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2023-08-21 20:37:02


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Hey , everyone .

How's it going for today's fun video ?

I'm going to be showing you how to make another surprise fold .

And I want to show you how to draw a Mosa Surprise Fold from Jurassic world .

So I hope you follow along and enjoy this video today .

Now to start off with our surprise fold , we need to begin by folding our paper and it looks like Miami is either going to help us or bite us with this .

Now to start with our paper , we're just gonna take it and we want to fold it in half just like we are making a birthday card .

So we just fold it in half .

Then we just make a little crease down there to create a little birthday card .

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Now , after you have your birthday card , what I like to do is I'm going to take this flap and I'm going to just fold it right down to this fold here .

So I'm gonna take this and I'm just gonna fold it right down to the fold and I'm gonna fold it like this .

Now , I'm actually gonna do the same thing over here .

I'm gonna do this a little bit different .

So we're just gonna line it up right to this fold .

We're gonna press it down and just fold this here .

Now , this way , we actually have two little folds in here for our surprise fold .

And I'm just going to kind of fold this down a little bit more .

So that way we can open it up better .

But these little lines are nice because now we have two guides for our drawing .

Now , let's begin on our surprise fold .

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So to make our little Mosasaur surprise fold , we're gonna start over here and we're going to make the eye of our Mosasaur .

I'm gonna begin right here .

We're just going to draw a little line that goes down and that's going to come up like a checkmark shape .

Now , starting right here , we're gonna make a small little smiley face for the actual eye .

So we'll draw a line that goes down and then up for the actual eye right inside of here .

I'm going to make another one , another little smiley face and we'll do one more in here .

Then I'll just color this in .

Now , starting here .

We want to make the eyebrow .

So I'll begin right here .

We're gonna draw a line that goes up and down for a little eyebrow .

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Now , as I'm looking at this eye , I actually want this eye to kind of be looking down .

So what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna take this and just kind of curve it down a little bit , then I'm going to color in this .

So it looks like it's kind of looking forward .

Now , starting here , I'm gonna draw a line that goes over and down for the head .

Next , starting here , let's make a line that comes all the way to the end .

Now , starting at the top here , we're gonna make a line that comes down and that's gonna curve down here for the nose .

So we'll begin right here at about the middle point of the eyebrow .

We're gonna draw a line that just comes down and then we're gonna curve down like this .

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So we got a really long nose now starting right here where this line ended , we're just going to draw a line that goes down and we're going to come over like this .

We're going to continue this line and we just want to bring it up for the jaw right here .

I'm gonna add an extra little curve line .

Then I'm gonna draw a little line that comes down here .

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Next , we're just going to draw a line that comes down and another one over here for the little flipper right underneath this eye .

Let's go ahead and add a couple little lines for some details by the eye .

Then right up here , let's make a little curved line for the nostril back here .

I'm going to add a couple of little rounded points for some spikes on the back and then we have our basic shape of our most source .

We could always come in here and maybe add an extra little line or two around here .

Just a couple little detail lines .

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I might even add a couple little circle shapes down here for some little spots or scales .

Once we open this up , you can see that we have two halves of our mosasaur .

We have the top and bottom .

Now , we just want to fill in the middle .

So the first thing I'm gonna do is start right over here and I just want to draw a line that's gonna go above this little fold .

So we're gonna make a little line that comes up and over here , we're gonna draw a little line that comes down below the fold .

So we just want to make a little line that's going to come down .

Now , the nice thing is that we have these two folds .

We don't have to worry about kind of making sure we don't draw up here .

We can make sure we keep everything underneath the fold .

So the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to draw a line that comes over and it's going to come up here with a little bit of a curve , kinda like he's smiling next .

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We're going to draw a line that comes down here and you can see we come down and we start to curve in .

I'm gonna take this line and I'm going to bring it over and we just wanna connect right to here .

Then I'm gonna draw a little line on top here to really show that he's smiling .

Now , starting here , I want to add the teeth .

So when I add the teeth , I'm going to just make some nice big V shapes on here , you can make them really pointy , you can make them not so pointy .

It's up to you .

I'm just gonna make them a little bit different sizes .

We'll do the same thing down here .

We're just going to add some different size teeth on here .

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Now , I also want to add the tongue .

So starting right here , let's just draw a line that's going to come down .

We go up and come back down like this for the tongue .

Now , once you have this , you can put whatever you want to inside your little mosasaur , you can draw a shark , you can draw another dinosaur , you can put whatever you want to .

I'm gonna go ahead and I'm going to make that little kind of like submarine in here that they were writing in , in the Jurassic world movie .

Now to start off with our little submarine , we're gonna put it right over here .

So I'm going to begin right here by making a little line that's going to come straight down right here .

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We're gonna make a line that's going to go around , it's gonna come down and then back up to here .

We'll make two little lines that come over here and a little line down right here .

Let's draw a little line that goes out .

It's gonna go down and then over and we'll make a little line that goes up over and then comes back down .

We'll do the same thing here .

We'll go down over and then we'll just connect to here up here .

I'm gonna add a little line that goes up over and down .

We do the same thing here will go down over and then we'll come up right here .

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What's up everyone and welcome to the club in today's video .

We're gonna be drawing the Batmobile , so grab some paper and something to draw with .

Let's get started .

Now , before we get started , let's make sure our paper is set up in landscape view .

So it goes longer from left to right .

So we start all the way over on the left side of page with the front tire .

So it started here in draws circle , starting from the very top .

We'll work our way around towards the bottom and then back up to the top .

Now I draw a smaller circle on the inside for the hub cap .

So we're gonna step down and just try to leave an even space gap all the way around .

Now , let's draw on the tire .

Well , from the bottom of the tire , we're gonna move up and over to the left , step over and we're just gonna leave an even space gap all the way around the tire towards the right and then down toward the same height from the bottom of the tire .


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