Let's talk about the earliest sign of a magnesium deficiency that you do not want to ignore .
There are 22 signs , but the earliest sign will shock you .
So stay tuned for that .
Now check this out .
Most of your magnesium is right inside the bone , 60% .
20% is in your muscles .
19% is in the soft tissues and the different organs .
And only 1% of all the magnesium is in your blood .
Magnesium is the most overlooked nutrient by doctors .
You cannot determine a magnesium deficiency by a blood test because half of the magnesium in your bones , 30% can be used as a reservoir for extra magnesium for your blood .
So you can be very magnesium deficient in your body yet have normal magnesium on your blood test .
There's no single quick way to determine your magnesium status in an accurate way .
But first , let's talk about how someone would be deficient .
Let's first go through the things that can deplete you of magnesium .
Of course , you have the sugar , the refined carbohydrates .
You have the alcohol , you have cirrhosis of the liver .
You also have even , in the farms , they put this fertilizer NPK stands for nitrogen , phosphorus , and potassium .
They don't put magnesium back in the soil .
And then if we eat the plants that are low in magnesium , we become deficient in magnesium .
Malabsorption is another common reason .
That means you have inflammation in your gut , which prevents you from absorbing magnesium and other nutrients .
If you're on a diuretic , if you are on a PPI , that's something that helps with acid reflux .
If you had gastric bypass , if you're low in vitamin d , you're not gonna be able to absorb magnesium .
If you have inflammation , you won't be able to absorb magnesium .
And there are also magnesium deficiency diseases , like diabetes , high blood pressure , arthritis , osteoporosis , and cardiovascular disease because there's a huge association between all of those diseases and low magnesium .
But now let's talk about the diet .
What foods are high in magnesium ?
Well , if you guessed leafy greens , you are correct .
These are vegetables .
Anytime you see green , think chlorophyll .
Chlorophyll is the blood of the plant .
So if you want more magnesium , think more green .
And I'm not talking about pistachio ice cream or lime green Jell O .
If you do , certain vegetables like spinach that have high oxalates , that can reduce the absorption .
So in other words , some of the foods that do have magnesium , like almonds , chocolate also have oxalates , which can block the absorption .
Now people will tell you that grains are high in magnesium , right ?
Well , grains also have phytates , which block magnesium .
Those are whole grains .
But you say , well , I'm eating refined grains .
Well , when they refine the grain or any food , they get rid of most of the magnesium .
So grains are not a good source of magnesium , whether they're a whole grains or refined grains .
Also , when you boil food , you end up leaching out some of the magnesium .
Roughly the RDAs , for the recommended amount of magnesium is between like 304100 , maybe a little bit more .
There's some data that shows that ancient man needed a lot more , almost double that .
And so most people don't even meet the minimum amounts that we need to prevent a magnesium deficiency .
And this is why between 48 90% of the population is deficient in magnesium .
Also realize you can get magnesium from various meats , chicken , especially pork .
You can even get it from red meat and even cheeses , especially Parmesan cheese , and especially shellfish .
So now let me go through some of the body clues that , might indicate that you're low in magnesium .
And then I'll get to the first earliest sign because the earlier you know you have a deficiency , the better .
Okay .
Anxiety , insomnia , depression , migraine headaches , restless leg syndrome , muscle cramps , fatigue , Tourette's , oxidative cholesterol , high homocysteine levels , high blood pressure , calcification in the arteries , arrhythmias , risk for getting a stroke , metabolic syndrome , polycystic ovarian syndrome is PCOS , risk for kidney stones , higher levels of calcium in the blood , inflammation , nystigmas , where your eyes are going back and forth , and asthma .
So you're probably kind of surprised how many different symptoms could occur if you're deficient in magnesium .
But just realize if you have sufficient magnesium in your body , all 350 different enzymes can finally work and the body can actually do its job .
But now let's get to the number one earliest sign that you have a magnesium deficiency .
Neuromuscular hyperexcitability .
Now , what the heck does that mean ?
That's a fancy word for tetany or twitching of your muscles , whether you get it underneath your left eye like a or even on your arm like this , it starts to twitch like that .
Any of those little twitching sensations are the early signs of a magnesium deficiency .
You have to realize that your nerves require magnesium to work .
And apparently when you're deficient in magnesium , the nerves become more excited .
You get faster nerve impulses , not slower .
And if you really wanna know what's happening , we don't have enough magnesium to push the calcium out of the cell .
So now we have this buildup of calcium inside the cell .
It can't come out because we don't have enough magnesium .
So we don't have the normal contraction relaxation .
So with magnesium and calcium , we have this whole dynamic between nerve impulses and muscle contraction and relaxation .
Now , since I brought up these right here , it's called leafy greens .
If you want to know how much you really need to not only get your magnesium , but your potassium , you should watch this video right here .