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2023-08-21 20:47:24

How to Make Homemade Fluffy Pancakes

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Mm .

Hi , everybody , everybody .

I'm back , everybody .

Jeanie Young is back and I'm back with yet another amazing recipe .

I am so excited because at the Young's house , I'm making some pancakes , guys .

Listen here , I'm gonna share with you all how I make amazing pancakes .

These pancakes are light .

They are fluffy .

They are absolutely simply amazing .

They're so easy to make .

They do not require a lot of ingredients and you know , you make them Jena Young style .

They're gonna be so tasty .

Here are the lovely ingredients you will need .

You all never had any nice , beautiful fresh fluffy pancakes .

Jena Young style , you better make yourself .

Here's what you're gonna need .

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Well , first of all , you cannot have pancakes without nice bacon on the side .

We're gonna brown up some beautiful blake bacon .

I have some black label , thick cut bacon .

Here .

You're gonna need 1.5 cups of all purpose flour .

OK ?

You can sift your flour if you like but you don't have to OK , you're gonna need 1/4 cup of melted butter .

Now , when you melt your butter , you want to give your butter some time to cool down .

You don't wanna put hot butter into your pancake mix .

OK ?

You don't want it to re solidify back up to its hard state , but let it cool down a little bit before you put it into your mixture .

You're gonna need two teaspoons of vanilla extract .

You all know me .

You know how I am with that vanilla .

I just kind of throw the vanilla in .

Vanilla is amazing .

It's gonna give a great fragrance and an amazing taste .

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You're gonna need one egg and right here , I'm gonna use two tablespoons of white granulated sugar .

The sugar is optional .

You don't have to put sugar in your pancake mix if you didn't want to .

So it's up to you .

You will need four teaspoons .

I know it sounds like a lot .

But if you want nice fluffy pancake , put four teaspoons of baking powder in your pancake mix .

I have some carry gold butter that we will be using .

That's the butter that I've milled it and we're gonna put on top this beautiful land O Lakes honey butter .

I have some pure maple syrup that we're gonna pour on top of our beautiful pancakes and I have one and 1/4 cup of butter milk .

You don't have to use buttermilk .

If you want to use any kind of milk that you have in your refrigerator , that's fine .

But when I think pancakes , I think buttermilk buttermilk is the way to go .

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You want some buttermilk pancakes all Right .

You're gonna need a pinch of salt and really just a pinch of salt will do the trick and a little bit of oil to coat your pan .

Are you that person that likes to cook your pancakes in oil or butter ?

I , I kind of go back and forth but I lean more towards using the oil because I like that crispiness , that crispy edge that the oil gives .

And I know some of my family members they like the butter .

So it's up to you whether you want to cook your pancakes in butter or oil .

Make sure your hands are impeccably clean .

Let's get started with this really quick and simple yet .

So tasty recipe .

Ok , everyone .

So the first thing that we wanna do , I wanna go ahead and cook some bacon , right ?

I feel like I don't wanna make my pancakes and then they're waiting on the bacon to cook .

Let's get that bacon done and then we'll make some pancakes .

Alright .

So I'm gonna go in I love black label bacon .

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I love thick cut bacon and I also love the sugar dale sugar dough .

Bacon is amazing as well .

It's like when you have , you know , bacon and pancakes is kind of like peas and carrots , they just go together and you cannot have pancakes alongside .

Um , you cannot have I'm sorry , you cannot have bacon alongside of your pancakes and not dip your bacon into that beautiful maple syrup .

Listen here my goodness .

My mouth is watering already and we're just getting started .

Well , I didn't forget to mention the blueberries .

The blueberries are here because I might , I just might share with you all how I make blueberry pancakes .

Ok .

I might make one blueberry pancake .

All right .

But I wanna share with you all this amazing recipe and show you that pancakes can be easy .

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The recipe is not hard and they can be light and fluffy .

I mean , like , I love pancakes , but I especially love them when they're nice and light and fluffy .

And that's what we're gonna do today .

Everyone .

Let's check on our bacon .

I got a few pieces that are almost done .

