So let's chat about the most dangerous symptom of a magnesium deficiency .
As you may be aware of , magnesium is involved in over 300 biochemical reactions .
At least 57% , probably more people have low magnesium .
Magnesium is involved in energy protection , the transmission of nerve impulses , the ability to allow muscles to relax , blood sugar issues , and the list goes on and on and on .
Now several reasons why people are deficient .
Either they're not getting it from their diet because they're not eating the right things or they're eating the wrong things like processed foods , carbohydrates , alcohol , and also inflammation in your gut .
Any type of , like , bloating or chronic inflammation in your gut , that can prevent your absorption of magnesium .
And you have something called phytates that prevent the absorption of magnesium as well .
Fluoride blocks magnesium .
Soft water versus hard water blocks magnesium .
In fact , they've done tests on this .
There's a high correlation between people that have these water softeners and a higher risk of getting heart attacks versus people who just drink hard water , spring water , things like that .
They have a much lower risk of heart problems .
And then you have just all the food additives , very specifically the phosphates in the food additives .
And you probably see it when you start reading the labels on ultra processed foods .
But I wanna cover 12 symptoms of a magnesium deficiency starting with number 12 and working backwards until we get to the most dangerous symptom , which you need to know about .
Number 12 , muscle cramping .
Number 11 is loss of appetite .
10 is nystagmus , where your eye is kind of going back and forth .
Number 9 is fatigue .
Number 8 , high blood pressure .
Number 7 , abnormal heart rhythm .
Number 6 , low vitamin d .
It's interesting .
You need magnesium to help vitamin d work in the body .
Number 5 , a potassium deficiency .
You need magnesium to allow for potassium to work in the body .
Number 4 , migraines .
Number 3 , blood sugar issues .
Number 2 , high levels of cortisol , which is gonna affect your sleep .
But number 1 , the most dangerous symptom of low magnesium is pathological calcification .
Let me explain what that is .
Magnesium is the master mineral that controls other minerals .
Magnesium stops calcium from building up in the cells .
If there's too much calcium in the cell , it causes the cell to commit suicide .
Magnesium also prevents oxidative stress from occurring in the mitochondria , but that can be related to neuroinflammation in the brain , which also involves accumulation of calcium as well .
I'm talking about the calcium that builds up in the heart tissue that can cause a heart attack .
I'm also talking about the pathogenic calcification that can build up in other soft tissues too because you have vascular calcification , and then you have nonvascular calcification .
Both scenarios have calcium building up in the wrong place because the calcium should be in the bone , not in your soft tissues .
And I've talked about vitamin K2 helping protect against calcium building up in the arteries , but you don't wanna forget about this magnesium .
It's also important .
Now when we're talking about this pathological calcification , we're really talking about a calcification that is not normal .
It usually follows inflammation , and some of the key factors that help regulate this and prevent it is magnesium , vitamin k 2 , zinc , vitamin d , and boron .
If you have not watched my video on boron , this is a very neglected trace mineral that is fascinating , and I'm gonna put that video up right here .
Check it out .