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2023-08-22 22:12:22

Skinny girls workout tutorial to gain weight fast! (lower body)

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Hey , everyone , how are you guys going ?

Welcome back to my channel .

This is the best channel for those who are wanting to gain weight by building muscle .

Now , in today's video , I'm going to be talking about the three basic leg movements that you must include in your leg workout .

But at the same time , what we're going to talk about today is the posture , the technique and the mistakes that probably you guys are making when doing these exercises , which is the reason why you probably um you know , experiencing knee pains or lower back pains .

So all those mistakes is what I'm going to address in this video so that you can make sure that you're doing the exercises properly before you move into that progressive overloading side of things , which is how you will experience muscle growth .

And of course , over time you will gain weight .

So let's get right into it .

So the first exercise is basically squats .

Now , one thing that you need to understand is there are all of these different kinds of variations out there , right ?

Narrow stands , wide stands or sumo squats or whatnot , right ?

So what's important here is I'm not trying to explain the variations here .

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What I'm trying to explain to you guys is how your body posture should be .

What the exact technique should be when it comes down to doing any kind of squats .

Right now , all you need to change when you're doing different variations is how far away your legs are going to be .

Right .

That's the only thing that you will change , but that is easy to adopt as long as you know how to actually perform the movement from the starting position to the end position .

Right now .

The first thing which is very , very important when it comes down to doing any kind of exercise is that your starting position has to be right , right .

That energy flow has to be right in the starting position to have , you know , everything that your body can give you to perform that movement .

Right .

So what the first thing is that your starting position , which is you want to , this is this is not your starting position .

Ok .

Your abs are not engaged at all .

You are kind of crunching here .

This is not your starting position .

Your starting position is chest out , shoulders , pulled back , abs , nice and tight , right .

You need to engage your abs .

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So basically this is how you are .

You want to pull the belly button inside so that your abs are nice and engaged .

You want to tighten up this area .

I'm still breathing normally , I'm still talking , I'm not holding up my breath , but this is how you want to make sure that this midsection is tightened up and nice and engaged .

And this for any kind of exercise .

And to be honest , this applies to , you know , your regular lifestyle as well .

Whenever you're sitting down , whenever you're walking , you want to make sure that this upper body is nice and upright .

Right .

So basically get into the whatever variation you're going with , you know , whatever your leg position should be , get into that position , shoulders , back , chest out , abs , nice and tight .

And this spine area has to be nice straight , right .

When your core is engaged , you will make sure that from the starting position to the end position , your spine is staying nice and straight because that is how you will avoid that low back pain , right ?

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When there is not much engagement here , that is when you tend to , you know , crunch forward and then you put unwanted pressure on the lower back , which is the reason why a lot of people experience low back pain , right ?

Ok .

So basically leg stands , upper body is nice and engaged .

Now , the one important queue when it comes down to squatting is no matter how you're holding the weight , if it's in the front or on the side or on your back , whatever it is , what you want to do is you want to sit backwards right ?

As if there is something over here and you are supposed to sit on it .

Ok .

That's how you want to sit .

So that's the first queue very , very important one that whenever you're squatting down , you need to pretend that you're sitting backwards , right ?

So this is how you want to do the squatting , right ?

This is the end position and then you come back up .

Now for those people who experience any kind of knee pain or they experience a bit extra pressure on the knees , why that is happening ?

That is happening because instead of sitting backwards like this , they are kneeling forwards , right ?

They , they are doing this .

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This is not what you want to do because when you do this , you're putting pressure on your knees , the movement is not this , the movement is this ok .

So that has to be correct .

Whatever leg stance you're choosing , your toes are also going to always going to be in a little little angle , right ?

So the idea is that when you squat down , your knee should follow the direction of the toes , right ?

They shouldn't go in or they shouldn't go to out , right ?

So you want to control that movement .

So when you are squatting down , your aim is to keep the toes and knees in the same angle as well as you want to make sure that your knees don't go past your toes , right .

