What's up guys ?
The dudes cor here today , I'm gonna be showing you easy ways of doing the last two edges on five by five .
Now , the easy way of doing this is you probably already know all the ways of like moving edges around and everything and you probably have all your own method , but just real quick , the ways I like to uh do everything for algorithms and all that is because I don't know if you saw my tutorial .
If you haven't , you can always check that out down in the description .
Um And if you real quick , you thought that this was a five by five tutorial .
It's actually not , this is really for the last two edges .
If you're looking for a five by five tutorial link in the description , if you want to go check that out and then if you saw some other tutorial , I'll show you all the algorithms that I use particularly for five by five real quick .
So the one that I will use for swapping the edges to flip this pair is ru prime back prime R two and that'll flip this edge pair .
And then if I needed to uh after I do my slice , move the algorithm for that would be RF prime ur prime F .
And then that'll , that's when after I do my slice .
So just kind of remember both those algorithms and then it will help you out .
OK .
So normally how I taught you in my original five by five tutorial was that I would tell you to just , OK , go ahead and slice , just do some moves until you get all of the edges on their side together uh where they belong and then you'll just fix parity if you get it .
Well , there are some easier ways of doing this .
Now , what you might think is when you see this one here and then these two here , you might think , OK ?
So let's just go ahead and slice and then they're paired , right ?
They're simple .
No , that's not actually how you're gonna do it because when you perform the algorithm , which I'll show you real quick , you'll slice back .
And these break up .
The way you actually want to pair it up is you're gonna wanna put basically this piece into one that has not been used .
So for instance , this could go into here , but this is not the same piece as what we are slicing it into .
This is the same piece .
So to put slice this piece into this piece , we have to flip this edge pair around by doing our algorithm ru prime back prime R two And then as you see , we flip this around and then what we can do is we can slice this with its similar piece , which is here .
And then we'll perform our uh flipping around the edge pair after slicing , which is R prime fur prime F and then slice .
And as you can see , we've completed the two edge pairs .
Now , there are a lot of cases that you can have , I'm gonna briefly show you lots of them that you can have as quick as I can .
Uh Just remember you're going to need to slice the two that are very , that are similar that because if you don't , you're not gonna be able to solve either of the edges .
Now , in this case , you might notice how we have both of the edges , the similar ones on the same side and a different center edge where it's not supposed to belong .
So you might notice how these two need to swap , but we can't just slice the middle because that's not gonna do anything .
So instead we're just gonna go ahead and slice one of these edges into here .
So kind of like this and then we'll perform our algorithm and then we'll slice back and then you'll notice that we have these two here and then these here .
Now normally what you might do is you might slice like this and then perform our next algorithm because these two are similar .
But instead actually what we can do is we can flip this around and slice this piece into here .
Now , the reason why you're gonna do this is because if you perform this algorithm here , you're gonna end up with double parity and you don't want double parity .
So if we slice like this , we can actually , when after we perform our algorithm have no parity and all the edges then are solved , then you could have this case here uh which is also very similar to the last one , how you had both of these ones on the same side .
But the only difference of this case is is the fact that one of these edges was flipped .
So to get to the other case that we have before , all we need to do is just perform our algorithm by swapping it .
And then from there , we can do our algorithms of the same case of which we have before to solve this case .
So then we'll have this here , turn it around , then we have these two slice , perform the algorithm slice back and then there you go , the last two edges are salt .
Now cases like these , you really just can't avoid and there are a lot of them .
And when you come across them , you're just gonna have to deal with it .
So for instance , you can notice that we can go ahead and slice this or we can go ahead and slice this , which is fine .
But after you performed our regular algorithm that we do , you will notice that we have parity and there really is just no way of avoiding getting just a single parody .
So if you have this , just deal with it , you'll just have to perform our usual algorithm to get past it .
Now , this case , I am pretty sure everyone who is watching this is going to like .
So as you can see , we have double parity right here and this is one of the cases , everyone just does not like to have an easy way to get rid of this .
And it saves so much time is to perform the algorithm twice by swiping only two cases .
And then from there , the size will be solved .
So the way we're gonna do this is it really doesn't matter if you're just gonna slice a piece into the other side .
It doesn't matter as long as if it's just not the center one .
So slice perform our Algo algorithm and then slice back .
Now , as you can see , we have a very interesting case here , you'll notice where these ones lined up here .
So if we turn it around like this , we can go ahead and slice , perform our algorithm slice back and the two edges are solved .
This case saves so much time .
And I definitely would recommend you do using this because nobody likes having to perform the parody algorithm twice .
All right .
So that's pretty much everything for this video .
I know , there was a lot more edge cases that you can have , but all of this is intuitive that you'll really just have to figure out on your own .
All right .
So thank you all so much for watching .
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So thank you all so much for watching and I'll see you all in my next video .