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2023-08-21 20:37:45

How to Draw Deadpool

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Hey , welcome back to Cook .

It's art and let's draw the awesome looking deadpool .

So let's get started with a quick sketch and then I will show you line by line on how you can draw this .

All right .

So let's draw this and to begin , we're gonna start out with this eyes and I'm just gonna draw in .

So it's very simple .

You join two lines like this first and then we're just gonna give it some shape on the bottom .

So we just kind of curve it and then in between the eyes to draw like this little bracket .

OK .

And then from there , we're gonna join the rest of the , the detail .

So we're gonna go up .

So this part goes around the eye .

So we're gonna come back down .

So just kind of curve it around the eye .

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OK ?

So I'm gonna go down and just connect that .

So that's probably the trickiest part of this drawing .

All right .

So from here , let's finish up the head .

So you can actually draw out this first , can draw a bracket kind of right around the mass area and then we can come down just kind of round it out all the way back down to the chin .

And then once we have that , we can join the top .

So the top is a little bit flatter , just give it a little bit curve but not too much .

And then let's finish up the details .

So right here in the corner , just draw a line almost straight down and then we'll add in another one right here , right here in the corner .

Ok ?

So that's pretty much the head .

So it's very simple .

But this shit is a little bit tricky .

So let's continue down to the neck .

So we're just gonna come straight down on the side .

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So that's easy .

And then we're gonna curve this for the next line .

OK ?

So now let's draw the body and this is another tricky little part .

OK ?

We're not gonna go out all the way yet .

This is , this part of his shoulder will just come out first and then we're gonna come in and then we're gonna slit it down .

All right .

So once you have this , now you can come down straight down .

This is to his armpit and then now we're gonna draw in the waste .

So we're gonna pinch it in .

All right .

And then on this bell here , we just draw a little line like that first and then it's got a big belt buckle .

So we just gonna draw a pretty big circle right here .

All right .

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And then now we can come in and just kind of meet up to the circle and to finish up the belt just kind of come straight down and then just again , just go straight into the circle .

All right .

So let's , um , well , let's , let's finish this part first then since we're down here .

So that's a little belt buckles , two straight lines and just kind of curve around it .

So this one is really easy .

Ok .

And then from here , let's finish up the uh some of the details here .

So here it's gonna have a built around it .

So just kind of continue that line and then we got another one right here .

All right .

And then let's see .

Let's draw in .

Ok , let's draw in the uh the arm first then .

Ok .

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So the , so the shoulder right here it's gonna continue out because he's got a big shoulder pad there and then this line here just kind of continue it and then just close it .

Ok ?

So it's the same thing on this side .

We're gonna go out quite a bit .

Now we're gonna continue this line and then close it .

So those are his shoulder pads and then now I can draw in the arm .

So here's the armpit and then here is spice and we can , you know the elbow right there and then the lower arm , a curb curb , then we gonna close this off .

And for this glove , we're gonna add a little bit of detail , little rectangle there and then again his fist .

So that's his thumb back of the hand and then the fingers curling in .

All right .

And then let's see the details .

Well , this one's easy .

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We just draw arm band right there .

Ok .

So let's move on to the other arm and it's gonna be kind of the same thing , but it's gonna be holding a pistol .

So there's the armpit .

Continue on with the bicep , its arm carpet .

Let's close it off .

Then the glove , another rectangle right here and let's add in the arm band first .

And then now let's draw in his hand , holding the pistol .

So again , straight out , turn it for the thumb , that's the palm and then the trigger fingers right there .

And then we got to draw three more fingers in here .

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So we're gonna go one , two and three and then we're gonna draw the grip of the pistol just come down from that point , just hook it back up and then finish up the hand by drawing the little palm there .

OK ?

And then , so the pistol , we just gonna keep it simple .

We're gonna go all straight , just gonna draw a rectangle almost .

And when we come back down , just give it a little bit of slant .

Ok ?

And then let's see for the trigger part , we just gonna close that off , OK ?

The tip site and we can add in some detail here .

It's kind of curb it and adding some vertical lines here , maybe some slants this way and we could just kind of close it off .

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Can't draw too small with a sharpie , but we'll just call that done .

Now , we can draw in some of the details on the uh on this clothing here .

So up here , come back up here , we're gonna slant it inward .

This one's gonna touch the belt and then we're gonna slant this way and then we're gonna slap back up , same direction as this line and then we're gonna come down .

So there's a lot of odd angles and then we're gonna slit down again , same as that and this one is behind .

So we can't see it and then right around there , we just gonna come down .

Ok .

So that's some details and let's move on to his legs .

So in the middle just come down , make a little mark and then we continue this flare out and in and I'm gonna come up , just make a little bracket like that almost .

Ok .

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So that's gonna be snee pads over there .

So snee pads , we can come straight down the side and then just kind of close that off and we can draw the same shape inside .

So this one is easy .

All right .

So let's go on to the other legs before we go down further .

So we're gonna continue the curve on that how come back in right around the same area and then we're gonna try to bracket OK .

And then the same thing here , we're gonna extend it downwards for the knee pads , close it off , then the same shape on the inside .

OK .

And then let's finish up some of the detail here .

So right here , this line right here is gonna continue down and then just close it off .

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So this one is gonna come down and then just close it off and he's gonna have one strap here and then for , he's got a couple of pouches here .

So this one is easy , just draw a little pouch rectangles and then here's the little flap , just kind of curve it all right .

So let's finish off the legs .

So this one should be fairly simple .

We come out curve down , close it off and then the dome shape more on this side can come out more , then we're gonna close this off and then some .

So , and then it's gonna have some detail here .

Uh It's gonna have one strap and then another strap here .

So we'll just draw that and then let's finish up this other lake first before we add too much detail .

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So same thing just come out , curve in , pinch it in , close it off and then now shape clothes a little bit .

So and then let's see , it's got draw a line there for the detail .

And then on this side , he's got a knife .

So you're going to come out just kind of go down just gonna hook it and then we can try to handle or just keep it simple .

OK .

So that's pretty much the uniform .

And let's go back and draw the , uh , the swords , the cat on this , on the back .

So this one is easy .

We just gonna come back up here , just draw a little square almost .

And then here's the sword and then there's the handle .

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So for the other , so it's gonna be the same thing just at a different angle for rectangle .

And then for the handle , then we can add in a little bit of detail .

And that is it for this dead pool drawing .

Hope you guys liked the way it turned out .

Please do give me a thumbs up and I will see you next time .


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