Your knees should always stay right above the toes or a little bit further back a little bit out is ok , but this is bad because that's when your knees are under a lot of compromising position .

And then the third queue here is a range of motion , right ?

Whenever you're doing any kind of squad , if you are , you know , of course , you want a progressive overload when it comes down to muscle building and stuff like that .

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But at the same time , you want to make sure that your posture is correct before you load yourself up or your range of motion is correct before you start loading yourself up , right ?

So if you're somebody who's new to it , then definitely check out this video of mine because um that can be a great start a video for you guys , which is , you know , completely body weight , which means you can then work on your posture , you can work on your range of motions first before you go ahead and add any kind of weight on yourself , right ?

So what I mean by a range of motion is that um you want to at least aim for that when you are squatting down , you want to aim for that , your thighs , your quads come parallel to the ground , right ?

That is where you want to come down if you're lifting like a five kg double or something , and then if you're just doing this not good .

Ok .

Don't worry about lifting that weight if your range of motion is not good , right ?

If this is what you're doing with the weights that you're lifting , throw that weight away and start with body weight and aim for this aim for this first .

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Once you're able to do this properly with body weight , that's when you can slowly start introducing dumbs and then keep on increasing the numbers as you progress whilst you are able to maintain this range of motion .

That's what you're doing now , moving on to the second exercise , which is dead lifts , amazing exercise for not just for the back side of your legs , which is your glutes your hands , strings , but also for your back , right ?

And not just lower back , but you know , all of your back .

Because whenever you are pulling the weight up , you're engaging all of your back muscles to pull that weight up right now though .

It's an amazing exercise .

But this is one of the exercise where most of the people especially , they experience a lot of pain in this area right in the , in the lower back area .

So the pain is basically coming from the wrong posture that they're doing an engagement of wrong muscles when lifting the weight up , right .

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So whenever you feel any kind of pressure in lower back , that means the core area like this area , you did not engage it properly , right , you let it loose like this instead of keeping it nice and tight , nice and engaged , nice and straight because once your core is nice and engaged and nice and tight .

There is no way you will be using your lower back to lift yourself back up .

Right .

You will be able to create a better mind to muscle connection with your glutes , with your hamstrings to , you know , bring that weight nice and up and perform your dead lifts the way it should be performed , right .

So that is the key that midsection has to be nicely engaged .

Plus the starting position has to be right and third mind to muscle connection has to be right to ensure that you're using the right muscle that should be involved in that particular movement .

Right ?

So again , there are different kinds of variations , you know , narrow stands , wide stands , there are conventional dead lives , there are Romanian deadlines , there are stiff legged dead lives , also dead lists are there .

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So again , I'm not going to talk about the variations here , but no matter what kind of variations you're doing , once you understand the basic posture and the technique of the exercise , you will be fine with any kind of variation , right ?

So first comes the starting position of the exercise .

So , you know , no matter what kind of variation , you , you can adjust your legs accordingly .

And then again , you know , pull your shoulders , back , chest out , abs , nice and engaged core , nice and tight .

This midsection has to be nice and tight .

Right now , the movement that you have to do and keep in mind is that you're bending forward , you're hinging at your hips .

But at the same time when you're doing that bend , you're not just bending forward like this , right .

You're bending forward and you're pushing your hips backwards , right .

So you're doing this , ok , you're bending forward and you're pushing your hips backwards so that you can create this angle here , which is where you will feel the most stretch in your hamstrings , right ?

Because of course , it's mainly focused on your hamstrings .

And then of course , your glutes are also involved in the exercise .

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So basically , what you want to do is keeping in mind that yes , you are bending forward , but then you are driving your hips backwards so that you can create this angle here , feel a good stretch and then pressing through your heels , you bring yourself back up and you squeeze your glutes in this position .

Ok ?

So when you do that , when you create that angle , keeping your abs nice and tight , your core nice and engaged and then pushing through your heels and engaging your glutes to lift yourself back up , there is no way there is going to be any unwanted pressure on your lower back , right ?