Beautiful .

I want to get this bacon nice and crispy so I can dip this bacon into that beautiful maple syrup that we have .

My goodness .

And I got some really good quality maple syrup there .

I cannot wait to dive in .

My mouth has been watering ever since I've been thinking about making this for you guys today , so I can't wait to dive in .

All right , we're going to continue to cook our bacon and then I'll be back very shortly and we're going to mix up some amazing pancakes .

Hey , everyone , we have some nice , beautiful crispy bacon .

Take a look at this bacon .

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Take a look at this bacon guys .

Oh , hey , you can't have these pancakes .

What ?

Without the bacon ?

All right , let's make our pancake mix really quick and simple .

We have 1.5 cups , all purpose flour sift it or don't sift it .

It doesn't matter .

You remember I said earlier , two tablespoons of sugar .

If you want , you don't have to use the sugar .

There's one tablespoon , here's a second tablespoon just like .

So we're gonna put all of the dried ingredients together and then we're gonna make a well in the middle and we're gonna , um , do our wet ingredients separate .

We're gonna mix that up and then we'll incorporate everything and we wanna make sure that we don't mix up this batter too much , mixing up the batter will call us for a really dense pancake and we don't want that right .

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So I'm just gonna level off four teaspoons , make sure this is my teaspoon of baking powder just like so perfect .

And then just a pinch of salt , just a pinch is all you're gonna need .

But you do need that pinch .

OK .

This is Kosher salt salt that I'm using and I'm just gonna pinch it that little bit right there .

Will definitely do the trick .

OK ?

So then let's mix these dried ingredients up very well .

I hope y'all are having an amazing day as well as a great work week .

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If y'all haven't seen my video that I did today for the Chinese chicken wings , you have to check out that video .

It was so much fun and the wings , listen , the wings were absolutely amazing .

Especially with that homemade sweet and sour sauce .

Check the video out .

You'll love it .

I'm just making sure that everything is well combined just as it is perfect .

OK ?

So now we're gonna mix up our wet ingredients .

Let me grab my other bowl and I'll be right back .

Now .

It's time for the wet part of the recipe .

One in 1/4 cup of butter milk .

You can use any kind of milk you have .

If you don't have butter milk , you can make buttermilk .

I hear that there's a way to make buttermilk using vinegar .

And I'm gonna be honest with you , I haven't done the trick before , but I have to do it so I can share it with you all .

One day .

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I'm gonna do an experiment and show you all how to make butter milk at home because I know you can always find it in your store .

Ok ?

So we're gonna use a half a teaspoon of vanilla that right there is gonna do the trick plus a little bit more , a little bit more to grow on .

I can't help myself .

All right , we're gonna put one a again and this is a large egg into the bowl just like so and then we're gonna put our 1/4 of melted butter that has been cooled down right in with our wet mixture , that little bit that has kinda spilled over .

Put that goodness in there too .

Alright .

So now I'm gonna go in .

I wanna give it a nice whisk .

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Just like so pretty simple .

That's because it is simple and everything Jeanie Young does is simple .

If you do this recipe , you're gonna really enjoy these pancakes .

We're gonna cook our pancakes on this flat top today , which I'm really excited about now that I have everything well incorporated , we're gonna make somewhat of a whale in the middle of our dried mixture and then we'll start to incorporate everything .

OK ?

Here's how we're gonna do it .

There's no certain way to do it .

Being honest , just get it in there .

I feel like I need to grab a soft spatula so that I can turn the mixture around as I'm pouring .

OK ?

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So now I have my soft spatula , we're just gonna kind of move the mixture around just like .

So until everything's incorporated , one thing you don't want to do is mix this mixture up too much .

That's a no , no , OK .

You don't want it to be really dense and heavy .

You want this to be light and fluffy and guess what the good thing about this is , it's OK if there are lumps in this mix , I know it sounds kind of weird but it's true .

The more lumpier , the better not saying that you want it like this because you want to make sure that everything is well incorporated .

You just don't want to mix it too much .

You all understand that .

I know you do .

