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2023-08-21 20:37:54

How to Draw a Hedgehog Easy

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Hi there .

We here from cute in this video , we're gonna draw a cute little hedgehog .

So let's get started with this little hedgehog .

We're gonna first start by drawing a curve .

So right here , I'm gonna be drawing a curve .

It's a nice simple curve like that and we're gonna start to bring it around .

So right here is gonna be where his little nose is .

So we're gonna come up a little bit , give you a little tip and then bring it around and nice soft curve right here .

So just imagine this is his little nose because this hedgehog is looking um to the side , it's a profile .

So we're gonna continue to bring down this curve and we're just gonna start to bring it in .

So we're almost done with his head part and we're gonna start to bring it in , but right here it will be about his neck and then we're gonna start to draw his tummy .

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So just keep going down and we're gonna start curving it out a nice round tummy .

So don't worry if your curves don't look exactly like mine .

Um Your hedge hedgehog could be shorter , fatter , skinny any any way you like .

It just depends on how you draw um these curves .

So don't worry if it doesn't look exactly like mine , it's gonna be cute anyways .

So let's come back up here .

So we don't get kind of lost .

We're gonna come back up here and put , put in a little nose .

So come at this tip right here and just curve up a little nose so that you can kind of see what's going on .

So by putting that little nose now , it looks a little bit more recognizable as to what you're drawing .

And then from there , let's bring this curve a little bit higher from there .

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We're gonna start to bring um these little um quills that come to line his face .

So we're gonna draw this curve , but we're not gonna be using a solid line .

We're gonna draw these little um little marks like that .

So just put your pen down and lift up .

So we're just gonna draw this curve using this technique .

So keep going all the way around .

So this is his head .

So we're gonna be drawing a curve about you where you um come in right here .

So we're gonna stop about right here .

You're drawing a curve .

So you give yourself a little point uh right there .

And so just keep going like that .

So the technique is to put your marker down and lift up , lift up .

So that's nice and soft towards the end And so then from there , when we come in , we're gonna start to bring this out a little bit more now .

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So it comes in about right there and this is where his body is .

We're gonna start to , um , open up this curve .

So we're gonna come about right here , do the same thing and this is his bi , so we're gonna bring down this curve a little bit more and just keep going .

So this is the shape that you're trying to build this little nose tummy and his um the start of his quills .

So we're just gonna keep coming down and right here , we're just gonna bring it in like that and let's just finish it off and connect it .

So then from there , let's come back in here and about right here is where we're gonna put the eyes .

So we're just gonna come here , draw a circle about right there because it's so small .

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We're just gonna give it one little highlight and then shade it in like that and draw a little curve at the top to anchor the eyes .

And I'm gonna come about right here and draw a little curve for the mouth and then cap it off .

Oh And then from there , let's um draw the hand .

So , but right here because this is where his face is and then we'll come back down here , it will be his hand .

So we're gonna come here and draw a little curve bring it around .

So I'm simplifying the hands and come out .

Then you can come in here and just drop two little curves and then on this hand , be a little bit diagonal right here .

We're gonna start to draw his other hand .

So about right here , we're gonna curve and he's holding my favorite thing to draw a dandelion .

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I'm gonna bring this curve around and you can bring in two little curves right here .

So it looks like his paws and we draw the dandy later , but let's finish off the hedgehog care .

So we're gonna come to the bottom right here and draw his little feet .

So we come right here , draw a little curve and once again , I'm simplifying the feet and just bring it in .

Same thing right here .

We're gonna draw the other foot a little higher and bring it in .

So now to draw his awesome cloth .

Oh , before I forget , sorry .

But right here in the center of this curve right here , we're gonna draw his ear before I forget .

So , just a nice little curve for his ears .

So now to draw the quills , so it's the same technique .

We're gonna come down right here and push it out .

Same thing .

So this part just have fun with it .

There's no right or wrong way to do this .

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We just want to be able to come all the way around and give him this nice full body of quills .

So I'm just gonna keep going and notice I'm once again , just putting my marker down and lifting up and pushing out .

So , like I said , have fun with this part and don't worry about being right or wrong or too long or too short .

So just keep coming down here , maybe from the bottom , you can change the direction a little bit , but we wanna give this , this nice curve so that it looks nice and fat .

So then you can come in here and just fill in here and there keep coming and it's the same technique , push down , out , down lift .

So I'm just gonna come in here really quickly and fill it up .

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So I hope you guys love this um cute little hedgehog and it made it easy for you to follow along and jaw .

A cute little hedgehog .

Thank you for all the requests .

I love these little guys .

They're so cute .

Ok .

So there , that's , I think that's enough .

Ok .

So there we got a little hedgehog in .

So now to draw um him holding um a dandelion .

So that's my favorite thing to draw if you've been following , but you can have him holding anything you want .

He could be holding a balloon , a flower .

But if you wanted to draw a Daniel , I'm gonna come here and just gonna draw a little , the stock of a line is gonna go through his hand .

So it's gonna be nice and close to his body .

So this is this stem right here and I'm just gonna imagine it being overlapped by the head and pop out by right there .

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There .

It's got my Dannion stem in and then from there , let's draw our Danel .

So like I said , you can put a flower or anything here you want .

It could be a little umbrella too .

OK .

So , but if you're drawing the line , it's the same thing as if you're drawing the quilts , just come put your lines lift and notice I'm kind of going in this circular this direction and come back in here and make it nice and poofy .

So that's our little dandelion there .

The cutest thing ever .

And of course he's outside .

So I'm gonna come right here and just draw some zig zags for grass .

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So go right here so we can then I'm gonna flatten this part out a little bit more and that's about it for this cute little uh hedgehog .

I hope you love it .

And if you do , please give me a thumbs up and share it and remember to subscribe .

So you won't miss any new dress .

So cute videos .

See you later .


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