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2023-08-21 20:32:14

How I Make Way Better Alfredo

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Today , we're gonna make one of my favorite dishes and one of my family's favorite dishes .

There's nothing traditional about this , but it's so good .

And you're probably very familiar with it .

Let's get into making chicken fettuccini Alfredo .

Right now .

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We have all the ingredients prepped for our blackened chicken fettuccini alfredo .

And what you just saw me do is I flattened chicken to about maybe 3/8 of an inch .

It was about a £1 breast , maybe a little bit larger .

I put Cajun Seasoning .

Now , it's just my own homemade Cajun seasoning .

But you can buy mccormick or any brand and it's all the same .

The one thing I do for my Cajun seasoning is I put no salt in it .

Feel free to put salt in it .

If you do , you don't need any extra salt .

So what I did was I put extra salt on there .

We have garlic again .

This is not than you would find in it .

I have one cup of Parmesan Reggiano cheese .

I probably grated more than a cup , but it'll be fine .

I have one whole stick of butter .

I'm gonna use one tablespoon of the butter for doing our cutlets , the rest of it we will use to make our sauce .

We have a cup of cream to make our sauce .

I wanna talk to you about the Parmesan cheese for a second .

So this is a 24 month Parmesan Reggiano block .

It's almost finished .

I've created that full cup from it .

Always buy this from Costco or another discount store .

This is 24 months .

It has a seal thing .

It's legit .

It's $12.29 a pound .

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But when you go to Costco , which we only go a few times a year , I know it looks like I'm always like Costco , everything .

We go , we get a lot .

We buy five blocks of that .

We'll buy five blocks of the Pecorino Romano and they'll go in the fridge and you know , they have expiration dates that are very far out .

The final thing is the pasta .

We're gonna use egg pasta today .

So I have egg fettuccini right here and I have egg Elli .

So egg pasta like this will be much lighter .

It'll even say thin on it and it's made with eggs .

So it's made how you would make regular pasta if you wanted to do it from scratch .

It's traditionally the type of pasta that is used for Alfredo sauce , but we're not doing anything traditional here anyway .

So use whatever pasta you like .

We're gonna use the big pan again .

Now , I'm only doing a half a pound of pasta .

But still with the size of this chicken , see the size of this chicken here that wouldn't fit in a 12 inch pan .

I still need this or I would have to do two batches , medium heat , let this heat up for about three minutes before you put your fat down .

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Whether it's oil butter lard , whatever it will ensure that when you put the chicken down , then it won't stick .

I say this in every video .

You know , many new people are watching the videos and it's just an important step .

But a lot of people don't use stainless steel .

They've had one bad experience with it .

Something has stuck 90% of the time you want to use stainless .

It's just better .

You're never going to get a good sear with non stick on your chicken .

I'm gonna put down maybe a tablespoon of olive oil .

Not very much .

And then we'll get our chicken down .

It's gonna get a nice sear about three minutes per side .

I like it started off like this .

I'll put the butter in in a second .

I normally don't put the butter in straight away because that really high heat of the pan can tend to burn that butter right away .

Once you put chicken in there , any protein weight in the pan , it's gonna lower that temperature .

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It's going to bring it down .

So the butter then you can slip in and it'll be all right .

I'm gonna take about one tablespoon of butter , put it down .

That's looking phenomenal right there .

So good .

Just don't want to overcook your chicken here .

You want to get it just right because you're using chicken breast .

If you want to make it easier for yourself , use boneless skinless chicken thighs .

It's been maybe six , maybe seven minutes total .

This chicken's done .

How can I tell if it's done now ?

You can cut it open .

It's fine to do that or you just touch it .

It's pretty firm right there .

It's done , the more you do this , the better you'll get at it .

And let's get this tinted off to the side .

OK .

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Tented like this .

I mean , so you have a little bit of air getting out of there .

I'm turning this off .

I don't need this pan .

We're actually not gonna do the pasta in this pan because we're only doing a half a pound , medium low heat for this one .

And I'm gonna use this pan right here when you use a non stick , you don't need to heat it up or , or anything just right away .

So I'm gonna put the butter in .

I have seven tablespoons of butter .

