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2023-08-19 21:08:19

Zero Sugar Diet Plan To Lose Weight Fast 4 Kg In 7 Days _ Full Day Indian Diet Plan For Weight Loss

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Hi guys , you're watching .

Eat more , lose more today .

I'll be sharing with you all zero sugar diet plan , a sugar free diet plan for weight loss which will help you lose four kgs in seven days very easily .

Now , when I say zero sugar diet plan , which means we will not be using any kind of refined sugar , no table sugar and no added sugar in this diet plan .

And when you quit all of these , it nui the risk of type two diabetes , fatty liver inflammation in the body and many more diseases to occur .

Recently , my of clients for this zero sugar diet plan for immense weight loss and they were able to see a great weight loss transformation for themselves before the festive season hit .

And so can you for personalized weight loss diet plans ?

You can always mail me at eat more lose more seven at the regional dot com or whatsapp me on the given number and we can start your weight loss transformation with me without indeed , let's get started with zero sugar diet plan to help you lose four kg in seven days very easily .

Early in the morning , empty .

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Always start a day with diuretic water .

It helps to boost your metabolism for the entire day .

Keeps you hydrated enough for the entire day and also removes toxins very quickly in the morning itself .

Best diuretic for early morning drink is apple cider vinegar in lico water .

All you have to do is simply add two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in one glass of lico water mix .

It well inhabits the bi early in the morning , empty stomach .

It helps to reduce your blood sugar levels .

Does not let the incident spike when you consume your food and also boost your metabolism or weight loss .

Second option is you cannot have this because of any reasons is meat heine water .

Now , how to prepare me water ?

The recipe is here approximately one glass of water .

Let the water boil for at least two minutes and then add meaty seeds to this .

Now , I'm using here one tablespoon of meaty seeds .

You can even use one teaspoon .

That's your own choice .

And along with this , I'll be adding fresh meme leaves .

Yes , approximately 4 to 5 meme leaves work one .

Yes .

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This water will definitely be a little bitter in taste , but the results are definitely worth it .

So please go for it and let it boil for at least 4 to 5 minutes .

Again .

Once done , you see the color of the water changing , just simply pour it up in a glass and have it sip by sip .

Super easy .

Super yummy and as well as skin benefits are tremendous with this died water helps to clear your skin and also purify your red blood cells and also treat PC and thyroid as well .

So have methane in water as you died water .

Now , proceeding towards our breakfast options for which I'll be giving you three options .

The first one is for all the vegetarians out there , which is veggie omelet or scrambled eggs with veggies .

You can prepare the omelet or scrambled eggs with two egg whites .

And along with that , have tea or coffee as per your own preference , but make sure to add no sugar to it at all .

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You can always use substitute or coconut sugar but do not add any kind of , of refined sugar to this in any form .

Second option for breakfast is sprout salad high in protein , high in fiber and very good for vegetarians for their breakfast protein intake sprout salad is yet again , a super fiber rich and nutritious breakfast option for all the vegetarians out there .

You can sprout green moon black and prepare a good full salad out of it with cucumber tomato lettuce , black pepper powder , roasted jira powder and a white table salt as well .

When it comes to your any kind of salad , you can season it well with lemon juice as well .

Proceeding towards our third option for breakfast is a club sandwich .

Now , the recipe for club sandwich is all up on my channel .

And here is the complete recipe .

I'm adding cucumber , yellow bell peppers , red bell peppers , capsicum .

Along with this , I'm adding corns .

Now , these are boiled corns .

You can use raw corns as well .

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Along with this , I'll be adding one tablespoon of Greek yogurt .

Now you can use hunker also in the place of Greek yogurt and for seasoning , I'll be adding hair , freshly crushed , black pepper , freshly crushed pink hama and salt .

And now all you have to do is just mix it all .

Well knowing two slices of multi grain bread , I'll be adding lots and lots of iceberg lettuce .

You can use normal remain lettuce as well and good amount of it for the fiber .

And to this , I'll be adding the mixture that we prepared for the sandwich .

You can have the sandwich raw as well , but I like to always grill my sandwiches .

So I'll be grilling it out and you can see how beautiful the sandwich looks .

You can use yogurt or hunger for the dressing and tastes amazing in each and every manner .

Check out the recipe and follow it for the breakfast option .

Now let's proceed towards our midmorning snack , which is very important when it comes to your zero sugar diet plan so that you do not spike the insulin when it comes to your lunch .

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Midmorning snack is very important between breakfast and lunch to keep your metabolism boosted up as well .

Always have one seasonal fruit .

Be it any seasonally available , one banana or orange apple guava , whatever is available .

Along with that , you can have one cup of freshly ed green tea to get you the antioxidant levels boosted up in the body .

And now let's proceed towards our lunch .

And as usual , 30 minutes before our lunch , we'll have apple cider vinegar in lum water .

Two teaspoons of apposite of vinegar in one glass of lum water makes it well And habit 30 to 40 minutes before your lunch helps to lower your blood sugar levels .

Does not spike your insulin when it comes to your lunch intake and as well as help to detoxify your system very quickly .

So make sure to consume this before your lunch without any fail .

