Yeah .
Oh snap .
I got the new my on my end .
Hi , everyone here and welcome back to my sandbox youtube channel guys .
Go subscribe like no more videos that dislike like share , busy working from home on my own videos and content .
Um The the so any any M nine plus .
So I'm watching on Google chromecast video about um cast a day ago .
So , so it's a girl handicap dung girl .
OK ?
Chromecast .
OK .
Chromecast from Google .
Any cast .
So any chromecast OK .
So you know , so micro US D port guys , this is micro USB port .
OK ?
Need type C Thunder , micro USB port .
OK ?
And this is the HDM I my bottom guys , you know this my bottom .
Same with chromecast .
Yeah .
Cast a lot of them aside from the jungle .
Why not ?
OK .
So yeah .
OK .
Bye .
Well US D OK .
On ah OK .
This is um a wifi Dongle .
OK .
Part part OK .
So and cell phone , cell phone , OK .
Again micro USB OK .
So actually the uh a monitor and a computer OK .
This is an Asus monitor , computer monitor , not my built in speaker .
OK .
Um So you cast or any cast as long as my HDM I and my speaker , one of them .
So nothing , nothing .
So HDM I one or HDM I two .
Oh yeah .
So my problem .
So you to the rescue .
So Google Chrome Extension HDMIHDM IP and HDM I so perfect example .
So you don't have to work most of the time .
So , so , so again , let us follow us one .
A possible ex and yeah , micro UB you us deport , deport , deport .
I so we got a charger on cell phone .
So I got a charger on cell phone , guys the guy .
So USB so yeah , so Chazz power outlet .
OK .
So charger not any cast you don't charge .
So and you can .
So next so and guys magic .
So again , charger and a cell phone outlet , you know power outlet and wifi uh we're not there over nothing , they know nothing .
So hm I OK .
So I the main user interface non any so any guys my two mode and the first one is offline mode .
OK ?
So you you got nothing on offline mode and then later on your online mode number .
Ok .
So wait , so a main user interface than any guys guys set me up , set me up though , set me up .
So um enter your smartphone or tablets , wifi settings and find the SS ID and connect with it , cell phone , cell phone .
OK ?
So my cell phone , you guys , so , so down wifi .
Ok .
Nothing , nothing new .
A mirroring ad D 93 E so mirroring connected .
No internet .
This network has no internet access , stay connected .
Say yes .
Go in your browser that 192.168 0.49 0.1 .
And they are now 192 that 168 at 49.1 guys made two options to choose from Wi Fi A P or settings .
OK .
So settings at the settings no over can HDM I output or HDM I out then a TP by default , you monitor the guys then A P so seven password password .
OK .
Password is 12345678 password .
So for this one , if you're using iphone , so airplay in the to submit .
So screen mirroring , submit and then upgrade some of my software update and restore five in any case .
So you can use some setting um mirroring and cell phone fy I screen cast .
So screen cast phone as mirroring or share , share display or whatever .
So for Google pixel phones , screen cast , so start looking at and start now .
So you know me and you guys .
So , ok , so technically store .
So yeah , so see wifi or internet connection with a smartphone in the connection or guys .
So video .
That's what challenge .
Ok .
See I told you my built in speaker you monitor .
Hi guys .
Welcome to our first and welcome to our youtube channel .
So I suggest LC .
OK .
Mcdonald is a place on LC uh application .
OK .
OK .
VLC , a video player and then LC let's say 10 video long press , OK .
Menu open with LCLC .
So um see video monitor and at the same time , you know sand balls .
So see .
So and so legend and I so scenario .
So what if application uh VC , OK .
OK .
Games , you know , so the game , OK , guys .
So data , second mode , online mode .
So a Wifi A Pap , OK .
Uh Two options to choose from scan or a network so scan available in the wifi password in a minute .
This site can't be reached .
So IP address 192.168 at 49.1 access .
So IP address 192.168 0.86 26 and online mode or off line mode mode .
Um smartphone , go as a Wifi source .
So smart Netflix , I spend time Netflix , uh any video on Netflix .
So video itself , it's uh it's either or I'm not sure it's a OK .
These comments , I um so that one for chromecast , Netflix works perfectly .
Chromecast or chromecast chromecast chromecast .
One thing is certain any cast or chrome cast cast , any cast off line , I'm chromecast in there .
OK .
Stop the music , stop the music , the moment of truth chromecast or any cast .
Well , guys suggest the chromecast practical .
I'll go for any cast with an internet connection , any cast , building a chrome cast for any cast .
Um Since my pandemic , I highly suggest online .
So where there's a where there is a market place , usually a data , especially memory card , tripod ring light .
So I'm pretty sure chrome online , please make sure uh double check to 100% legit item online order online .
Ok , to check if a legit chrome cast um send me the link or not .
So there you have it guys .
Comment box .
Ok ?
Hit the like button in the miss a new video and hit the subscribe button if you want to see more in the future .
Thank you for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one .
Bye to .
Mhm .