Lots of butter .

Very , very healthy dish .

You could put the garlic in right away with it .

All right .

We'll just let this melt to let that garlic really , really flavor the butter .

Once you make your sauce here , you can just lower the heat .

You can even turn it off and then you can do your pasta .

You always wanna have your sauce ready for pasta , not the other way around .

You never want your pasta to be sitting waiting for you to finish the sauce .

You can see the garlic is just turning a little bit lightly gold in there .

Hope you can see that .

Put the cheese in and put the cream in and the cheese and I'm gonna save some of this because I definitely have more in a cup here .

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The rest of it will be for uh serving to anybody who likes it .

I'm boiling the water right here .

But by the way , guys , I always use heavy cream for all these sauces .

I've had multiple people ask me about like how come uh I put the heavy cream right in without tempering it or anything like that .

You don't have to temper heavy cream .

Now there is , there are examples where you can break heavy cream , but because of the high fat percentage , I think it's 35% .

It's hard to do and acid can do it .

It's how you make cheese , but normally you're fine .

I don't see the point of using half and half here .

It's not , it's not gonna make it , it's , it's definitely not gonna make it better .

It'll be worse and it's not gonna save you many calories .

A lot of recipes with half and half will then trip double or triple the amount of liquid .

You know , they'll do , instead of one cup of heavy cream , they'll do three cups of half and half .

I think if you add them together , you're getting back towards the same amount of calories .

All right , this is gonna come together extremely quickly .

It's gonna thicken up , wanna just let it bubble for a little bit .

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Uh , you can taste it now , but we could taste it later when we get our pasta and we'll season it up just right .

This is perfect already .

It's getting that little bubble right there and I sure hope you can see that .

See that , that's thick , pretty thick .

I'm gonna turn it off for now because we still have to wait for this to boil .

Oh , I can smell the garlic in there and everything smells so good .

I can't , I can't wait to have this .

And my , my son definitely can't wait .

This is boiling , gonna salt the water , two tablespoons kosher salt per gallon of water .

So that would be one in a half tablespoons .

If you use three quarts of water .

I only say that because on the box here it says use three quarts of water to boil it .

But you don't have to be that precise .

Ok .

These are nests .

We're just gonna drop them right in .

Give it a gentle stir , but you gotta be careful with the nest and it's very delicate past , it can all break apart and you don't want it to really break apart at the same time .

You don't want it to stick either .

Past about two minutes from being done .

I turned the heat back on the sauce too .

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Very well .

You can see how thick this sauce is right here .

Delicious .

Oh , that garlic does need a little bit of salt .

About three quarter teaspoon .

And I'm gonna put black pepper in here .

I'm just gonna pull this wet .

So what that means is I'm gonna pull it with my tongues .

That'll give it , it'll thin this out just enough .

If your sauce was really thick , you could put a little bit of pasta water like a ladle in there or whatnot .

But I always have it on the side just in case I need it .

It's really beautiful looking pasta .

It's uh papa .

I always do a pound .

So this is , this is less , but this is the perfect amount for this sauce and then let this cook in there for about 30 seconds and then that's it .

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And for some reason , you're too loose , just Sprinkle a little bit more Parmesan cheese in there .

That's all , that's all you have to do .

And if you're too dry , you just take a tablespoon at a time of the pasta water , just splash it in there and then you'll get it right to how you like it .

All right .

Let's cut that chicken and let's turn this heat off .

What is this ?

So you should kid chicken and um , what was the pasta again ?

It's fettuccini Alfredo .

But it's not , yeah , it's made with Paparelli .

I really like it goes together as well .

I always go with Papa Deli because it looks better .

And by the way , so it's been , it's been about 20 minutes before , since I finished this .

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That's why it looks a little dry right now and here you can see it .

It's , it's , everything is stiffening up .

See this , If that's the case , you just use your pasta water and then it will bring it right back and you know , you're not making a video , but you might be waiting for people to sit down at the table .

Yeah .

Special thanks to Patreon producers , Elizabeth Shaw , Joe Age John Andino Kenneth Parker , Chris Whalin Matt Fisher , Paul Walter Houser , Richard C and Tom Braca .


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