So as long as you can do that , and as long as you can kind of create that mind to muscle connection with your hamstring and with your glutes , while doing the exercise , you will be able to keep any kind of pressure away from your lower back .

Second mistake that a lot of people do is , you know , when we're doing any kind of dead list , what you want to make sure is that whatever weight you're holding , whether it's dumb or bubbles or whatnot , you want to make sure that the weight stays close to your body .

Right .

For example , I'm holding a dumble or a bar or whatever .

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When I'm doing the exercise , I want to keep the weights close to my body , the far it will go , it will put a lot of extra pressure on your back .

Ok ?

So this is one of the other mistakes that a lot of people do that when they go down , they do this , ok ?

And as as soon as they do this , then the body has to kind of , you know , include a lot of extra muscle , including your lower back muscles to kind of , you know , understand that how they will be holding that weight that far away from the body .

And that's when you engage this muscle .

And then of course , you know , over the period of time and you constantly do the same thing , you will experience pain in that back , right ?

So that is a big no , make sure whenever you're doing the exercise , any kind of dead lifts the weight , sorry , the weight has to stay closed to your shins , right , almost rubbing through the shins and then you bring yourself back up .

And the third mistake that a lot of people do is that , you know , there is no control , there is no engagement in the spine .

And what they're doing is , you know , they are , they're crunching when they're doing their dead list .

Right .

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Which means again , it takes you back to the starting position that your abs were not engaged .

Which is the reason why , you know , you're just doing this , your shoulders and your upper body was not nice and upright , which is the reason why you just like , you know , kind of crunching when you're doing your dead lifts .

And of course , you know , again , the posture , the starting position is incorrect .

And when you do that , you're just putting too much pressure on your , on your back because there is , there is no engagement going on , right .

The body is not nice and tight .

All the unwanted muscles are involved in when you're doing that exercise .

And then of course , where you're supposed to feel , you won't feel there and instead you will feel in your arms or in your , in your back and all that kind of stuff and you will experience all that unwanted pain .

So basically , no matter what kind of variation you're doing off a dead lift , just make sure you bend forwards , drive your hips backwards , keep the weights close to your body go as low as possible where you can feel the most stretch whilst also making sure that the spine stays nice and straight , right .

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You don't want to go all the way down and lose your upper body , um , posture .

You want to only go far enough where you can feel a good stretch , maintain the posture and bring yourself back up .

Ok .

And now comes the third exercise , which is our lunges .

Now again , there are millions of variations of lunges as well .

So I'm not going to get into the variations .

But the one major thing that a lot of people struggle with is balancing because of course , you know , your legs are not together , you have kind of like , you know , staggered them a little bit .

Um So one thing is balancing , which of course , will take a lot of practice and stuff like that , you know , to kind of figure out the balancing side of things .

But what you can do in the initial phase of your weight gain journey is that you can adopt for a rail track leg placement instead of tightrope placement , right ?

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What tight tightrope means is that , you know , your front leg is almost , you know , in front of your back leg .

So when this happens , you know , a lot of balancing issues happen , right ?

So if you have any issues with balancing , when doing any kind of lunges , what you can do is instead of keeping them right in front of each other , you can keep them a little bit far apart , right like this .

So it's like a rail track which will give you a bit better , you know , balancing , especially in the initial phases .

And then of course , as you progress in , you grow stronger , you can bring that leg back and you know , you can progress to that position , right .

And if you still struggle with balancing yourself , no matter what kind of leg placement you're doing , you can always do the exercise next to a wall in the initial stages and just make sure you take support from a wall or from any kind of object to kind of , you know , understand that balancing side of things , understand the exercise first and then you can remove that hand from the wall and do the exercise solo without taking any kind of assistance .

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Also , another thing to find that balance is that when you're doing any kind of lunges or any kind of single leg exercise , just make sure that you keep your eyes at one point and don't move your eyes around too much because of course , when you move around your eyes too much , then you kind of lose your balance .