Now , when it comes to your lunch , I'll be giving you two options .

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The first one is brown rice with curry plus salad plus curd and you can use 200 g of cooked brown rice along with any kind of curry or samba rain or subs or pulses or doll .

Along with that .

Make sure to have a good full pound of salad for fiber and as well as curd for , for the probiotic intake .

Second option for lunch is you can have two S or basin chila as per your own preference with coconut chutney or green chutney .

Make sure to have only two , either basin chila or chila but won't exceed the portion of it , prepare it well and have it along with coconut chutney or green wing chutney .

And you can also have it along with some or and enjoy your lunch .

Now , let's proceed towards our mid evening snack , which is very important for weight loss , which will be one cup of macha tea .

Now why do I always recommend Machar tea for weight loss ?

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Because one cup of macha tea is equal to 10 cups of green tea , which also means the antioxidant level in March tea is much higher than the green tea .

So always make sure to consume one cup of Maati in the entire day without any feel by adding just a pinch of Maati powder in the lukewarm water and mixing it .

Well , along with that for a snack , we'll have five so almonds , two walnuts and one so and cheese .

Very important when it comes to your skin benefits .

And also to avoid any kind of constipation the next day .

If you crave any kind of sugar during this time time , you can also have one piece of Stevia dark chocolate in the evening snack .

Along with Macha tea or green tea .

If you're a tea or coffee lover , then you can always intake your tea or coffee without any sugar and a little milk in ming snack .

Now let's proceed towards our dinner for which I'll be giving you two amazing options .

The first one is soup .

It will be either egg soup or chicken soup or tomato zucchini soup .

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All of these three soups should not contain any kind of refined sugar or any kind of processed food in it .

So make sure to prepare it with at home itself , egg soup , chicken soup or tomato zucchini soup .

The recipe for tomato zucchini soup is already up on my channel and here is a complete recipe .

Go check it out and make it yummy for dinner .

And here is in a pressure cooker .

I'll be adding approximately two cups of tomato .

Now , these are the roughly chopped tomatoes .

You don't have to be very precise with the chopping here .

And along with that , I'll be adding here again , one cup of zucchini .

Now this is chopped zucchini and along with that , I'll be adding one cup of carrot to this freshly chopped ginger and freshly chopped green chilies .

Now , mix it all well .

And along with this , I'll be adding good full bowl of coriander leaves .

Now , these are fresh coriander leaves and along with that , I'll be adding pinch of pink Himalayan salt to this one teaspoon of black pear powder for seasoning and for tea and then just mix it all well to this .

I'll be adding approximately three cups of water .

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And once done , all you have to do is just pressure cook it for approximately three whistles and one done .

All you have to do is just blend , blend , blend , do not strain it at all because we need the fiber with the soup and have it warm .

It's a super easy and super yummy .

And the second option for dinner is a roasted Mahanna chart .

People feel hungry when it comes to your dinner so you can always have a good full bowl of it .

All you have to do is roast some maass and add to it .

Gumbo tomato onion , lettuce , chopped and for seasoning , you can always use black pe powder , roasted jira powder , lemon juice and pinch of yogurt as well to mix it all well and have it for dinner .

Do not add any kind of table salt or raw salt when it comes to any kind of charts or salads or fruits .

Trust me , you will enjoy this chart very much and this keeps you full of for the entire night as well .

And now let's proceed towards our bedtime drink , which is very important because you'll be consuming this drink as the last meal of your day and should be able to boost your metabolism for the entire night .

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And also to keep you high it for the entire night , which is chamomile tea .

Yes .

One cup of chamomile tea before going to bed helps to calm down your nerves and at the same time , reduce all the stress of the entire day and helps you with very good sleep promotes good sleep , good health and as well as skin benefits as well because your skin actually replenishes itself for the entire night .

So make sure to consume this drink before going to bed for good weight loss .

And at the same time , good skin benefits as well .

Along with this start plan , please make sure to consume at least 3 to 4 liters of normal temperature water without any feel so that you're able to lose weight fast .

And at the same time , remove all the bad toxins from your body very quickly .

This tat plant contains no refined sugar , no processed food and make sure to consume no sugar free or sugar , drinks of any kind , no sugar free ice creams as well because they do contain some kind of sugar in them .

So make sure to restrict all all of these things .

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No maple syrup , no honey , no refined sugar , no processed food and no any kind of table sugar as well .

You can always use Stevia or Stevia leaves for tea or coffee .

If you feel to add any kind of sweetener to it for personalized weight loss diet plans , you can always mail me at lose more seven at the Regal dot com or whatsapp me on the given number and we can start a weight loss transformation with a shea and begin your weight loss journey .

If you like this video , please hit the like like button .

Comment below if you have any query regarding any of the meal recipes and I'll be more than happy to revert back to you .

Follow me on Instagram to stay update for the all the upcoming We recipes , client transformations , what I eat in a day and how to lose weight fast .

Very easily .

Subscribe to my channel , eat more , lose more to stay update for all the upcoming videos .

And we trust health plans and hit the bell icon to be notified every single time I see you in the next one to stay healthy and stay fit .

Always .


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