need to leave your email , you need to leave your name .

You can watch the free training in the free training .

I teach you about affiliate marketing and then people can buy it .

And that course is $997 .

And in exchange , they get a lot of information that can help them to make a lot of money on the internet through affiliate marketing .

So that's also a beautiful way on how to make extra money .

This is also besides a field marketing .

My second favorite way because first you're helping other people to know what you know and how to apply things that you have learned maybe the hard way .

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So so they can become successful with what you teach .

And at the same time , you can make a lot of money with it .

And it's kind of passively because people can buy that .

Of course , when I'm asleep .

Of course , I I offer support and all that stuff .

But that's a great way to make money through your website by selling courses , you know , something or you can even learn something through Linda dot com or it's called linkedin Learning .

These days , you can learn a ton of stuff through youtube videos organized in a beautiful course .

So people can learn from start to finish how to make a website , how to make money , how to become a great developer , how to become a 3d artist .

And you can teach them that and then you can make money at the same time .

And since it's all digital there , you can scale it up like crazy , you can hire a few people that become your support man .

It's a really exciting subject .

I I love to learn more about this and then become better in selling my course because I'm not selling it a lot right now because I'm not promoting it only through this video .

But um that's a way to make money .

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Let's go to the next one .

Next one is a little bit similar .

You can sell a membership .

So uh I have a different website .

It's uh affiliate marketing servant dot com .

And this is a community website .

So people can learn about affiliate marketing or about passive income .

And uh they can uh place things , they can share things , they can ask questions and what I also can do , I can make this a paid website .

So people need to pay money in order to be a member of this group .

So I can make it a one time fee of $199 or I can make it a monthly fee of $27 .

And for $27 per month , you can learn the new stuff about aili marketing .

And in that way , if 1000 people will be a member , that will be $27,000 per month .

And I think that's also a great way to monetize your website .

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If you do that , keep in mind that you really need to be , oh , wait a minute , I'm not in focus anymore when people are a member of the group , make sure the content is relevant .

The the your people are teaching new things and the the community is active because people are not willing to spend $27 per month if the community is not alive .

So be the front runner of that group or , or hire someone that is making it acting active every day because you don't want uh people to pay money if the community is dead .

And by the way , what you also can do , you can also combine it like a course with the community and then they pay a certain amount of money per month .

And then if the community is maybe not dead alive , but the quality of your course is really great and that's great .

Still a great way for people to spend money every month for you .

And you can have that way .

A nice way of making money online .

The ninth one , sometimes people uh send me an email like , hey , I want to donate to you .

Can you can , how can I do that ?

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Because you helped me so much .

And normally I say if you buy the things through my links , that's enough for me .

But if you want to make extra money , maybe you have a beautiful cause about writing about a beautiful subject that's helping a lot of people .

And you want to give people the opportunity to send your money through paypal or something like that , that can be done through paypal .

There's paypal dot me for instance , and then forward slash your own name .

And then that way you can make a simple link and then people can pay you money through paypal .

And there are different ways .

But uh yeah , one of the best ways is using paypal for that .

You can also use a lot of different websites like um create a donation button baseball paypal donor box .

So you can , you can sign up for something like that .

They get a small profit of what you get .

And then that way you can make it easy for people to donate money to you .

If you're doing something great on the internet , there are a lot of beautiful , nice people that want to do that somehow .

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So if you want to do that you can have a donate button on your website and people can donate , you can make money through donations .

The 10th 1 , this one I really like , you can have an email list .

You can build an email list with people that are interested in a certain subject .

Let me show you for instance , if you go to F corp dot com and people want to get free uh layouts for websites .

So they go to templates , they go to Element dot Corp dot com .

They leave their name , they leave the email address when they do that .

I get them in my email list and they get access to all those free templates that I create for people that are a member of this website elemental dot F Corp dot com .

And now I have around 50,000 people in that list .

