Hi guys .
Welcome back to another video .
So about two months ago , I made a review video about my new gaming mouse , Logitech G 100 2 and how to download and install log G hub in windows 10 .
So after that , I see a lot of comments about the problems they are having when installing the hub , most of the problems are about the error that prevent them to install the hub .
And when they open the hub , the device that they are using is not detected .
So today , I'm gonna show you how to fix the error that you are having when installing the hub .
OK ?
So we do , let's get started .
So this is the latest version of the GI hub installer .
Make sure you have downloaded in the Logitech website .
I will put the link in the description .
So this is for Windows and this for Mac and this is the website that I found on Google about how to fix you have not installing .
I will also put a link in the description , just click on it to check it up and follow the steps here to fix .
OK ?
So as you can see , I already installed my hub here .
So I cannot run the installer anymore .
So let's say that I want to install the hub .
Ok ?
And this installer is not popping up .
OK ?
So nothing's happened in the desktop here .
OK ?
So what to do ?
You can try to go to the task manager by right , clicking on the task bar , then task manager .
OK .
So apps is the apps that is still running right now .
OK .
This is chrome as you can see and background processes is the apps that are running in the background .
So logit tech hub installer is still running on the background and we need to end the task to be able to install the installer .
Ok .
So fine logic do you have ?
So this is OK .
So this is logic github , right ?
Click on it and then click and task after that try to run the installer again .
OK ?
So most users have been able to solve their problems using these methods .
And if it still doesn't work for you try to end the task again , but run the installer as run as administrator , you can also try to go to Windows defender firewall and then allow an app or feature through windows defender firewall , then click change settings and find logic gib agent .
OK ?
Make sure you check here .
OK ?
And then click .
OK ?
So I've tried all of these methods and it works for me and I hope it works for you too .
OK ?
And then after you have finished installing the G hub and you open log G hub here and the device that you're using right now is not detected by this software .
Don't worry about it .
I'm gonna show you how to fix it in the next video .
OK .
So that's all for this video .
I hope you enjoy and learn something new from this video .
Hit the like button if you like this video , don't forget to subscribe if you have already and I will see you guys in the next video .