But if you're looking at one place , then you can maintain that balance , you can create that mind to muscle connection a lot better and you can actually focus on the actual exercise and the muscles that you should be engaging in that particular movement .

Now , what the posture should be when it comes down to lunges is basically , you know , of course , the upper body posture remains the same for any kind of exercise , which is , you know , shoulders pulled back , chest out , abs , nice and tight .

So that , you know , you have nice upright body when you get to the starting position of the exercise .

Right now , what's important is in lunges is to understand the split that you're creating whilst doing your lunges has to be .

Right .

Right .

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So a lot of people do it like this where , you know , the gap between the legs is not much , which means when they lunch down , they lean forward , the knees goes way past their toes , which means they put so much pressure , unwanted pressure on the knee .

And that is um when they experience knee pains and stuff like that , right .

That's not what you're doing .

Just basically treat it as a single leg squat , which means you want to separate your legs at a distance where you can ensure where you can ensure that when you , you know , lunch down your front leg , which is the working leg comes almost parallel to the ground , your knee always stays behind or right above your toes , it's not going like this , ok ?

And then you're sitting straight down , ok ?

Sitting backwards as if you're sitting on a chair , the same strategy that we apply for any kind of squad as well that instead of leaning forward , you want to sit backwards , right , so that you can put pressure on that quad , put pressure on that glute that you are , you know , trying to engage with that working leg .

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Now , how wide that step has to be can vary from person to person because of course , you know , we all have some people have long legs , some people have short legs , the thigh muscles are longer for some people shorter for some people .

So it may vary for everybody .

But what you want to do is before starting the exercise , you know , just , just split your legs apart and see how your legs are positioning .

When you're actually performing , the movement is your working like coming to the ground , right ?

Is your knee going past or not ?

Right ?

So this is how you will determine if you need to go shorter or go wider or whatnot , right ?

And of course , when you're doing that , you know , with that nice upright posture , you want to make sure that your upper body stays is nice and straight , right ?

You don't want to do this , OK ?

Because if you're going to do this , then again , you are keeping everything loose and you're putting unwanted pressure on your , on your back , right ?

Which of course you don't want to do because that , that's when you experience , you know , uh back pain and stuff like that , right ?

So you always want to make sure that the upper body stays nice and straight .

And the whole idea is that you're going down and up , down and up , ok ?

Keeping the whole body engaged .

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Now , another important thing is range of motion .

Now , a lot of people , you know , because of course , muscle building is all about progressive overloading and people are like , you know , loading themselves with the weights and stuff like that , but they're actually not focusing on the range of motion , right .

But again , you know , if you're , if you're holding all these big massive dumb and this is what you're doing , throw those dumbs away because you're not really doing any justice to the muscle that you're working on , right ?

Throw those dumbs away , work on your range of motion first before you decide to load yourself up with any kind of dumble .

And of course , if you're a big enough start with lighter weights and then progress to heavier weights , right ?

Put your ego away .

Don't worry about lifting five kgs from day one because if , as I said , if you're doing this , there's no point lifting five kgs or 10 kgs because your muscle is not even getting the work done that it should to experience that growth .

So there you go guys .

I hope you enjoy today's video .

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And as I said , if you're an absolute beginner or if you are still figuring out the posture , the techniques and things like that for these basic movements , then 100% learn from this video and then be sure to start with this low body body weight workout at home so that you can practice the movements and better yourself in the posture and techniques of these basic movements .

And then of course , you can explore all of the other exercises that are there on my youtube channel to get that leg gains coming your way .

And of course , always make sure that you are supporting all your workouts and your weight gain journey with good surplus calories .

And I posted this amazing video last week where I talked about the five perfect weight gain foods that you must include in your food plan .

So definitely check out that video as well if you haven't seen it yet and be sure to include those kind of ingredients and ensure that you're eating in surplus every single day to support those gains and keep gaining and keep getting stronger .

Alright , you guys on that note , I'm gonna see you guys next week till then .

Be sure to practice , practice , practice and keep growing .

See you guys .


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