Low carb diets are popular because they work .
But what exactly does low mean in this video , I'll define low carb and keto ranges explain why the types of carbs that you eat matters and help you determine the number of carb grams that you can eat and still lose weight .
There are different opinions on how to define a low carb or keto diet .
It is generally accepted that keeping your carb intake between 50 100 and 25 g per day means that you are following a low carb diet and reducing your daily carb intake below 50 g , pushes you into the keto range .
Now , at the beginning of the video , I mentioned that a low carb diet works .
So does that mean that you can eat 100 and 25 g a day and lose weight ?
Well , the answer to that question depends on a few factors , not the least of which is the speed of your metabolism and that rate at which your metabolism runs is influenced by things like your age , muscle mass genetics and a host of hormonal issues .
In other words , every body is unique .
So you can't point to one person and say he can eat 100 and 25 g of carbs per day and lose weight .
But she can only eat 50 .
But we can make generalized , for instance , a physically active young person with some weight to lose may find that they can eat 125 g of carbs per day and get consistent results .
Whereas a person over the age of 50 who has some hormonal or metabolic issues due to factors like being overweight for many years may find that their body only responds when their carbs are dropped below 30 g .
For instance , it's also good to note that not all carbs are created equal , you can eat a carb in its whole form or in a refined form .
Which one you choose to eat makes a lot of difference in how comfortably you progress towards your goal .
For instance , a slice of white bread has about 15 g of carbs , which is about the same amount found in this 2.5 ounce serving of raw almonds .
If you eat the refined piece of bread , it will pass through your system very quickly and you will be hungry again very soon .
If you eat this large pile of nuts , it will take a long time for your body to process the nutrients and hunger will be nowhere in sight for many hours to come .
And it's not a matter of calories if we reduce the number of nuts so that it is comparable to the calories .
In that single slice of white bread , you'd only be getting about 12 almonds .
However , the amount of digestion and therefore hunger satisfaction would still be greater with the nuts than it would be with the slice of bread .
And as an added bonus , these 12 almonds only have about 3 g of carbs compared to the whopping 15 g in the bread .
So how do you go about reducing your carb intake ?
So your body burns fat but doesn't get derailed by hunger and cravings .
Well , in my experience , there is wisdom in following a step down method .
If you are just getting started and your diet is currently filled with refined carbs like bread , pasta and the three CS cookies , cakes and candies , then you'll likely find that you can drop some pounds quickly by simply swapping the refined carbs for whole carbs .
Once you have better carbs coming in , you can focus on counting carb grams .
With the goal being to start at a level that feels doable for you .
And then stepping that level down to a point where your body consistently loses weight .
For instance , some of you might find it too intimidating to drastically cut carbs .
So you may want to set your target to consume no more than 100 and 25 g per day and then work your way down over time .
I find that many people start to do well when they bring their carbs down to 60 to 75 g per day .
While others may need to drop their carb intake lower and may find that 25 g or fewer is where they need to be to get consistent weight loss results .
The trick is getting the nutrients in .
When the carb count goes down .
You want to feed your body a variety of foods so that it is getting what it needs to keep you healthy and feeling good .
If you need a guide to follow , I have 2 21 day challenges available .
One challenge is low carb and the other is Keto , but both provide you with daily menus that explain exactly what to eat if you're interested .
You can follow the links provided on this video and down below in the description area .
Thanks for watching .
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