And then Element comes with a pro version and the pro version has discounts sometimes and then I can send an email to those people like , hey , if you don't have discount for Element or so the thing they are already using , they already use Element or because they sign up for my free templates .

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If I email them like , hey guys , the next 24 hours there's a beautiful discount .

Sometimes 2030 people buy it and it gives me at least $25 per sign up .

So , and there was a time I made around $5000 in just a few days and that's crazy .

So I give them value .

I grow my email list .

So if you go , if I go to convert kit , I use convert kit for that , I have to do about it .

It's four years old .

So I should make a new one .

Look at this .

People sign up every day .

Sometimes people are unsubscribed when I send a message .

That's just part of you .

I , I cry a little bit and then it's ok .

And then um you can send those emails and , and people can buy a lot of things at once .

And what also helps when I create a new video that is elementary related .

I can send an email to the group and then they can watch it and that helps me to , to rank my videos better .

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So an email list , definitely a great thing .

Uh Great way to make money .

Uh What you can do , you can also give away something for free .

So an ebook or a beautiful video that you created that you give away for free in exchange for the email address .

And then when there's something , something interesting , uh you can send it to them and it can be something that is paid and it can be an affiliate link when they click on the affiliate link and they buy the thing you promote and you can make a lot of money .

So the 10th 1 was an email list and then the latest one you can sell your website .

Maybe you have a beautiful website about food , food blog .

I am Food block .

I am a food block .

Ok .

Really nice .

So , uh except all this stuff .

So look at this .

There are , I think um yeah , a lot of um recipes .

Yeah , a lot .

So people go to this website .

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Maybe he monetize it somehow .

Yeah , over here he monetized .

So , on every page , I think you will see this banner over here and as you see it's from Google ads because again , I see things that I'm interested in except this guy .

But he somehow , yeah , Devi he somehow knows to , it's called Omni Presence .

He's everywhere .

On every website .

I see his ads even though I'm not interested anymore .

So uh the theme I'm interested in that really nice way youtube adds Master class again from Erik Heck .

So I think it's beautiful .

Every page has the same better so I can see all this information for free .

It looks delicious .

He or she put a lot of work in it .

He's doing this already or she since 2012 , we're talking about Stephanie .

Of course , this looks delicious .

I want to learn how to make this .

And then here you see , adds , here he , he adds here , he he adds .

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So maybe this guy makes or this girl , Stephanie makes $30,000 per month with it .

Well , $30,000 times , let's say let let's uh times three years .

I don't know , I think you can sell this , if you would make $30,000 with this website , I think you can sell it for a million dollars .

So , if you're like , ok , I've done this for a few years now .

I just want to cash out and do something else .

Then you can sell it .

Ok .

Do that go to flip out dot com or flip your website ?

There are different websites .

So , um , look at this study hat , how much profit ?

$5000 per month and 50 30,000 ?

Uh and you can buy it .

So if you buy this after 10 months , you will make profit .

The question is , yeah .

Yeah .

Uh Of course .

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Um , you need to really do some research before you buy something because uh otherwise you can lose a lot of money , but I , I can sell my website over here .

Ok , let's say you make $30,000 per month .

You can sell this for at least $300,000 .

I would do it with my .

Um , I would not sell it for less than a million dollars because how great is it to make $30,000 every month again ?

And if you don't want to uh work on this again , you can also hire a few people say , OK , you like food , make pictures of your food , write something about it .

Let people know how they create it and then create blog posts for me .

I will pay you and that way you can still make $30,000 per month with this blog and uh maybe it starts growing again .

So those were the level ways .

First one point to a surface photographer or a bakery or whatever .

And the second one plays on your website .

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The third one , affiliate links , sponsor ads , sponsored content .

You can sell products , you can sell courses , you can sell a membership , you can accept donations , you can build an email list and you can flip your website .

I hope this was helpful .

Let me know if it was , let me know if it wasn't helpful and feel free to like this video .

Subscribe for more upcoming work related tutorials and then I hope to see you in the next video .

Bye bye .


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