Now listen here if you all have a , seen my video that I made I think two years ago for the ricotta pancakes .

I'm I have a video for how to make ricotta pancakes .

It's amazing .

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And in that video I share with you all how to make a blueberry sauce that you drizzle over those pancakes .

Listen here , check the video out after this video goes off .

You have to watch this video first .

You have to .

All right , so now we're just to the point to where I'm happy how everything looks .

Look at this .

It's beauty , beauty baby .

And guess what ?

That's enough .

Mixing no more mixing is needed .

Those lumps in there just fine .

Don't stress out .

Now when you're making your pancakes the size of your pancakes .

What size is your pancake gonna be ?

I got a trick for you .

If you use a one third cup that's gonna give you like the perfect size pancake .

If you want bigger pancakes , then feel free to use a bigger measuring cup .

Ok ?

But I'm gonna show you what size this makes here .

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Let's get our pan nice and hot .

I'm gonna put it on 2 50 and I can feel it getting hot now and like I spoke about earlier .

Are you the person that wants to use butter ?

Are you gonna use oil ?

Like I'm gonna do like I said , I go back and forth with the butter .

I never know which one I'm gonna do , I think the oil is the best for me .

Not too much and then I'm gonna go in and I wanna take my handy dandy little cute little brush here , my silicone brush and I wanna oil my , I wanna oil my flat top here .

I have a little bit extra oil so I'm gonna get rid of that oil and I'll be right back .

Ok , everyone .

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So right away I put a little too much oil on , so I just took this paper towel and I plotted my flat top until I got the perfect amount of oil that I want for my pan here .

Ok , so then here's what we're gonna do .

We're gonna take our handy dandy measuring cup and we're gonna start to put our pancakes onto the flat top in this manner .

Right ?

I'm gonna try to get four or five so I can stack them nice and high for you all .

Oh , I can't wait , baby .

I'm so excited .

My goodness .

When is the last time you all had amazing pancakes ?

Let me know in the comment section .

Like I said when I think pancakes , I think bacon and pancakes and orange juice .

That's all I need .

And I'm happy .

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So this give me five nice size pancakes .

Oh , yeah .

I'm gonna take that extra kind of palette on .

You'll start to see bubbles .

But with this mix , this mix is so lumpy , there's a chance that you won't see a lot of bubbles .

Just take a peek in every once in a while with your spatula and make sure that it's not getting too dark on .

Ok ?

So then I'm gonna do just that with the ones that we put on first .

Just keep a good eye on them just like , so they're not gonna take hardly any time to cook .

And I told you all , I would make a blueberry pancake for you just to show you how it works .

Let's make this one here that blueberry pancake .

You're just gonna wanna put some fresh berries in .

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If you're that person that loves chocolate chip pancakes or your kids love chocolate chip pancakes .

Now is the time to put the chocolate chips right in .

Ok ?

We're just gonna do one right ?

Pretty simple .

And these blueberries will kind of burst and just , oh , it's just gonna be gorgeous in the inside and give you a great taste as well .

Ok ?

We're gonna keep a good eye on these .

Once they start to get nice , beautiful , full and golden brown , we'll flip these bad boys over .

Ok ?

Everyone , it's time to turn some pancakes .

Let's go .

I see a few that need to be turned .

So we're just gonna give them a nice turn just like .

So if anything splatters to the side just kind of push it back .

All right .

Really simple .

Turn it over .

Oh , they're so fluffy .

I love this recipe for that specific reason .

They are so fluffy .

Oh , I love it .

Cannot wait .

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Look how thick they are .

Oh .

And here's the thing .

I wish that each and every one of you were here so you could taste just how fluffy these bad boys right here are .

Oh , my goodness .

Now , now I'm getting excited .

My mouth is watering .

Let me know any time during this recipe .

If your mouth started watering and your stomach started rumbling .

Once these get nice , beautiful and golden brown , the other side won't take hardly any time because the other side has done much of the cooking .

You only got a little bit of pancake to cook on the other side .

Oh , as soon as they get that beautiful color .

Look at this .

Come on in .

Look at this .

Look how thick you see that beautiful .

That's how thick your pancake should be nice , thick and fluffy .

Look at this one on the inside .

Look at the , look at the blueberries .

Can you get , can you get a whiff of that ?

Oh , baby , be back .

My goodness .

Everyone our pancakes are done .

Let's take them off .

Let's play them .

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If you all enjoyed this here video .

Give me a thumbs up .

Look at this .

Oh , and if you haven't subscribed , make sure you subscribe .

Make sure you click on that notification bell so you can be notified every time Gina Young uploads one of these awesome recipes .

Tell your family and friends and everyone you know all about Gina young and what I'm doing in this kitchen on a daily basis .

Absolutely .

Look at this .

Oh , this is like mm mm mm .

I don't even have to say it .

I don't even have to say it .

Girl , you are something else in this kitchen .

You hear me ?

Let me straighten this one up .

I want it just perfect .

I want it just lined up just perfect .

And this one here come take a peek in at this one .

This one will go on a separate plate .

That one there .

I'm gonna give that one to Dakota .

We have the beautiful blueberries .

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Oh It's just like so amazing .

He'll be able to eat that in the morning .

Ok ?

So I'll set this aside .

Turn my stove off , come in and look at this guys .

Look at this beautiful can you get a good view in from right there ?

And now we're gonna take our carry gold .

Oh yeah , that carry gold salted butter is definitely the way to go .

We're gonna take some of this butter and we're gonna put it right on top baby .

Oh girl who ?

Gina Young .

You , you , you , you , you , you something else .

You are something else .

Tell your family and friends and everyone you know all about Gina Young and what I'm doing in this kitchen on a daily basis .

Absolutely .

All right .

I wanna try to keep this butter on here so I can get a really nice picture .

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Excuse me .

Let's get this maple syrup in here .

Look at this drizzle .

I am a sucker for a good drizzle .

Oh my word .

Be right back guys .

Everyone .

There's one thing I almost forgot .

I almost forgot that I wanted to use that Land O Lakes .

Honey butter on top of these pancakes .

Come on in .

Look at this .

Oh girl .

Heavenly father , Lord Jesus .

We thank you for today and for every day .

Lord , we thank you for your love .

Time , your mercy and your understanding .

Please forgive us for our sins .

Come into our hearts .

We make you our Lord and savior .

Send your angels down to surround us day and night and your holy spirit to help us make good decisions .

Give us peace over our mind .

In the name of Jesus devil , you have no authority over this household devil .

You are bound in the name of Jesus .

Heavenly father .

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We thank you for the roof over our head , the food , the love , the peace and the joy that you bring us .

Lord .

We thank you for that .

Amen .

Let's dive in .

Oh , let's dive in .

Look at this .

I catch that butter before it falls .

Look , and I just have a plate full of syrup .

Oh , I poured the syrup on so I can get a really good picture for this video .

All right .

Come on .

Let's dive in .

Where am I coming from ?

Where am I coming from ?

Amen .

Once again to my beautiful prayer , we're gonna cut down into two layers of this amazing , beautiful fluffy goodness .

And I want you all to see the inside of this pancake .

Now this here this is one pancake and I want you to see just how thick this is .

Let me know in the comments section .

What you think about that ?

Is that a nice fluffy thick pancake or what ?

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This is the kind of pancake that you need to be feeding to your loved ones .

Taste that and let me know what you think .

I'm going in .

Hm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mhm .

Oh my goodness .

Hm .

Oh , this is so good .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

I am like so happy right now .

Look at this .

Beautiful .

Oh .

Mm .

Mm .

Look at those guys .

Look down in here that bacon .

Mm .

Mm .

Hm .

Mm .

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Oh God , that's good , ma'am .

Mm .

Mhm .

We're going in for another bite .

Mm .

This is how , this is how pancakes should be .

Look at that .

Look once again just how beautiful and fluffy .

Look at the top .

My goodness .

This is it guys .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Uh hm .

And as always God bless you all .

Mm .

Thank you all for watching .

Good night .

That's good .


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